Chapter 78 : Alert pt-2

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"Wake little piece of heart...wake up...uncles and aunts would come soon " said Alec looking at his little piece of heart who was sleeping peacefully snuggled into his body.

Alec smiled looking at the most precious treasure which he possessed.

Alec caressed Max's little head lovingly.

Max rubbed his eyes once and held Alec tight with his two little plum hands in his sleep. One of Max's little feet went on Alec's bump.

Alec smiled at his baby boy.

Alec kissed Max's eyes and then his nose and said " Wake up...your Highness , the whole world is waiting for you have to accomplish a big task soon...wake up the future king of Edom..."

After rubbing his little eyes with his little plum hands........

Max gradually opened his eyes.

The first thing which he saw was the beautiful blue eyes of Alec. Max looked at his Dada. After a pause of few seconds he gave his world winning smile and held his Dada's face lovingly. Alec smiled and said " Wake up little piece of heart , the guests will come soon and you are the centre of attraction ...which you always are though."

Max giggled and sat upright on the bed.

"Dadda...???" said Max.

"Yes" asked Alec.

"Thak you ...." said Max.

Alec looked confused at Max for few seconds and asked "Thank you ....for what ...Sweetie...???"

"Fo thhhe carrr.." said Max to his Dada.

Alec said " are most welcome....."

Alec held Max close to his body and cuddled him ....

Max giggled .

Magnus entered the bedroom hearing the sounds.

"What is going on...???" asked Magnus amuzingly .

Alec looked at Magnus holding Max tight to his body and said " Magnus ...I am ...I am...sorry, like I always wanted to say you this a say this...that you are not the only man whom I love ...there is someone else in my life..."

Magnus looked at Alec for some time trying to read his expression and said " Oh...really....then I think this is the time for me to confess to you too that you are not the only one whom I have loved , Alexander...there is another man in my life too...."

Alec looked at Magnus and asked " Well in that case ....I think we must reveal to each other the persons whom we love...that would be fair on our part ..."

Max was looking once at his Dada and then at his Papa . He got a little scared hearing the serious tone of the conversation between his parents.

Magnus looked at Alec and nodded.

"Yes , you are right ...we must confess to each other about our other loves." said Magnus.

Magnus looked at Alec and said " Well, then I will start with my confession. The man whom I love has the most innocent smile in this world . I feel so full of life looking into his beautiful eyes. His eyes are so full of purity . He is royal......what about you, Alec ?? "

"Well , mine one has the most beautiful eyes in this world as well. He has the power to rejuvenate me everytime I look at him . He is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in this world.And he is royal too , Magnus." said Alec seriously.

Magnus stepped gradually to Alec towards the bed. Alec slowly sat up on the bed and pulled Max closer.

Max sat royally on Alec's lap.

Magnus sat beside Alec on the bed and said " I ...I ...have to tell you that I love the future king of Edom, Alexander..."

Alec looked at his arms at Max and said " Oh...Magnus , the other person whom I love is also the future king of Edom...."

Magnus looked at Alec and said " We both love the same person then ,apart from each other..."

Alec nodded his head.

Max was looking at his Dada and Papa. He was little scared thinking that his parents were dicussing something serious.

Magnus looked at Max and said to Alec " You are actually holding onto the very person whom I love."

Both Alec and Magnus looked at each other very seriously for some time ....

Max was looking at his Dada and then at his Papa ....

"Dadda....Pappa...." uttered Max scared . He thought his parents were serious on some grave issue.

Magnus and Alec looked at Max .

They exchanged a look at each other and after few seconds ...both of them broke out into a  bout of laughter.

Max looked at his parents confused.

"Oh...Love ...look at his face  ....he got so scared thinking that we were fighting...oh God...he is so cute...." said Magnus amidst laughing hard.

Alec laughed along with his warlock and said "Oh...yes Magnus ...he is so cute ...looking so seriously at us..."

Magnus held Max's chin up with his forefinger and said "Oh ..little love are the other Man whom Dada and Papa love, other than each other..."

Alec said " Yes...and you have most beautiful smile in this world and most precious face...."

Max pouted and held his little arms crossed on his chest.

Both Magnus and Alec looked at each and other and then at Max.

" little baby got angry on Dada and Papa for scaring him.." said Magnus.

Alec controlled a laugh.

"Yes...he is mad at us..." said Alec.

"What can we do to make our little love happy....?" asked Magnus looking suggestively at Alec.

Alec looked at Magnus and nodded  his head understanding what Magnus wanted him to do.

Alec smiled cleverly at Magnus .

Without any warning Alec and Magnus started to tickle Max.

Max squirmed and started to laugh with his little lungs out.

Alec and Magnus kissed their little piece of heart after a good session of tickling.

Magnus snapped his fingers and soon Max's new set of jumper appeared on the bed.

Alec took the jumper and said " Now the birthday boy will be dressed to look the most handsome young man of two. "

Magnus started undressing Max from his pyajamas.

Alec dressed Max while Magnus held Max tight because ...Max becomes the most moving thing in this world when his parents tried to dress him.

Magnus snapped his fingers and a pair of new little shoes appeared.

Alec put them on Max's little feet.

Alec looked at his little piece of heart in his new jumper. He was so overwhelmed with Max's cuteness that he bent and kissed Max on his forehead , his chubby cheeks , then his little tummy.

Max giggled .

Magnus looked at Max and said " are looking really cute...after all you are Magnus Bane's Papa like son...."

Alec chuckled.

Magnus smiled at Alec and pulled Max on his arms . He kissed Max and said to Alec ..." Get dressed Love...the guests will drop by soon."

//to be continued //


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