Chapter 27 : Magnus!!! Pt 3

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"Alec, have this will make yourself ill..." said Clary shoving a tray with a cup of coffee and few cookies.   Alec was sitting in his office in Operation Centre and supervising the men to give any information about Adams Scot Trueblood.  Max was on Alec's arm refusing to leave his Dada even after Clary tried a lot. He wanted to be with his Dada.  Also , Alec's secretary Andrew tried to distract Max but Max clutched himself onto Alec's body .  Clary was standing by Alec's chair.

Andrew said " I think , Master Max is too scared to leave his Dada..."

Alec replied " No, Andrew , I am too scared to leave him , he just understands that . "

Andrew gave an understanding smile and said " We are working at our full strength . We will find out Mr. BaneLightwood very soon. "

Alec gave a smile to Andrew for his reassuring words.

Andrew went outside Alec's office to supervise the work of finding Adams Scot Trueblood.

"Alec , have the food..." said Clary.

"I can't Clary ...." said Alec .

Clary looked at Max on Alec's arm who was looking at his Dada and his Aun Clwy.

Clary mouthed a please to Max.

Max looked at Alec and said ,

"Dadda..cookie.." .

" want cookie..." said Alec and pulled a cookie from the tray and held it before Max. Max took the cookie in his plum hands and lifted his hand up to his Dada's face.

Alec smiled at Max.

"Oh...little wanted the cookie to feed me..." said Alec overwhelmed.

Clary smiled at little Max in awe.

Alec took a bite of the cookie from Max's little hand and fed a little piece to Max too. Max smiled  and said ""

"Oh angel....when you tell me to eat so lovingly , I cannot say a no..." said Alec and finished the plate of cookie , making Max to feed half of them .

Clary  looked at the duo lovingly and said to Alec " Now , I know , whom to say when I want you to accept something , stubborn Lightwood."

Alec chuckled a little and mumbled "Crazy Red Head".

Clary laughed at Alec's remarks and was about to move out of the office when Alec said " Clary..."

Clary stopped in her way and turned to Alec.

" Thank you for the blanket and sandwiches yesterday..." said Alec.

Clary smiled and said " No Thank You ,  I do things because I love my family , that includes , you , Magnus and Max ...."

Alec smiled a little at the red head.

Clary trying to lighten the mood....

" Okay , I am going to see , what is going on with this Adam Scot Trueblood.....and Alec we will find out Magnus ...Don't worry " said Clary seriously.

Alec nodded his head and uttered a thank you .

Clary smiled and moved out of the office.


" Alec , we searched every data base , there is no one named Adams Scot Trueblood. " said Jace coming into Alec's office. 

Max made grabby hands towards Jace .

Alec raised his brows.

Jace pulled Max in his arms and said "What??"

"Max was refusing to go to anyone ...but he made grabby hands towards you ...." said Alec surprised.

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