Chapter 45: Parabati Time

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Jace was feeling a little anxious through out the day . The feel which he got in the presence of his new member of the family-his son was confusing to him. Why in the vicinity of little Lucifer , Jace felt so uncomfirtable , Jace did not know. He did not know whom to say about his feelings. Clary??? No , Clary is the mother , she had every chance of misundertsanding Jace on this matter. When it comes to children , women behaves differently. She would no longer be anyone's girlfriend or anyone's wife , she would  only be  a " mother" at that moment .

Jace wanted someone with whom , he could empty his heart. This is  a time when one needs a best friend , a parabati.Jace was passing through Alec's office when he peeked into Alec's room and saw Alec was sitting on his office chair with his head on his hands .

He felt his parabati rune . There was a little sensation of sadness through his Parabati bond. His parabati is sad ....Jace thought of asking.

"May I come in, Sir" asked Jace.

Alec looked up and saw Jace was seeking permission to enter his high securitised office.

Alec smiled and said " You don't need permission Jace to enter into my office. "

Jace smiled and said " May be a best friend doesn't need a permission but a  subordinate needs it from the Inquisitor of the Clave."

Alec smiled and  said " Permission granted , Mr . Herondale."

"Thank you , Sir." said Jace . He smiled and entered into Alec's office. He went forward and hugged Alec , kissing his temple. Alec smiled in the soothing embrace of his best friend and Parabati.

Jace sat on the chair in front. "This time I am not taking your permission , Big brother because I am too tired and I need to sit. " said Jace.

Alec smiled and said " You are most welcome , Parabati."

Jace looked straight into Alec's eyes.

"What ???" asked Alec.

" You know it ...I feel what you feel Alec ..." said Jace.

"Tell me , what is that , which is causing you so much of  anxiety ?" asked Jace.

"It's's nothing...Jace ....nothing..." tried Alec to hide his true feelings.

"Really are no more a teenager , you are a father of a one and a half year you think , I would buy your words...???" asked Jace.

Alec looked at Jace sheepishly .

"Spill it...Parabati ." said Jace.

Alec looked at Jace and said " Okay ....its just that Max was wanting a little brother lately , so I wanted to give him what he wants . I talked with Magnus for a second child but Magnus is mad at me ..."

Jace looked at Alec straight into his eyes as if trying  to see through Alec's soul.

"Hmm...I agree with him ...." said Jace looking at Alec.

Alec's jaws dropped and said " You agree with ...MAGNUS ?"

"Yah ....this may sound shocking to you but , this time I agree with your husband. " said Jace with his arms on his chest.

Alec looked at Jace as if he was just been betrayed by someone very close.

"Don' look at me like that ...Parabati"said Jace.

"I still remember that horrible picture of you lying on the floor of Edom palace  with blood all over legs. Catarina frantically trying to save you and Max . Even ,she was unsure whether she would be able to save you then. You were almost dead , its only newborn Max being the manifestation of venerated Great Demon saved  you ...I don't know what would have happened if Max did not used his magic. " said Jace closing his eyes in the fearful anticipation.

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