Chapter 88 : Bad Woman pt 1

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"Magnus ..." called Alec to his warlock husband.

"Yes, Love " said Magnus.

"I am going out in the garden to stroll with Max , will you come with us ?" asked Alec to his warlock husband who was busy on a potion making business.

"Of course , Love , these are the moments which I look forward to .." said Magnus to his loving husband.

Alec was seven months pregnant with Rafe and Catarina had recommended him to take strolls and walks frequently .

Magnus had made a routine for Alec to take strolls and walks because Alec mostly did sitting work with the Clave papers.

Alec followed that obidiently as Magnus would accompany him as much as possible and he loved his husband's company.

Magnus used his magic to pause the time so that his potion making could be revived from where it was left.

Alec always used to wait for this moment because he would love to spend some quality time with his husband.

Max came running to Alec and held Alec's hands . He said " Dada , letsh go..."

Alec smiled at his little piece of heart. 

Magnus came and held Max's other hand.

"Yes, Sweetie , let's go..." said Magnus .

Magnus and Alec moved out of the house to stroll in the garden.

As soon as they were out. Max left his Dada's and Papa's hands and ran towards the pool and the waterfall.

"Careful, Maxie..." warned Alec . 

"Yeh...Meow-Meow...' said Max and ran towards Chairman who was busy grooming his tail sprawling near the pool.

Max came running and jumped on Chairman and cuddled him.

Meow..meow...Chairman was happy to have his little owner to play with him . Chairman purred and rubbed his head on Max's shoulders to show his affection towards little Max.

Max got busy with Chairman's tail . Max was so engrossed in Chairman's tail , it seemed as if he was trying to find the answer to the existence of this whole world in the tail of Chairman.

Magnus chuckled and said " Oh , he got his best friend..."

Alec smiled and said " Yes's only I have to bath him again when he will come back..."

"No,  Love , I will make him bath , you remember what Catarina said avoid too much of ups and downs ...and Max gets really naughty when it comes to bath him." said Magnus.

"Come, let's stroll ...." said Magnus asking for Alec's hands.

Alec smiled and said " Let's walk near the pool , so that we can keep an eye on Max too. "

Magnus nodded his head.

Alec and Magnus started to stroll around the pool.

Magnus was talking about a nosy warlock friend who was clumsy too. Alec was laughing at the various incidents associated with the life of that poor guy.

"And he pulled the chair for the lady on their date. The lady was overwhelmed with his chivalry . She was about to sit but this guy was so clumsy , instead of pushing the chair he pulled it more...the lady fell on the ground and it was hilarious. " said Magnus.

Alec laughed out loud on the stories of Magnus' clumsy warlock friend.

All of a sudden Alec stopped his laugh and pulled a seraph blade out of his thigh holster which he was carrying with him .

"What happened , everything alright ??" asked Magnus.

Alec looked around the garden with alert eyes.

"Max , Sweetie , come to Dada and Papa ..quickly , Sweetheart " said  Alec in his alert voice.

Max and Chairman ran towards his Dada and Papa.

Magnus pulled Max in  his arms.

He got alert too.

"Love , what is it , have you seen something...?" asked Magnus.

'Dear , I felt someone is here in the garden..." said Alec looking with his shadowhunter's vision around the garden.

Magnus said " Love, we must move inside the house."

Alec said " Magnus , I have to see , if everything is alright."

Magnus said " Alexander , Love , you are not the inquisitor are on leave...and now you are Alexander , the father , so think of Rafe and  get inside.. "

Realisation hit on Alec .

"Okay, I will not be fighting , but I will not go inside leaving you all alone check the garden , I will be by your side. " said Alec.

Magnus looked at Alec and mumbled " Stubborn Lightwood"

Alec smiled at Magnus and said " I love you too , Magnus ".

Magnus chukled.

"Okay , come with me...remember you will stay behind me and  you will not run or fight in any situation " said Magnus  becoming the possessive husband.

"Yes, yes..Magnus , I am not that irresponsible." said Alec .

Magnus smiled and said " Alright then , stay close to me..."

Alec nodded and went close to Magnus.

"Pappa..." said Max from Magnus' lap.

Alec looked up at Max.

"Yes, Sweetie.." said Magnus.

"Bad woman ..." said Max.

"Bad woman ..who??" asked  Magnus to his baby boy.

"Bad woman ..bad to Max..." said Max.

"A woman who was bad to Max ??" asked Alec surprised.

Magnus was surprised too..

"What is he saying , Magnus?" asked Alec.

"I did not understand it too , love " said Magnus.

"A woman who was bad with Max ..
" said Magnus.

"Let's patrol the garden , Love " said Magnus trying to think for the work in hand .

Alec nodded his head.

Magnus held his shadowhunter's hands.

Magnus took Max and Alec from various corner of the garden to find the intruder .

"Love , look at that ...." said Magnus.

//to be continued.....//

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