Chapter 43 : My Husband , Angry

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"Wake up ....husband ...." said Alec kissing Magnus on his cheeks. Magnus smiled a little.

"If I woke up...what will you give me...??" asked Magnus in his raspy voice.

"What do you want ???" asked Alec.

"Mmmm....hugs , kisses and lots of cuddles...will I get them...." asked Magnus looking at Alec .

"Mmm...lets see ...if I could give them..." said Alec.

"I think I can't afford them...." said Alec.

"Oh...really...." said Magnus and cuddled Alec .

Alec chuckled in his warlock's embrace.

They laughed their hearts out for some time while embracing each other and occassionally tickling each other at their vulnerable spots.

Alec was recovering from a bout of laughter.

  Magnus looked at Alec seriously.

"What ....what happened...???"asked Alec to his warlock, who was lying on top of him facing him...

"You will not believe me if I say it to you ..." said Magnus.

" know I believe you in everything....right ...Magnus..." said Alec holding his warlock's cheeks.

"Well....don't take me other way ...Alec ...but ...but Lucifer..." drifted Magnus in his words.

"Baby Lucifer ...what ...Magnus???" asked Alec .

Magnus tried not to look at Alec.

"When I held baby Lucifer in my arms in  the party yesterday ....I felt a ...a ....presence of a great negative I used to feel in the presence of ...demon father Asmodeus..." said Magnus trying to avoid eye contact with Alec.

Alec listened to his warlock in silence.

There was a meaningful silence for some time  between the couple.

Magnus was about to move out of the bed saying " I knew you won't believe".

Alec pulled his warlock back on top of him .....

" I believe you ...Magnus...I believe every word of yours...." said Alec.

Magnus looked in amazement at Alec.

"You believe me , Love ?" asked Magnus to his shadowhunter still could not believe that Alec was believing him in saying that he felt the presence of Asmodeus in baby Lucifer's vicinity.

"Now , I don't know whether you will believe it or not , whatever I am going to tell you ..." said Alec hesitating.

"You know ....I will believe you no matter what ....Alexander..." said Magnus to Alec.

"Okay...just listen to me first....before asking me questions ...or thinking me that I am freak...." said Alec to Magnus.

Magnus slipped down on the side of Alec and balanced himself comfortably on his elbow to listen to what his shadowhunter had to say.

"Remember , few days back I asked you what Soudara means..?" asked Alec to Magnus.

"Yes, I answered you that it means Big Brother in Indonesian " said Magnus .

"Yes, so I had a dream few days back..and it was more of a vision. I saw that a teenage Max was leading an army which had shadowhunters , warlocks , seelies , warewolves and vampires alike . I saw a middle aged Izzy and Clary with teenage Ali , and probably children of Izzy and Simon. You were there too , leading a group of warlocks which included Catarina Loss, Lorenzo Ray , Nicholus Martini etc. The battle was against demons and it was most probably in Edom. There were fierce looking demons from opposite side. Now what is most important is that a teenage boy exactly looking like you but with my blue eyes was fighting with a teenage boy looking like Jace. The teenage Jace was having red eyes and was from the opposite side. He gave a fatal blow with his dark sword on teenage you's abdomen and the boy fell on the ground. Our Max was worried beyond hell and called that boy "Rafe "and while closing his eyes , that teenage you uttered for Max " Soudara , I love you ...!!!"

I was a little confused before that may be  it was a simple dream which did not have any connection with our regular life...until yesterday. Clary went to the washroom giving little Lucifer to me to hold. I was rocking him a little and snuggled my nose into him when I saw his eyes open . I was horrified to see that his eyes were glowing red. There were no iris , no pupil only two red blobs. I remembered my dream the other day where I saw teenage Jace with same sort of red demonic eyes. " paused Alec for breath.

Magnus was listening to his husband with all his heart . He said " Then I was right in my feelings about little Lucifer...but how ??? Clary and Jace have pure angel blood...."

"Yes, coming to that. Yesterday night , I had a vision . I talked with Angel Raziel himself. He told me that Asmodeus wanted to take revenge on me and the Great Demon for killing him so he has manifested himself through Clary's womb. Blood is not important. Angel Raziel said that Asmodeus is a consciousness- demonic consciousness full of negativities.  So even little Lucifer has pure angel blood yet he possess Asmodeus' demonic consciousness. So you felt the presence of Asmodeus when you took little Lucifer in your arms.

Now the main part of yesterday's vision . You remember that Angel Ithuriel was killed by Lilith . (Magnus gave a nod) . So with him gone there is a power imbalance in the shadowworld and also in the heaven . Angel Ithuriel needs to manifest himself to restore the balance. He wanted to return to this earth through Clary's womb as she is his blood daughter. But Asmodeus ruined his plan. Asmodeus did not want Angel Ithuriel to manifest .The power imbalance in the shadowworld would make Asmodeus powerful to fulfill all his demonic wishes.

So Angel Raziel wants us to manifest Angel Ithuriel to the shadowworld. Angel Ithuriel has chosen us to be his parents . He wants to be the venerated Great Demon's little Brother.

Magnus , we have a divine order of manifesting Angel Ithuriel to this world " finished Alec smiling at Magnus.

Magnus blinked his eyes in silence , processing all the information which his shadowhunter told.

"What about you , Alexander ???" asked Magnus looking at Alec.

Alec looked at Magnus in confusion.

"What..what about me ?" asked Alec.

"Love, have you forgotten that you cannot endure labor pain to bring any life on this earth .(reference : The Curse , Book 1 )..???" asked  Magnus.

"Have you forgotten that Asmodeus had not given you the endurance with the blessing of your womb ...??? Have you forgotten that while bringing Max to this world , you were lying on the floor of the Edom Palace with blood all over your legs, with a placental abruption and was about to leave me all alone on this earth forever...If Catarina was not quick enough with her medical knowledge , I am scared to think what would have happened...." said Magnus.

Alec did not answer . He was looking at his warlock sheepishly as whatever his warlock was saying was not wrong.

"I just cannot endure such a situation once more, Alexander ...I am too selfish to let you die just to bring another child of mine or manifesting an angel on this earth ." said Magnus and rolled on his sides to face the other side.

Alec was seeing his warlock's back. His warlock was clearly sad and probably a little angry on him . May be this was the reluctance which Angel Raziel was letting Alec to figure out of his own.


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