Chapter 65 : We are Family

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"So ....Angel Ithuriel wanted to manifest himself through us first...then because of Asmodeus...the whole power imbalance took place in the shadow world. " said Clary when Magnus had explained to her everything.

Magnus nodded his head. 

"Yes , after the birth of Luci , Alec saw Angel Raziel in his dreams telling him about the power imbalance in the shadow world and also about Angel Ithuriel who wanted to manifest himself through us..." said Magnus.

Alec was standing at the window. He was looking at the vast green expanses of Idris from the window. 

Clary sighed .

Jace was taking care of Lucifer in the nursery of the Lightwood -Bane house.  Max and Alisa were cuddling each other and both of them were riding the same unicorn.

Clary came near to Alec and she hugged Alec and said " I am so sorry ....Alec....I am so sorry...."

Alec held Clary and patted her back gently and said ...

"It's okay ...Clary ...I did not mind..." said Alec .

Clary came out of Alec's hug and said...

"Thank you , your forgiveness means a lot to me...." said Clary.

"And I am sorry to Rafe too...Aun Clary behaved like crazy today...." said Clary .

Alec smiled at Clary .

"Rafe is an angel , he forgives you too..." said Alec.

Clary  smiled  and said " You are glowing may be I am forgiven by Rafe..."

Magnus smiled at his shadowhunter and Clary.

After  seconds of meaningful pause , Clary said ,

"So Asmodeus was trying to kill little Rafe for not allowing Angel Ithuriel to manifest. ..." said Clary now understanding baby Lucifer's demonic consciousness.

Alec nodded his head.

"That's why , Jace always wanted baby Lucifer to stay away from Alec..." said Clary to herself. 

"Yes....Clary ..two times baby Lucifer was overcome by Asmodeus' evil consciousness....and he tried to harm Alec and Rafe..." said Magnus.

Clary looked at Magnus and said " We must keep them apart. Lucifer should not come near to Alec till baby Rafe comes to this earth.  I must keep myself from coming here with Luci "

"Clary...." said Magnus trying to tell her that they all love her and Luci equally but the situation was making them to stay apart.

Before Magnus could say the wise words , Alec said " Clary are our family ....Lightwood-Banes are no different than the Herondales...they are family...they are unbreakable family ...they might not be connected with blood but they are connected with love , they  are chained by their you are most welcome in our house ...whenever you want with Ali and also with Lucifer .

We have to mold Luci into an angel ..we have to teach him to suppress his evil consciousness but that could only be done through love. Luci has to understand that I and Max , we both love him boundless and there was no reason to take revenge on us. "

Magnus looked proudly at his shadowhunter and said " You are right ...Love ...but all these will be done after our Rafe is born . Let Rafe come to this world safely and then we will start our endeavor of molding Luci into a beautiful human being ...before that I cannot take chance with you ...Love ...."

Clary nodded her head and said " I agree with you Magnus ...Alec.  Alec, you are our leader , we always look up to you ...your strategy for breaking Asmodeus with love a masterpiece but not at the cost of your and Rafe 's safety. As we are your family are our family too , Alec . So till Rafe is born , Luci is not coming to this house."

Magnus nodded appreciating Clary's words.

Alec sighed and nodded reluctantly thinking of Rafe's safety.

Jace came inside the room with Little Lucifer in his hands. Lucifer was awake . The moment Jace entered the room , he felt little vibrations in little Luci's body .

Jace looked at Luci and saw his eyes were iris , no pupil just two blobs of red.

Alec held the window pane. He looked at Jace . He started to feel uncomfortable.

Jace looked at Alec

Clary looked at Jace and Alec and she understood what was going on .

She quickly sprinted near to Jace and said " Why have you brought him here , Jace ...? Alec is here and we must be careful about little Rafe too."

Jace said " He was crying and  he needs his mother ...."

Clary looked at Jace and said " Yah , of course ..."

Clary took Luci in her arms .

She looked into Luci's eyes. The baby eyes were red and puffy but they were not glowing red any more. They were normal.

Clary kissed Luci's head and said " Don't cry Luci , you are in a safe place where everyone loves you ...see you have your lovely uncles here ...who loves you just like your parents. Uncle Magnus loves you ...Uncle Alec loves you ....and little Rafe loves you too. You are little Rafe's elder cousin brother , you should love and protect Rafe should not try to kill him ...nor should try to harm Uncle Alec. You should fight your instincts should fight back your instincts and try to love your family because your family loves you ....."

Clary hugged Luci and held him tight close to her chest . 

Jace caressed Luci's head and said " Your Mama  is right , sweetheart , I love you ...and you will be loved , your  Dad loves you more than anything in this world. "

Alec held Magnus' hands and came forward to Little Luci . The uncomfortability because of Luci's negativity increased in Alec's body . Alec clutched Magnus' hands  more. Magnus looked at Alec worriedly . Alec took Magnus near Luci and said " You parents are right , Lucifer will always be loved. No matter what you do to me or to Rafe will still be loved....your Uncles will always be there to love you and help you out to fight with your natural instincts. You are not alone in this world have a strong family behind you ....A family to love you , support you and to protect you ...."

Alec caressed Luci's head . The uncomfortably increased in his body . Yet he bent and kissed little Luci.

Magnus pulled Alec gently and said " Don't strain your body..."

Jace and Clary nodded at Alec agreeing with Magnus.

Alec smiled and moved back.

Magnus bent and kissed Luci's little hands and said ' Don't let that evil Asmodeus win  my little soldier...fight with him ...fight with him and show that the good always wins on evil ...."

All the four adults looked at Luci and said " We are family Luci and you are always loved..."

Little Luci gurgled and smiled a little looking at the adults .


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