Chapter 51: The Advice

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It was about three hours that Jace had been sedated . He was sleeping peacefully. But Alec and Magnus knew that the peace was temporary . A whole storm of emotions was waiting after that peaceful sleep.

Magnus had transferred Jace to one of their  guest rooms in their Mansion. Alec called Clary and tactfully said that Alisa wanted to spend a night with them so Jace had decided to sleep at their place. Clary was understanding , she thought that Alisa loved her Uncle Alec a lot and always wanted to spend more and more time with him . Clary had so much confidence in Alec that she could be relieved leaving her whole family under Alec's custody.  Clary said " No problem , Alec .Let Ali play to her fullest with little Maxie , she loves Max a lot..."

Alec said " Yah sure, Clary ."

He disconnected the phone.

Alec looked at Magnus .

Magnus sighed and came to Alec.

"Don't stress yourself up ...Love's not good for you ...everything will be alright. " said Magnus and made Alec to sit.

Max and Ali were made to sleep in Max's nursery. They retired early. Ali slept cuddling little Max . Max was ecstatic getting his lovely cousin  big sister as his sleep partner. Alec tucked them in. He kissed both of them and silently came out of the room.

Both Magnus and Alec were in Jace 's  room waiting for Jace's consciousness to come back.

Alec put his head on Magnus' crook of neck and tried to find some comfort in his husband's warmth.

Magnus kept his head on Alec's head and said " Don't be sad , Alexander , its not good for the baby. "

Alec nodded his head.

"I know...but he is my parabati....I feel what he feels. I know he is this nasty truth." said Alec to Magnus. I could not help him . 
I think , somewhere I am responsible for all these.." said Alec.

Magnus slowly caressed Alec's shoulders.  He held his shadowhunter tight and slowly swayed him . " No my Love , you are not responsible in any of this. If anyone was responsible for this crisis in the family , it is only that devil Asmodeus....not you , Love ...not you .."

"We will overcome all problems in our path, Love..." said Magnus  kissing his shadowhunter's forehead.

Alec closed his eyes and hugged Magnus tight as if Magnus was his lifeline which of course he was .

In the meanwhile , Jace fluttered open his eyes.

He looked around him . Alec and Magnus looked at Jace .

Magnus and Alec moved up from the couch and went near the bed.

Jace tried to sit.

Alec came forward to help Jace .

Jace took Alec's hands and made him comfortable on the bed.

He looked at Alec and  Magnus for some time.

Then gradually remembering everything.

He looked at Alec and  tears started rolling down his cheeks. The tears of a helpless, hapless father.

Alec moved closer to Jace. Jace held Alec tight like a child and started crying his heart out  .

Magnus sighed and sat sadly on the nearby chair.

"Alec, my little possessed by that devil Asmodeus...Alec...I lost my Luci...Alec ...I lost my Luci..." said Jace crying in Alec's embrace.

"'t think like that ...buddy ...don't think like that . Luci is your son . No matter what , he is your son . You are his father. He has his source from you is unholy for you to think like that , Jace is a sin for you to think like that .." said Alec.

Alec patted Jace's back and said " Jace look at me ....listen to me..."

Jace tried to compose himself . He stopped the crying and came out of Alec's embrace.  Magnus gave some tissues  to Alec and Alec  offered them to Jace.

"Here..." said Alec.

"Thanks ..." said Jace  . He took the tissue and wiped his eyes.

"I am sorry for losing my control on my emotions..." said Jace.

"Jace , its okay to show your emotions . There is nothing wrong. You are not weak if you show your emotions. Rather you are strong enough to show your emotions. " said Magnus to his brother-in-law.

Alec smiled a little at his warlock for being so supportive for his parabati.

"Jace , you have to believe in the fact that you being the father of little Lucifer can change his negativity from the very beginning. Through our love , support and care , we will change baby Lucifer into divine being . Lucifer will not be devil , with our love Lucifer will be soothing like the morning light. Jace , you have to be his guide . You have to be his teacher , his everything , so that his evil conscience can be suppressed  " said Alec looking at Jace .

Jace looked at Alec . He said , "You are right , Alec . I am his father . I have an angelic conscience ....Clary being his mother who also have an angelic conscience , we both can love him so much that he would forget to harm anyone. "

"Asmodeus has manifested himself to take revenge on Alec and Max since Alec was the one who ordered to kill him through his unborn child. " said Magnus a little worried .

Jace's eyes went wide.

"I could not think of my child harming my parabati and my little angel, both of whom I love so much. " said Jace closing his eyes.

Alec held Jace's hands strongly and said " Jace , you can do it Jace , you can change the future. You can change the mental set up of your son , Jace..."

Jace looked at his hands which Alec was clutching with his glowing hands( Jace saw the divine light all around Alec ).

"You are glowing more with the divine light, Alec. I think , may be , this could be the divine order, which Angel Ithuriel wanted to convey to me  through you ...." said Jace looking at Alec and Magnus.

"I will execute your advice and try to change the mind of little Lucifer . I would love him so much that he would forget about taking revenge. He would not think bad about anything. He will be son will be an angel , he will not be a devil. He will not be devil Lucifer , he will be Lucifer , the morning light. " said Jace .

He hugged his parabati like a child hugs his mother.

Alec caressed Jace's head , while Jace silently cried a little more on Alec's shoulder.

A tear drop came out of Magnus' eyes too which he wiped silently. Being a father himself , he could feel what Jace was going through.


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