Chapter 92 : Bollus pT3

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"Oh , the utensils...actually I don't know how they fell on the floor . I thought that it was done by Chairman but to my surprise I did not find Chairman anywhere in the kitchen.." said Alec to his loving husband.

Magnus looked at the fallen utensils for some time and then snapped his fingers and the utensils were again at it's place.

Alec smiled at his husband and said " Thank you , Magnus . Thank you so much. "

"It's all for me , Alexander because I love you more than anything in this world. And I love our little gifts from the heaven too. " said Magnus to his husband.

Alec smiled appreciatively and nodded in agreement and said " Me too. "

"Um, Magnus..." called Alec.

"Yes , Love ..." said Magnus.

Alec came a  little nearer to his husband. Max was on Alec's waist.

"Actually , today there happened a peculiar experience with me ..." started Alec.

Magnus said "Yes , Love , tell me what is it ?"

"Actually , today when you and Max were not here , there was a knock on the door. I felt asleep and woke up with the knock. I thought that you were there but then when I opened the door there was no one. I went a little outside but did not find anyone. So I closed the door and came inside the house. " said Alec.

Magnus looked at his shadow-hunter and asked " Love, did you sense the presence of any demon? "

Alec said " No , I  sensed but did not find a demon..."

Magnus silently nodded his head.

"Then again when I was talking to you , there was a loud sound in the kitchen . I got alert . I came to the kitchen , yet I did not find anyone. I felt as if someone was playing with me ..." said Alec to his loving husband.

Magnus listened to Alec carefully and said " I believe you , Love ..don't worry. "

Magnus frowned and started to think something very seriously.

"What is it , dear , is everything alright ?" asked Alec getting worried at his husband's worry.

"It's that , I am dreading Bollus...." said Magnus.

Alec looked at his husband and said " Bollus is a demon , Magnus and we have killed many demons before...together we can kill this one too ..."

"Bollus is a shapechanger , he can find any way to reach his prey.." said Magnus.

"Magnus , I am not his prey. If he killed me , then how would he know about Asmodeus like where was he born. You remember , Sinus said that he was deployed by Lillith to find out about Asmodeus . " said Alec coming more and more close to Magnus.

Magnus nodded his head .

"Asmodeus...yes..Asmodeus , when he would come , Bollus would know that he was Asmodeus and  he would give that info to Lilith and Lilith would then try to take Asmodeus under control." Said Magnus.

Alec gave a lopsided smile.

"Yes...yes..when Asmodeus would come , Bollus would come to know  about Asmodeus..." said Alec.

Magnus nodded his head hesitating.

Alec was very near to his warlock.

Without any warning , Alec clutched Magnus' throat tightly with his free hand.

Magnus gasped and said " What are you doing , Love ??"

"I am doing the rightest thing that is to be done." said Alec.

"You thought that you were doing the right thing , aren't you ?" asked Alec.

Magnus looked at his shadowhunter surprised.

"Since , I got pregnant , Magnus never  calls me from my back. Also Catarina told Magnus not to startle me at any cost , just to avoid any induction of early labour. So you missed the game in your first move , Bollus. 

Next...I gave birth to Max. The first thing which I did when I held my little piece of heart in my hands was taking  his baby smell. Every morning , when Max wakes up and looks for me , the first thing I do is taking the smell of my Max. This baby who has got the most beautiful face of.Max in this world for just an illusion. But I would say  that you are a fool to think that I will not know.

Next , the charm. Bollus , Maryse Lightwood used to hate warlocks when she was young. It was only after Magnus became her son -in-law that she had taught herself to love the warlocks too. Maryse Lightwood never had a charm,forget about giving me one. So you see you made a mistake again .

I understood that you entered the house when I opened the door with the knock thinking that it was Magnus and Max . " said Alec.

He was still strangling Bollus' neck who was still in the appearance of Magnus.

Max's illusion was gradually vanishing from Alec's waist  . Alec smiled . When his other hand got free. He pulled out a blade from his back which he kept with him from the very moment from which his door was knocked and he found no one.

In the meantime the real Magnus entered the kitchen with the real Max on tow.

"Love , are you alright ?" asked Magnus to Alec.

But Magnus stopped in his position seeing the scene in front of him. Bollus who was in the form of Magnus was coming back to his original shape in Alec's iron-hold   on his neck.

Magnus quickly anticipated what might have happened . He propped his magic in his hands.

Max said " Dadda..."

"It's okay Sweetie , Dadda is a shadowhunter , it's his work to kill demon like these.." said Alec with Bollus in his clutches.

" can kill me ?" asked Bollus amidst too much of strain on his neck from Alec's ironhold.

Magnus said " Love , be very careful , this demon is  treacherous to the extreme . "

Alec nodded his head.

Magnus applied his magic and locked Bollus' hands in the mean time.

Bollus immediately changed his shape and vanished into thin air from Alec's iron grip.

Both Alec and Magnus looked around themselves in alert.

//to be continued.......//

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