Chapter 100 : He is coming Pt2

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//Hey , Lovelies , 100 chapters ☺☺☺//

"Where are you going ,Alexander ...??" asked Magnus .

"To the toilet , Magnus.." said Alec.

"You just gone twice to the toilet in the interval of ten minutes.." said Magnus.

"Yes, I went . But I am feeling to go again. There's too much pressure.." said Alec . He did not stop in his way and went straight for his business.

Magnus looked at the back of his shadowhunter with doubtful eyes.

He texted to Catarina ..

"He is using toilet very frequently...."

Immediately there was a reply from Catarina,

"My hospital bags are ready ."

Magnus kept his phone.

After about 2 minutes , there was a  sound of flushing from the toilet and Magnus sighed in relief.

Alec opened the door  and came out .

He silently waddled to the bed as if in deep thoughts. Magnus noticed that.  He observed Alec.

Alec came and slid  inside the blanket beside Magnus , on his side of bed.

It was night and the couple was already on bed , preparing to call it a day.

Max was sleeping in the nursery.

Magnus looked at Alec and asked ,

"You seem very bothered about something ?" asked Magnus.

Alec looked thoughtfully at Magnus and said " It's a peculiar thing , Magnus. I peed so much just now , like I have peed an entire bucket...I did not drink that much either.."

Magnus' eyes widened.

"You peed a bucket of water out of your bladder..and you did not tell me that !!!" said Magnus reconfirming with a real anticipation.

"Yes ....." said Alec confused and casually.

"OH , YOU STUPID NEPHILIM , your water broke....Rafe is coming..." said Magnus half panicking.

"But , I am not feeling any contraction ... OH GOD...NOOOOO" said Alec screaming with the first jolt of contraction hitting him .

"GOODNESS......" said Magnus holding Alec tight.

"Breath , breath , just in and out , remember Catarina made you to practise this.." said Magnus holding Alec's pregnant belly. Magnus could feel Alec's stomach getting contracted with the jolt of the first agony.

Alec listened to his warlock . He sucked in a deep breath and blowed that out.  He did that many times.

"Better ??" asked Magnus worried.

Alec nodded his head holding his husband's hands tight.

"It's okay ...I can ....I can...take  this . Call Catarina...." said Alec in a whispering when his contraction subsided after few seconds.

Magnus nodded his head and sat beside his shadowhunter . Alec was panting heavily..recuperating from the pain which he just endured.

"Dadddaaaaa........." said a voice from the door of their bedroom.

Alec widened his eyes . So did Magnus.

Two little feet came running to them .

"Daddaa..." said Max looking at Alec.

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