Chapter 31: Magnus!!!!! Pt 7

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"This Branwell Mansion is located at the outskirts of  Alicante  . Now it has become an abondoned place. No one goes there any more. It is covered in thorny bushes and dry trees all around. I don't think anybody lives in that place . The present heirs of the Branwell Family don't live in Alicante They are in Italy. So the mansion has went into oblivion . It was during the time when I was not deruned that one day  I was passing beside that mansion . It has become so creepy and ominous place  , even I got goosebumps. There were lightning struck trees everywhere.  I have also heard many people saying that soemone stays there . Because many of the passers' by have heard demonic verses being uttered...I don't know , how much of them are true and how much are rumors...." finished Maryse.

"Mum, can you give us some architectural details of the mansion , so that we can tally that the mansion which we are seeing in our vision is Branwell mansion or not...." said Alec.

"Yah sure , the mansion has two storeys . It was built in ancient gothic architecture. There were gothic windows with Belgium glass decorating the big windows. It was grand and royal. Moreover , if you are watching Adams' grave , then it has to be Branwell Mansion..because he was living with Joseph and died there." said Maryse.

Alec and Jace both looked at each other and nodded as the description which Maryse gave about the mansion was very similar to the mansion which Alec and Jace were watching in their Parabati vision.

"And Mum , one more question..." asked Alec .

"Yes, Sweetie.." said Maryse caressing Max's little head . Max was clutching Maryse's dress and was drooling on his Gamma's dress roaming already in the land of Unicorn and Pegasus.

"Why did you say that December 13 , 1988 was so special for you...?" asked Alec.

" that really needed ...?" asked Maryse blushing a little.

"Yes, actually more or less we were landing on Adams' grave through our Parabati tracking  and watching the grave with the date....somehow it is related has some meaning..we want to correlate everything..." said Jace.

Maryse blushed more and said "Never thought that I have to share these stories with my children... "

Izzy , Alec and Jace raised their brows.

"Okay , I will tell you why Dec 13 , 1988 was so special to me.  It was two years after my and Robert's marriage. It was  Robert's birthday . We were a part of Valentine's Circle then . Since it was Robert's birthday , so I coaxed Robert to take a day off and spend the day with me . We went to the Alicante museum and then to the ShadowHunter's theatre in the afternoon. They were acting a play from a Romantic novel famous during our time. Both of me and Robert enjoyed it a lot. We returned at seven in the evening  to the Lightwood Mansion. We were happy spending some time with each other. I actually brought a surprise gift for Robert. Your father has a special liking for cuff-lings  . So I bought a pair of gold plated cufflings from the jewellery shop. After the dinner , I remember we were in our bed  . I took out the small velvet box from the night stand and held it in front of your Dad. I said " Happy Birthday, Robert"  . Robert smiled a little and took the velvet box from me . He opened it and hugged me happily saying a thank you . I was happy that he liked his gift.

After few seconds of meaningful pause , where he was admiring the beauty of the gifted cuff-lings ,he looked at me and asked " Maryse , um.... can I ask you for another gift?"

"Oh...of course...tell me what else do you want ....tie clips , or silk ties..or pocket watch ....that will look gorgeous on you ..." said I.

Robert held my hands and said "No , Maryse ...I want the biggest gift which any wife can give to her husband."

I looked at Robert with questioning eyes.

"I want to be a father , Maryse. I want a son of my own , whom I can pass on these cuff-lings lovingly , whom I can love with my life, whom I can teach everything I know...whom I can spoil with all my love....please Maryse , I want a son of my own...." said Robert looking into my eyes.

I smiled a little shyly.

"I too want to be a mother . But I didn't know whether you feel ready or not...I am glad that you asked and want a child. " said I beaming with the thought of being a mother.

After that beautiful night, I was ecstatic to find out some days later that I was pregnant and it was on 13 th of December 1988 that I had conceived my first child. " said Maryse proudly looking at Alec.

Alec blushed a little.

"So Alec was conceived on the very day when Adams Scot Trueblood died. " said Izzy.

"That expains it all. You were feeling the mansion to be familiar yet don't know how to be there , our vision ending at the stone of Adams Scot , it seems that you were that Adams Scot Trueblood in your previous birth. " said Jace thoughtfully to Alec.

Izzy and Maryse nodded their heads in affirmation.

"Okay ,may be, I am the reincarnation of this Adams Scot Trueblood, but how are all these related to Magnus. How tracking of Magnus is leading us to the Grave of Adams Scot Trueblood . Also we saw an old man there.... still there is a lot to know..." said Alec.

Suddenly , Alec started to feel a little anxious. He losened his shirt collar and said "Jace , we must track Magnus again . Because I am getting some bad feelings. "

Jace nodded his head.

"Okay , I think we must use some other possession of Magnus , may be that 's how we could get more clue about Magnus ..." said Jace.

Alec nodded. He fished through his pockets and brought out one of  Magnus' silver chains.

Jace looked at Alec in surprise .

"What is Magnus' silver chain doing with you ...?" asked Jace.

"Um..just...umm...I like to keep that with me.." said Alec blushing.

Maryse and Isabelle smiled .

Maryse said "Its okay Jace...concentrate on the work in hand and find out about Magnus..."

Jace nodded and soon the two Parabatis started tracking Magnus.

//to be continued......//

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