Chapter 33 : Magnus!!! Pt 9

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"And then Adams slit his throat by his own hands and committed suicide " finished Alec the untold story of Adams Scot Trueblood, while waiting for the special team to get prepared for a raid on the Branwell Mansion and rescuing Magnus. Jace had given ten minutes to his team to get ready.

Tears fell down from  Maryse 's eyes..Izzy wiped her tears hearing the sad story of Adams Trueblood which Alec finished narrating just now.  Clary kept her head sadly on Jace's shoulder, frequently clearing her eyes off tears.

Max was awake and he was sitting calmly on Alec's lap squeezing the tail of a toy teddy which Aun Clary brought for him .

"You are after Magnus since two births . Here I am thinking that Magnus was after you , and he dragged you into this love business while my Parabati was innocent ..." said Jace .

Clary smacked Jace on his shoulders.

"What ????" said Jace.

"They were both after each other. " said  Clary with dreamy eyes.

"What a  coincidence...may be this is called Cosmic conspiracy Or divine coincidence..." said Izzy smiling a little.

"You actually got every thing you asked for in your previous life. You got Maryse as your loving got your soulmate Magnus Bane , married him , and you have become the most powerful man of the shadowworld , the Clave himself . " said Jace looking at Alec, and smiling.

Alec smiled a little .

"I actually got another thing which I always wanted  . " said Alec.

All the people in the room looked up in anticiaption that what it could be.

Alec looked at Max on his lap who was busy playing with the toy teddy silently. 

"I always wanted a little angel like him , on whom I could shower all my  love ....." said Alec and pulled Max close to his chest .

Max did not understand , why was he suddenly getting a tight loving hug from his Dada, yet he thought of basking in his Dada's warmth. He kissed his Dada's cheeks with his little lips. Dada chuckled a little at the tickling sensation and kissed Max's little round head  back.

Clary , Maryse and Izzy smiled in awe at Alec and Max.  Jace tried to suppress his smile.

"Sir ,Mam, the team is ready " said Underhill knocking the door.

"Yah , I must go to make the portal for them , you all come quickly..." said Clary sprinting out , propping up her stele.

Alec quickly pulled his bow and quiver on his back and pulled Max up on his baby carrier in front of his shoulder.

"Papa....???" asked Max .

"Yes, Sweetie , Me and Unci Ja  are going to rescue Papa...we have found out where he is, love...." said Alec to his baby boy.


Magnus was weak and tired and he was looking at the old man in front of him who was chanting the demonic verses continuously .

"If I remember correctly , you are Joseph Branwell , aren't you ?" asked Magnus eating the dry stale bun which his kidnapper had given him.

The old wrinkled man looked at Magnus with his old yet demonic eyes and said " You have got a terrific memory, warlock. We just met once, that too on business and you remember my name ." said the old man.

"Yes, I am Joseph Branwell" said Joseph.

"I remember you not because you were my client and I delivered a potion to you . I remember you because I felt something exuberant coming to your place. I felt a beautiful feeling for the first time in this mansion when I met your lover Adams , which I now feel everyday with my husband. The feeling of meeting one's true love. I don't know if true love can happen twice . " said Magnus.

"How did your lover, Adams die...?" asked Magnus to Joseph.

"He's none of your business...stay calm or I will take away the little food that I give you...Its only I needed a powerful warlock magic for my ritual .I was passing through the town one day to bring ingredients for my ritual . I overheard the people saying that Magnus Bane is the High warlock here . What could have been better than the High warlock himself ? I could get the strongest magic for my ritual. That is why I kidnapped you." said Joseph.

"Do you even know , what's going on in the shadowworld ...?" asked Magnus a little curious.

"I don't care. My ritual is my everything. I don't meet people . I don't talk to them . I don't like people. Don't ask me more questions or I will take away your food." said old Joseph.

"I don't care , Joseph....because any time soon my husband will come to rescue me. You rather save your own ass..." said Magnus confidently with a lopsided smile.

"Your husband ?You seem to be  too confident of  your husband ...who the hell is he...?" asked Joseph a little irritated.

Magnus looked up at Joseph in surprise. He said " That's why , it's so important to read newsletters. I must quote this incident to Max when he would deny to read newsletters, growing up. Do you even know , who is the present Inquisitor of Clave ?" asked Magnus.

"No...I don't care ...." said Joseph irritated.

"Then , you must start caring because soon your ass is going to be kicked by the very Inquisitor of the Clave , old man." said Magnus looking at Joseph.

"Ahhhhh!!!" screamed Magnus as Joseph applied Magnus' magic back on him....

Magnus was left panting by the sudden jolt of  his own magic.

He asked " You stole my magic...?"

Joseph laughed demonically and said " Yes , I needed your magic for my ritual , taken some of it ....don't worry ...I have not taken whole of your magic ...just given you some potion so that you cannot use it. "

"Oh don't know what kind of danger you are in?" said Magnus.

Magnus now looked at the pentagram  and  said " What kind of ritual is that ?"

Joseph laughed demonically and said " The ritual to bring Adams soul back and please Satan...."

Magnus' eyes went wide.

He looked at the pentagram . The unique design of the pentagram with a figure of a naked man on it was enough for Magnus to get clicked. Magnus understood that Joseph was performing the ritual to please Satan , the powerful God of Hell.

Realization hit Magnus .

He said " Adams was not your lover. You were using Adams because he was gay . The ritual to please Satan needed to have regular sex with  a Gay . You were using him . You were raping that poor soul every day . That's why he looked so stressed. Oh God...if only I the end of the ritual the soul of the gay needed to be sacrificed to the  Satan must have killed him..."

"No....I could not ...I could not sacrifice his soul to the Satan ...that son of a bitch ....committed suicide ...leaving my sacrifice incomplete. " said Joseph.

"Oh Lilith , now you are calling Adams soul back , just to sacrifice  his soul  and complete the ritual..." said Magnus understanding the whole thing.

"You found it right ....warlock..." said Joseph laughing demonically.

" b****rd , f**king sh**t , you are a Satan yourself...aaaaahhhh!!!" screamed Magnus as Joseph applied Magnus' power on him again.

But suddenly Joseph felt an arrow hit his wrist and he went flying towards the opposite wall .

//to be continued.....//

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