Chapter 82 : Alert-6

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Jace was holding the infamous glass of juice in his hands.

He was looking at Magnus who was sprinting down the stairs.

All the other family members were looking curiously at Magnus.

Magnus said " Alec is sleeping with Max...hope they will wake up all good..."

The family sighed a relief at Magnus' words.

Jace looked at Magnus and said " I want the truth to be out now..Magnus..."

Magnus looked at Jace and said " I want the same Jace..I want the same.."

"How will you find it...??" asked Jace.

"The memory signature..." said Magnus.

Jace nodded.

Magnus took the glass of juice from Jace's hands .

"Please be seated will take some time..." said Magnus.

All the curious family members took seats .

Magnus sat on the couch and concentrated hard on the glass of juice. Soon he drifted off to another world.

Magnus saw himself summoning the glass of juice. He handed that over lovingly to his pregnant shadowhunter.

Alec took it with childish excitement from Magnus saying a Thank you and Magnus chuckled on Alec's wierd demands of pregnancy.

Alec took few sips of the juice. He was enjoying his drink. Magnus was happy to see his shadowhunter happy.

Then Maryse came in and called Alec for a talk.

Alec kept the juice glass on the table in front.

Alec sought permission from his warlock. Magnus said " Go to your Mum, Shadowhunter "

Alec smiled and went to Maryse . The juice was still there on the table . Alec did not take it with him.

Magnus looked around the party and a lonely Catarina by the bar.

Magnus went to have a talk with Catarina .

Magnus saw his back at the glass. When no-one was there near the juice glass ,Magnus saw a very familiar person to come near the glass. He was carrying little Luci in his arms .

Magnus saw the familiar person pulled something from his/her pocket.

He/she then dropped the content into Alec's glass .

He/she went away from the place without any expression on his face. The person's eyes were red like Luci on his arms.

Magnus gasped at the eyes.

Then Magnus saw Alec to go back to the couch where he left his drink. Alec took the glass in his hands and lifted his feet up on the table.

Magnus turned at his shadowhunter and came to Alec excusing himself from Catarina.

Magnus saw himself sit beside Alec. They were talking when Max came flying to his parents .

Max went straight to Alec's lap and rightfully sat in front of his bump om his thighs.

Max looked at his Dada's hands and said " Dadda, Max thirshty."

Alec smiled at his little piece of heart and said "Oh..Sweetie want this...??"

Max nodded his little head.

Alec lovingly made his little piece of heart drink the contents of his juice. It was so overwhelming moment for him.

But Max started coughing of the story Magnus knew.

Magnus snapped out of his concentration.

Jace and other members of the party were looking at Magnus curiously.

Magnus looked at his extended family members .

Jace asked " What is it ..Magnus what did you see...who did this to my Max ???"

Magnus looked at Jace and then at all the members of the family .

Magnus asked Jace " Where is Lucifer ???"

Jace looked confused at Magnus and said " Why ...did Lucifer do it ..??"

Maryse and Robert looked surprised at Magnus and Jace.

Isabelle and Simon had the same reaction. Clary's heart lurched at the anticipation that her child still was doing harms to others. It was unbearable for her.

Magnus asked " Just tell me whether you carried Lucifer all the time today ??"

Jace said "No ...actually for some time
I gave Luci to his Uncle Simon..."

Magnus looked at Simon.

Simon nodded his head and said " Yah...yes ...I carried baby Luci in my arms for some time...I hope that's okay...I am his uncle right ...??"

Magnus said " That's okay are baby Luci's uncle of course...but will not be good for you to know that you mixed Apple seed poison to Alec's drink. "

"WHAATTT....WHY WOULD I....OH LORD...WHY IN THE NAME OF LORD....I brought the Apple seed poison for you ...remember you wanted me to bring for your potion making...I just had that in my pocket..but I did not mix Apple seed poison in the glass" said Simon panicking.

"WHAT....SIMON...." said Jace in his raised voice.

Isabelle covered her mouth.

Robert and Maryse did not understand why would Simon give poison to Max...??

"Believe me..why would I try to kill Max...he is my nephew...I love him..." said Simon.

"I am the one who used to bring fresh goat blood for Max when he was not even can I kill him..." said Simon shocked.

Magnus said " Calm down...Simon...I know you are not responsible..."

Jace looked at Magnus and said " Then who is...if you had seen Simon to give poison...then..."

Magnus looked at Jace with suggestive eyes....

"" said Jace.

"He was being carried by Simon for some time....Simon was possessed ???" asked Jace reading Magnus' suggestive eyes.

Magnus nodded his head as if in deep thoughts.

Robert , Maryse , Simon and Isabelle and Catarina looked curiously at Magnus and Jace.

"Who whom ..why...???" stammered Simon.

Magnus did not say anything.

Jace just looked down.

Maryse with her experienced eyes could judge the situation and smelt something fishy...

"What is going on..Magnus ....Jace ??" asked Maryse.

Magnus did not say anything ...he was looking on the floor.

Jace looked at Maryse . He was not in a position to say anything either.

"He is a demon...he is Asmodeus manifested. " said Clary in a trance. " He tries to kill his Uncle Alec...because Alec killed Asmodeus by using the power of his unborn child.... He tries to kill Rafe as he is the manifestation of Angel Ithuriel. My son is a killer...he tries to kill his own family ...his own Uncle and his unborn cousin...I am sure...that the Apple seed poison was not for Max ....Max was just a chance was for kill him and kill Rafe too..."

Tears rolled down Clary's eyes.

Maryse's , Robert's , Simon's , Catarina's and Isabelle's jaws dropped . They did not know how to react on this piece of information.

//to be continued .....//

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