Chapter 50 : What are you hiding?

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//Fifty Chapters completed 😃😃😃😃//

Alec and Magnus were in the Kitchen finding their brief moment as Jace was sitting in the living room with Alisa and Max.

Magnus took Alec's lips and kissed him dearly. Alec smiled and welcomed his warlock . Magnus smiled and said " We are blessed  . We are blessed , Love . Our Rafe is with us ...." said Magnus and placed a hand on Alec's flat belly. Alec smiled shyly , and placed his hand on top of Magnus'  and said " Thank you, Magnus ....Thank you for this."

" thank you , Rafe  is mine as much as you are mine ..." said Magnus and crouched down . He kissed Alec's belly and said " Angel , I am your Papa . You are too small to hear me .....but you will know that I love you . You have a lovely angel Dada here and an angel big brother Max who will be jumping all around knowing that you are on your will be loved Rafe ...we all love you . .." said Magnus and kissed Alec's belly twice.

Alec chuckled and held Magnus' head in  his hands . He bent and kissed him on his head.

"I love you , Magnus ...." said Alec pulling Magnus up to stand.

Magnus hugged his shadowhunter tightly and said " I love you , too, in fact I love you both...."

Alec smiled in his warlock's embrace.

Alec came out of the kitchen and sat beside Jace on the couch smiling in his mind.

Max and Alisa were playing on the carpet of the Lightwood -Bane Mansion's living room .

Alisa organised a tea party on the floor and Max was her special guest. Alec looked lovingly at them . Alec was remembering Izzy's tea parties where Alec used to be the guest.  Even the little 'one and a half year old' Max, the venerated Great Demon, the person having the most powerful magic in the downworld knew that he could not survive if he said a no to his cousin sister's tea party. So he wisely kept his toy cars aside and sat patiently cross legged on the floor with a small and empty cup and saucer in front of him , occassionally giggling and showing his appreciation for Ali's endevours.

"He is an angel ..." exclaimed Jace , who was sitting beside Alec on the couch.

"Yes , he is ...." said Alec smiling proudly at his first born.

Jace looked at Alec and saw that Alec was looking at Max.

"No, I was talking about the yet-to-be-born..." said Jace.

Alec looked at Jace and said " Oh..!!"

"Yes, he is an Angel.." said Alec smiling at Jace .

"And Jace , you can call him 'Rafe'" said Alec.

"Rafe ..Rafe is for ...???" asked Jace quizically.

"Yah, Rafe for Rafael ...Rafael Lightwood Bane ..." said Alec.

"Rafael...a good name it is..." said Jace grinning.

Alec smiled a little too at Jace's appreciations.

"Alec, you are hiding something from me ..aren't you ???" asked Jace to his parabati.

"Um...what just know that I am pregnant , what else I am hiding...?" asked Alec.

"Yes, Alec , I want to know exactly that ...what else are you hiding?" said Jace looking straight at Alec.

Magnus came with three glasses -- two of pure orange juice and one of wine. He gave the orange juice to his shadowhunter and  wine to his brother-in-law.

Magnus sat on the couch with his glass of orange juice.

Both Alec and Jace snapped their heads towards Magnus , who was taking a sip from his glass of his orange juice. It was a surprise for them because how could Magnus   stay away from alcohols.  Magnus was a synonym for drinks.

"What ?? husband is pregnant , what else do you expect me to drink." said Magnus primarily to Jace  and then to Alec.

Alec smiled lovingly at his warlock.

Jace smiled a little at the couple's solidarity.

Alec gave a * you will be rewarded later * look to his warlock.

Magnus chuckled a little.

Jace asked again, " What are you hiding from me , Alec ???"

Alec exchanged a glance with his warlock .

"Nothing , Jace, nothing..I am not hiding anything..." said  Alec.

"Alec , do I have to remind you that we are parabati and we both feel the same thing. " said Jace to Alec a little irritated.

"I am clearly feeling that you are hiding something from me which is  very important for me to know..." said Jace.

Alec looked at his husband . Magnus blinked his eyes reassuringly telling his shadowhunter that whatever would be his decision , Magnus would support him .

"Jace , actually , Angel Raziel has told me about the power imbalance,  I lied to you that day that he did not...." started Alec.

"Actually , Devil Asmodeus has manifested himself in a shadowhunter's family and so it becomes necessary for Angel Ithuriel to manifest himself.  He had chosen me and Magnus as his parents  for coming to this world to maintain the power balance in the shadowworld.

Jace listened to Alec silently.

"Oh , I see..." said Jace.

"Why did you not tell that to me before ...??" asked Jace .

"Yah...just thought it to be not so important.." said Alec trying to save the situation.

Magnus was listening to the conversation between the parabatis.

"Is it just that ...yet I am not satisfied...why am I not satisfied?...why am I still feeling that something is there..." said Jace looking at Alec.

Alec tried his level best to hide the actual truth from Jace.

Alec said " Nothing ....nothing more...Jace ....why are you not believing me...??"

Jace looked into the eyes of Alec ...

Alec shook his eyes and looked at Max instead.

"You know who is that shadowhunter's family ...don't you Alec ....???

I feel ...I feel....uncomfortable in the presence of Little Lucy got the divine order to manifest Angel Ithuriel , just after Luci was Luci Luci ...Asmodeus....?????" said Jace in a cracking voice.

Both Alec's and Magnus' eyes went wide as Jace realised the hard truth.

Alec looked at Jace .

Jace was looking in shock at Alec .

"Jace ...Jace....calm down ...buddy ......" said Alec to Jace .

Jace started to hyperventilate.

"Jace ...Jace ....oh my god ...what is happening...Magnus...." said Alec holding Jace's hands tight.

Magnus quickly came to hold Jace .

"He is ...he is having a panick attack...Love I am sedating him...." said Magnus and used his magic to sedate Jace.

Jace collapsed on Alec's shoulders.

Alec made Jace to lay on the couch gently .

"I did not want the truth to come out like this...." said Alec .

A tear drop came out of his eyes.

Magnus came and held his shadowhunter....

"Every thing will be alright, Love....Time is the greatest healer.." said Magnus caressing Alec's back.

Alec put his head on Magnus' looking at Jace.


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