Chapter 17 : Alec's Quest Pt-5

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"Pappa....Dadda...." said Max .

Alec and Magnus both were startled out of their brief moment.  They both looked up in the air. They saw Max was flying towards them at a tremendous speed.

"Magnus ....get ready to catch him...If he fell, he would surely be injured." said Alec worried.

"Yah...I am ready ..." said Magnus equally anxious.

Soon Max smashed on Alec and Alec slumped into Magnus from the heavy impact.

All three of them fell .

Alec and Magnus laughed.

"Easy....easy...Little Great Demon  . Your powers are too strong for your poor parents to handle. " said Alec holding Max in his arms.

"Dadda....Dadda...." said Max.

"Yes , Baby , I am good and I came back, see..." said Alec kissing Max's little round  head. Max hugged his Dadda tightly with his two chubby hands spread across his Dada's chest.

When Max was satisfied hugging Alec , he made grabby hands towards Magnus .

"Pappa...Pappa...." said Max.

"Yes.....Come to Papa...little one..." said Magnus pulling Max on his lap.

"Magnus ...our Maxie cried a lot for you..." said Alec touching Max's cheeks  lovingly on Magnus' lap.

"Oh..I am so little baby ...we both made you cry so much..." said Magnus looking at Max and holding him tightly.

Max was happy seeing his Papa and Dada , well and happy again.

"But, our little Max is the hero today. He is the one for whom I could come over here, found Magnus..." said Cat coming near the door.

" little angel , you heard Papa calling you ...?" asked Magnus hugging Max's little body.

Max clutched Magnus' coat in his tight baby grip .

Max looked at Magnus with his brown  orbes.

"Pappa ...good ???" asked Max.

"Oh ...yes , my little guardian , Papa is more than good.Your angel Dada saved Papa. " said Magnus holding Max's chin with his first finger.

"Magnus , Alec ...Max did not have his feed. He was too worried for his parents...." said Cat holding a full bottle of blood in her hand.

"Oh...this is not done , Sweetie....." said Magnus looking at Max.

He quickly snapped his fingers and the large bottle of blood came into Magnus' hands from Catarina's.

Magnus  shoved the bottle quickly in Max's mouth laying him on his lap.

Max started sucking the bottle feeling comfortable again in between his loving parents.

Alec drew smooth circles on Max's little feet.

After a few minutes of silence....

"What are you thinking , Love ?" asked Magnus looking at Alec's meditative eyes.

"Mmmm...Yah...this Yen-Fen business needs to have an end , Magnus. " said Alec playing with Max's little feet. Max was enjoying his foot message from his Dada.

"Do you have any plan...?" asked Magnus to Alec .

"Mmm....Guys sorry to interrupt but ,can I leave now, Madzie must be waiting for me...." said Cat.

"Oh sure, Catarina...." said Alec and Magnus.

Catarina came near to Alec and Magnus and hugged them.

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