Chapter 75 : No

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Alec was half laying on the bed with some official papers which Jace had handed him in the morning.  Magnus was looking at his shadowhunter laying beside Alec on his side of bed. He was engrossed in his work.

Magnus was feeling bored.

Max was asleep too .

Magnus thought of talking to Rafe.

He scooted towards Alec's bump and rolled up Alec's shirt.

He kissed Alec's bump and said in a whisper " I love you " .

Alec felt an instant kick inside him . He moved the papers away from his eyes and looked at his warlock .

Magnus kissed his bump again. Alec smiled a little and engrossed himself in the Clave's work.

After about ten minutes , Alec moved the papers away ...

"If you are done kissing your son ...I think I am being deprived of your love, as I am not getting any kisses or cuddles...which is not fair at all on me" said Alec with his arms crossed on his chest.

Magnus looked up at his shadowhunter . Magnus was actually kissing Alec's six months pregnant belly for the last ten minutes and saying "I love you" s  to make Rafe shift and kick .

Magnus smiled at his shadowhunter and said " Your Dada is getting jealous of us...Rafe..."

At that moment Rafe kicked and made Alec to squirm again .

Alec chuckled and said " You two are teaming up and kicking the soul out of me..."

Magnus chuckled with Alec.

Magnus scooted to his shadowhunter and said " Don't worry would be compensated "

Magnus held Alec and kissed his temples...he then moved to kiss his eyes ...then his cheeks....Alec smiled and kissed his warlock back . Magnus' hands explored his shadowhunter's bare body.

"What about the important work ...Inquisitor ??" asked Magnus teasing.

"Not feeling to do it...." said Alec.

"Oh really ...why ...?" asked Magnus amuzingly.

"Because I want to have cuddles , kisses and hugs of my husband right now..." said Alec.

Magnus smiled and  said " Mmm...the list is long...."

"Will you give me what I want ???" asked Alec batting his lashes at Magnus.

" are actually becoming a flirt...pregnancy is doing magic on you...." said Magnus chuckling.

"I was always a flirt my own way...remember I made you to rip my shirt did not even see that coming..." said Alec kissing Magnus' cheeks.

"Yah ...I remember that ...little Max was too scared to face you then ..." said Magnus chuckling.

"So ..what do you need first  - a kiss , a cuddle or a hug ? " asked Magnus.

Alec smiled and said " That's upto you...but I would prefer to have a kiss in starter , many hugs in the main course and the cuddles in desert. "

"Oohhh....sounds like a plan..." said Magnus.

Alec smiled a little at his warlock..."Then accomplish the plan like you always do ..." said Alec .

Magnus looked at his shadowhunter " Hmmm....I will ...I will....I promised you that you will be compensated ...and the High Warlock of Alicante keeps his promise..." said Magnus.

Magnus held Alec and kissed Alec on his lips ....Alec gave a moan with the pleasure.

Magnus came out of the kiss and said " Hmmm....I am doing a great job I guess..." 

Alec smiled and pulled his husband close and said " Kiss me..."

Magnus smiled and said " Patience is a virtue , darling...."

Alec kissed Magnus' lips pulling him closer.

Magnus smiled amidst kisses.

Magnus explored Alec's jawline and neck and then his hands went on Alec's body.

Gradually Magnus laid Alec on the bed .....

Magnus was kissing Alec passionately....

With each passing seconds Magnus was getting aroused . He went on top of Alec .

Alec pulled himself out of the passionate kiss .

Magnus was taken  aback.

"What...Love..what happened..???" asked Magnus a little surprised.

Alec looked at his warlock a little guilty .

"What happened Love ...what is it...????" asked Magnus again...this time getting worried.

Alec looked sheepishly at Magnus and said " Magnus , I...I..don't want to break your I know you wanted to ...but...but I don't feel like doing it today.... like with Rafe...I am ...I am not feeling comfortable today...I hope...I understand..."

Magnus looked at his shadowhunter for some time without any expression.

Alec got a little worried thinking that Magnus had got offended which he did not want. That would be his worst nightmare.

Magnus looked at his shadowhunter and asked " Why are you so guilty ??"

Alec looked at Magnus and said " I ..I broke your mood...that's why...."

"You are not in mood ...that's okay...Alexander have every right to say a no ...." said Magnus.

Alec looked at his warlock , a little relieved.

Magnus pulled Alec's chin up and said " are my husband. You have every right to say a 'no'. If you say a 'no' I must respect your desire. You should not feel that it is your job to oblige me always . You should not feel guilty about it. If you didn't want ...that's it ...that's enough for me to stop.  "

Alec smiled a little and uttered a " Thank you " to his warlock.

"No 'thank you' I always say that your desires are my orders they are ...really my orders. If you say a 'no'...then it  is my order and I must adhere to it. Alexander I love you are my everything...your desires are equally important to me..." said Magnus cupping Alec's cheeks in his hands.

Alec hugged Magnus tightly.

Magnus smiled and caressed Alec's head.

"So your starter if finished ...shall we move towards the main course and then the sweet desert ??" asked Magnus.

Alec looked up to his warlock in a little confusion .

Magnus smiled and said " Forgot ?......just now my flirty husband told me that he wanted a kiss in his starter , lots of hugs in his main course and cuddles in his desert shall we move to the main course...??"

Alec smiled and blushed . He snuggled more into Magnus and said " I am already having my main prepared for the desert...."

Magnus wrapped his arms tight around Alec and said " Then darling save enough space for the dessert because that is going to be really sweet.  "

Alec chuckled in his warlock's tight embrace .

Magnus kissed Alec's head and said " This was the first sweet in your desert  ..."

"Mmmm...that was really sweet...." said Alec amusingly.

Magnus smiled and chuckled and said " fat penguin are so adorable..."

Alec smacked gently on Magnus' chest .

Magnus smiled at his shadowhunter and said " Well that was sweet too..."

Alec blushed.

Magnus laughed.


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