Chapter 62 : Max Lub Rafe

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"Dadda...Dadda....." called Max in his sweet baby voice. Alec felt touches of two little hands on his head . Alec smiled without opening his eyes .

"Dadda...waky....waky...." said Max.

Alec chuckled .

Alec did not open his eyes , rather he went on his sides and cuddled Max and slept again.

"He...he..." laughed Max in his Dada's embrace.

"Dadda...waky...waky...." said Max again.

Alec smiled and opened his eyes and looked at his first born with his big blue eyes.

Alec pulled Max a little up on bed and kissed the whole of Max dearly. Max sqirmed and giggled in his Dada's embrace.

Max asked innocently ..." Dada , when Rafe come...???"

Alec smiled and said " Very soon ...sweetie ...very soon.."

Magnus came inside the bedroom .

"What secret discussions are going on between the Dada and son...???" asked Magnus smiling.

Max looked at Magnus and asked " Papa...when Rafe ...come....???"

"In exactly six months .....dear..." said Magnus.

"Chix monthshh..." said Max and looked at Alec . Alec nodded his head amusingly at Max.

"Do you want to feel Rafe now...." asked Magnus to Max.

"Yaya....yaya....yaya....Max feel Rafe..."said Max excited . Alec chuckled.

Alec scooted and rested his back on the headstand  of the bed.

Magnus came and sat on his side of bed and moved a little close to Alec.

Magnus said " Here we go...."

Magnus rolled Alec's shirt up exposing his small baby bump .

Alec smiled a little and blushed.

"Come , Rafe ....." said Magnus caressing Alec's small baby bump.

Max looked at Alec's baby bump with confused eyes.

"Dadda...why ur tummy big...???" asked Max innocently.

Magnus and Alec both looked at each other and smiled.

Magnus said " Dadda is big ...because Dada is carrying Rafe..."

Max looked at Magnus and then at Alec and asked " Why Dada caying Rafe....???"

Magnus  said " Um bring him on this earth soon..."

Max looked at Alec....

"Dadda .....Why Rafe inshhhide u ???" asked Max again.

Magnus and Alec chuckled enjoying the most serious conversation with their toddler.

"Because , Maxie...this is how ...we come to this world. We all came like this ..." said Alec trying to explain Max.

Max went silent for some time .

And , then......

"Dada .....u ate Rafe..Rafe go to ur tummmy..????" asked Max with horror filled eyes.

Alec and Magnus looked at each other . There was a pause of two seconds and then both bursted out laughing.

"No....sweetheart...Dada did not eat Rafe ..." said Magnus to Max pulling him on his lap .

"Rather , Dada's body is making Rafe ...and after six months from now , he will be fully made and will come to you to play with you."  said Magnus and placed a kiss on Max's head.

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