Chapter 18: Alec's Quest Pt 6

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"Do you think , he is not been made alert by that Malcom? Will he come?" asked Isabelle in a whisper to her Brother-in-law Magnus.

'Isabelle , have faith in your big brother. If he had made this plan then he must have thought something about it..." said Magnus.

Both Isabelle and Magnus were waiting to catch Cruelle , red handed.
Harris was made a bait . Harris called Cruelle to meet him for his next Yen-fen delivery at their usual spot.

But Harris was given undercover protection from Isabelle Lightwood , the Head of the New York Institute , Magnus Bane , the High Warlock of Alicante and a very adept team of shadowhunters sent by the Clave's Inquisitor Alec Lightwood to bust the Yen-Fen Racket.  Young Thomas also begged to be a part of the team because he could not stay in the Institute worrying about Harris. Madame Lightwood did not stop Thomas to be a part of the team. She understood Thomas. Now Thomas was standing with the team at their hiding spot.

Harris was waiting alone at his meeting spot for Cruelle.

Thomas was looking worryingly at Harris. Isabelle observed that and patted his shoulders. Thomas smiled a little.

Magnus' phone vibrated.

He looked into his phone and smiled a little.

"What ??? Is Alec sending you love quotes...??" asked Isabelle teasing .

" husband's baby sister!! He has been successful in his mission of catching Malcom. Malcom is being arrested and is now in the Clave..." said Magnus in a whisper to Izzy.

"Oh really ....!!" squeaked Izzy still in whisper and held Magnus tight and kissed his cheeks.

Magnus chuckled a little ....

"Save that for you brother..." said Magnus laughing.

"Alec is not here , but you are. You are his better half , so if I  kissed you , I have kissed Alec..." said Isabelle smirking.

Magnus smiled and said "Good Logic..." and patted Isabelle's head.

Izzy smiled lovingly.

Soon all the people who were in hiding could hear a portal forming at a distance near Harris.

All of them got alert . They understood that the time had come for some action.

A hooded figure came out of the portal. The skin of his right hand was visible. Rest of his body was hid under cover.Harris was right in observing that the man had a many gold and silver rings on his fingers and a green stone with 'C' etched on it.

"Cruelle , for sure " whispered Magnus. Isabelle heard it and gestured to the team to stealthily start covering the warlock from above the buildings so that he could not escape.

"Have you brought the money" asked the hooded figure to young Harris.

Harris nodded his head.

Harris put his hands in his pocket and brought out the money  .

Cruelle took out the Yen-Fen . It was covered in a brown paper. He propped the delivery packet in hand and lifted the other hand for taking the money.

All of a sudden , Cruelle could not feel his hands. The Yen-Fen delivery packet fell from his hands.Gradually he could not feel his feet . He fell on the ground in front of Harris.

"What are you doing to me...?" asked Cruelle confused.

"He is not doing anything to you ...Cruelle. Its your Karma which has come back to you ." said Magnus coming near to him.

Cruelle shot his eyes up at the familiar voice of Magnus.

"You are you even alive...??" asked Cruelle surprised .

"Oh , you would have known that if you had a loving husband like my brother ..." said Isabelle coming near to Cruelle.

The other shadowhunters soon encircled Cruelle .

"You are under arrest on the charge of selling illegal drug Yen-Fen to the students of New York Institute and also in for giving a overdose of Sleep Potion to The High Warlock of Alicante Magnus Bane with the intention of murdering him . Also attempting to murder the Clave's Inquisitor , Alec Lightwood by the same sleep potion." recited Isabelle to the criminal as one of the shadowhunter was putting a handcap on Cruelle.

"Oh are arresting me ...but the problem of the Yen-Fen will not solve by just arresting me..." said Cruelle.

"Well must be boastful about your friend Malcom Fade.  But for you information, he is been taken care of by my handsome and beautiful husband Alec Lightwood , the Clave Himself " said Magnus.

Isabelle smirked a little a Magnus' words.

Cruelle shook his head in hopelessness.

Soon he was arrested and the team of shadowhunters took him to the Clave through a portal.

Isabelle and Magnus along with the the two teenager students came back to Isabelle' s office.

Alec portaled himself to Isabelle's office.

The two teenage students stood up to greet the Inquisitor.

"Oh ..congratulations to you both , you actually did a great job. Harris , you are a brave young man" said Alec smiling to Thomas and Harris.

"And congratulations to you two both have done a wonderful job again " said Alec to both Isabelle and Magnus lovingly.

Isabelle hugged Alec and said "It was all for you , my big brother.."

Magnus smiled at his husband.

"But I have still a work left to be done ..." said Alec coming out of Izzy's hug .

Both Izzy and Magnus looked questioningly at Alec .

Alec looked at Thomas and said...

"I want to talk to your Dad " said Alec.

Thomas looked at Alec confused.

"You said that your father did not accept your sexuality well..don't you think that he needed a face to face talk with the present Gay Inquisitor  of the Clave to make him understand that he is doing a mistake..." asked Alec to Thomas.

Thomas looked at Alec surprised.

"You are the Inquisitor, sir will talk to an unknown person for just a random student....?" asked Thomas surprised.

"You are not a random student Thomas. You are equally precious as anybody in this room . The universe has made you in the same way and with the same ingredients as it has made anybody in this room. So whoever is agonizing you should require a thorough brain wash..." said Alec.

"So call your father to my room tomorrow in the afternoon . I am sending him an official letter." said Isabelle.

"Tell your father that not only the Inquisitor but the Head of The New York Institute would want to talk to him " said Isabelle sitting on her desk and writing an official summoning letter.

"Actually , tell your father that not only the Inquisitor and the Head of the Institute  want to talk to him but The High Warlock of Alicante too wants to talk to him .." said Magnus now joining in.

Alec looked at Magnus  surprised. .Magnus blinked his eye lids reassuringly . Alec smiled  at his warlock.

Both Thomas and Harris looked at each other and smiled.

Thomas looked at  Alec, Izzy and Magnus and said " I can see , my  father is surely in a trouble...."

All the people present in the office laughed out loud.


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