Chapter 38:Was it a Dream ??

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There was a war . There were no arrows , no seraph blades, no whip   from the opposite side. Blood and dust lay everywhere. The soldiers needed to lay their life for the civilians , for the protection of the kingdom . There was someone standing on the announcement podium of the palace ordering the soldiers to march forward.

Large armies could be seen from the opposite side. But that army was composed of all demons. Terribly looking demons.

The person who gave the orders from the announcement podium  was now leading the army  . That  person looked like Alec but he had brown eyes, is that Max??...There were few familiar faces. A middle aged lady who has  a face similar to Isabelle was in the army with her whip swirled around her wrist like an ornament. A teenage girl was standing by the side of Isabelle conspicuously looking like Isabelle. A boy was standing at the back of that Simon? No , it cannot be Simon...he was looking so very young compared to Isabelle.How can Simon be young and Izzy be middle aged ?

Then there was Clary who was looking aged as well. There was another teenage girl very similar to Alisa with conspicuously similar red hair like Clary.

Magnus was heading a group of warlocks .There were many known faces that included Catarina Loss. Lorenzo Ray , Nicholus Martini in that group etc.

There were groups of seelies , warewolves , vampires ....all were fighting from the side of Magnus and Isabelle .

Suddenly there was a commotion .

A teenage boy looking like Magnus  was fighting with a boy looking like Jace . But that teenage Jace was from the other side . His eyes were red as if he was possessed by some demon . The other side  had demon soldiers too.

Teenage Jace gave a sharp blow with his black sword to the  teenage Magnus on his abdomen.  Teenage Magnus shouted in pain .

The person looking like Alec ... with brown eyes may be Max, shouted...


The boy looking like teenage Magnus collapsed on the ground uttering a little above whisper...

"Saudara...I love you ....."

The deep ocean blue eyes of that teenage Magnus  closed with the words.

Alec woke up with a sudden jerk . He looked around , it was still dark . He was panting heavily.  He was drenched in his sweat.

"It was a dream..." he said in his mind.
sighing a relief.

He looked to the other side of the bed. Magnus was sleeping peacefully .

Alec did not want to disturb his warlock .

He moved out of the bed stealthily.

He took the glass of water from the nightstand and drank the whole content at one go....

Alec silently went out of the bedroom . He went to Max's nursery . He went near to Max's crib ....Max was sleeping peacefully.  Alec looked at Max lovingly. Max looks so cute when he sleeps. Alec gently caressed Max's head . His raven black hair felt soft on Alec's palm .

Alec remembered the dream. The boy who was looking like Alec himself but with brown eyes also had raven black hair. Everybody says that Max looks like Alec with Magnus' eyes and nose.

Was that person in his dream a grown up Max. The palace was very similar to Edom palace.  But who was the boy for whom grown  up Max was so worried? What was that he called him....ummm...what was the name ? ....ummm...

Rafe...yes ...Rafe was the name...who was Rafe...whom Max loved so much.

That teenage boy Rafe looked exactly like Magnus but Magnus was leading the warlocks . He was standing with Catarina Loss. Alec saw them . Then who was that boy who looked like Magnus but...but...with deep blue ocean eyes...

He called Max ...what was it...Saudara...yes he called Max ,Saudara.....What does Saudara mean...??

Alec was emmersed in his own thoughts. He was snapped out of his thoughts with a sudden gurgling sound from Max.

Alec looked at his little piece of heart. Alec saw Max was salivating in his sleep. Alec smiled . He took a wipe and gently cleaned Max's mouth. Max cuddled  onto Alec hands.

"Ohoh!!...." said Alec .

Alec could not move his hands. If he moved Max might wake up.

Alec was thinking what to do ....when an idea struck him . He pulled the whole of sleeping Max in his arms and  went to his bedroom . He made Max to sleep on their plush bed and himself slept by the side of Max.

Alec cuddled Max. Max snuggled more into his Dada's body .  Alec planted a kiss on Max's head .

Soon Alec felt asleep relishing in his baby's warmth.


Alec woke up with a touch of small plum hands kneading his cheeks  .

He opened his eyes and saw Max was kneading his cheeks with his plum hands.

"Dada...waky...waky..." said Max in his sweet baby voice.

Alec smiled and said ....

"Oh , you woke up before little angel....???" asked Alec to Max. squishing Max's chubby cheeks.

Max giggled at his Dada'a touches.

"Breakfast is ready ....Max bring your Dada down..." shouted Magnus from the kitchen.

Max said " Dadda...Pappa"

"Yah....sweetie..I heard..." said Alec moving out of the covers.

"Go tell your Papa, I am coming..." said Alec grabbing his towel and getting into the bathroom.

Max flew out of the room .

Alec came down after having his morning shower. Magnus served the breakfast already and was waiting for his shadowhunter with a cup of coffee.

"Hey...." said Alec and kissed Magnus on his cheeks.

"Hey ...Love...." responded Magnus.

"Slept well ...?" asked Magnus patting Alec's cheeks.

"Yup..." said Alec to his warlock.

Magnus served the pancakes to Alec.

" favourite..." said Alec.

"I!!!" said Magnus smiling.

Alec was looking into the newsletter , while Magnus was helping Max with his breakfast.

Suddenly Alec asked " any chance you know...what Saudara means....?"

Magnus looked at Alec for some time and said " Um Indonesian ...Saudara ...means sibling ..or a big brother..."

Alec's eyes went wide. He choked on his black coffee....

Magnus said " Easy...easy...careful while you drink."

Magnus started patting his shadowhunter's back gently.


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