Chapter 63 : The Truth

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*knock* ....*knock*

There was a knock on the door. Alec and Magnus came out of their brief family moment.

"I am taking the door....Max , you take care of your Dada and  Rafe ..." said Magnus to his toddler.

Max nodded like an obidient child.

Max scooted and held his Dada from his middle. Max was protecting his Dada by cuddling him.

Magnus chuckled at Max's antics.

Alec smiled at his toddler and kissed Max's little head. He pulled his shirt down hiding his small baby bump.

Magnus went to the door and saw a dishevelled Clary was standing in front of his door.

"Biscuit ??? So early in the morning  ..what happened  ??Is everything alright??? "asked Magnus a little surprised.

Clary did not say anything ..she just came inside the house.

Magnus was getting worried with the passing time .

"Biscuit, where is Jace and the kids ....??? Is everything alright???" asked  Magnus again.

Alec started descending the stairs slowly. Max was seated on the crook of his waist . This time , to be extra careful , Alec was holding the balustrade of the stairs.

"What happened ...???" asked Alec to Clary and Magnus.

Clary looked at Magnus and then at Alec .

Clary started.......

"The first , Alec was about to lose  baby Rafe was at my house when Luci accidentally dropped the toy car in front of Alec's feet. The second time this happened was on the stairs here in this house. Alec slipped on the same step on which I was standing with Luci in my arms and talking to Maryse.....

Jace does not allow me to come to your house with Lucifer. Whenever I thought of coming to your house with Luci and Ali...Jace would always tell me that he would take care of Luci and  I should come here with only Ali.

Alec , yesterday , when I wanted to make Lucifer hug you ...Jace pulled Luci away and did not allow me to take Luci close to you ..

I asked Jace again and again . But he does not answer me. Yesterday ...I saw Jace and Magnus talking and they were checking Lucifer's hands , while Magnus was showing the fallen lamp on the blaustrade, after the fateful incident of Alec about to fall...

I checked Luci's hands just after that ..and...and..I saw ...oil in them.

I want to ask you two...can you please tell me what exactly is going on ?Jace is not telling me anything ....Do you hate Lucifer , Alec don't like my son ???" finished Clary with her voice breaking.

"Its ....its nothing like that ...Clary ...I love Luci much as I love Ali. You are thinking too much. " said Alec trying to sound polished in his voice.

"Jace wanted to keep little Luci away from Alec ....its because he is too small...that's it...and nothing else..." said Magnus.

"So what ....Alec is a father himself. He is going to be a father again. Children feel safe around I did not buy your reason of Luci being too small...there has to be some other reason  ...what is it ??"  asked Clary now getting even more suspicious .

Alec was thinking to tackle Clary.

Clary moved a little forward and pulled Max from Alec's waist and said " Swear in the name of Max that you two are not hiding anything from me..."

Alec's and Magnus' eyes went wide. They did not see this coming.

Alec and Magnus looked at each other. 

Jace came running with Luci in his hands. Ali was following them.

"Clary ..!!!!" exclaimed Jace.

Alec and  Magnus looked helpless at Jace .

"Clary ..come with me ....nobody is hiding anything from you...don't worry..." said Jace holding Clary's wrist  .

Clary looked at Jace and then at Magnus and Alec and said " I am not moving out without knowing the truth. All of you are hiding something from me. "

"Alec , in the name of Rafe ....tell me what is going on ...please...." said Clary .

Alec shook his head. He did not know what to do .

"Clary ...don't do this ....Alec is pregnant ..don't coax him for something this..." said Jace .

"Then just tell him to tell me that everything is good..Nothing is wrong with my Luci ......and I will go ..." said Clary .

"I am telling you , there is nothing wrong with Luci .....come to home..Clary .." said Jace.

Magnus went near Alec and took Max from Clary's arms. He held his arms around Alec's waist. 

"Then , why I feel uncomfortable in baby Luci's proximity ...why I feel a presence of tremendous negativity around baby Luci ..... why sometimes I feel his eyes to be glowing red...why I feel baby Luci vibrate while he was near Alec....why both the times , Alec was about to fall with Rafe ...that Luci was somehow associated with both the incidents ....." said Clary  with pleading voice.

Jace 's eyes went wide.

Clary looked at Alec and said " Remember Alec , when I told you to take a  second child on your birthday , you looked at me and said that it was too early and Max was too small , so you did not have a second child in your plan . Then you got the vision from the Angel and now you are carrying Angel this somewhere related to Little Luci ....???"

Alec was sweating . He was feeling nervous. The vision of Clary and Jace in front of his eyes started to get blurred.

Magnus felt Alec swaying  in his arms.

Magnus looked at Alec .

"Love ????" asked Magnus.

Jace looked at Alec . Jace gave Luci quickly to Clary and ran towards Alec .

Magnus left Max. Max was hovering with his wings. "Dadda..." said Max with his scared baby voice. Magnus held Alec ...while Alec was about to faint . Jace held Alec from the other side .

"Magnus hold him ...lay him on the couch . " said Jace .

Magnus nodded his head .

Jace held his parabati's legs and Magnus held Alec's upper body . They carefully placed Alec on the couch . Alec had lost his consciousness. There were sweat drops all over Alec's face and his shirt was wet too. He must have had a sudden panic attack.

Jace looked at Clary and said " Happy now.....This is what you wanted right ....Alec has fainted. He is pregnant and he has a panic attack . This is exactly what you wanted...right??

Yes....yes.....our Luci is Asmodeus manifested, that is why you feel the tremendous negativity present in his vicinity . Not only you ...I feel the same in his presence. After Asmodeus manifested through us ....Angel Ithuriel gave Alec vision to manifest him to restore the power imbalance that has been created in the shadow world. What else do you want to know ....Clary ???"

"JACE ...STOP IT...WHAT ARE YOU DOING ....!!" said Alec in a weak voice, regaining his consciousness . Magnus applied his magic to bring his shadowhunter back. Max was hugging Alec with his plum hands spreading across Alec's chest and giving his soothing magic to his Dadda.

With Alec's words ...Jace just realised ....what he  did. In his rage he forgot everything... he said the very thing which he wanted to hide from his wife ....which might break Clary, a mother, into many unmendable pieces.

Clary looked at Jace with horror filled eyes..........


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