Chapter 44 : My Husband , Angry Pt2

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" Magnus...Magnus....listen to me please..." pleaded Alec to his husband who was laying on the other side of the bed with his back towards Alec.

Magnus did not respond.

Magnus quickly stood up from the bed and went to make the breakfast.

Alec looked at the back of his warlock.

Alec called" Magnus!!!"

But Magnus did not respond to his shadowhunter.

Alec sighed.

He had to win Magnus back and getting his consent might not be an  easy task ...thought Alec in his mind.

Alec came out of the bed and went to take  a shower.

Alec climbed down the stairs after finishing his morning shower. He was looking at Magnus who was sitting on the dining table with the newsletter on his nose. He made pancakes with lots of honey which was Alec's favourite. He served them already and kept the coffee pot by the side of Alec's plate . Magnus did not look at Alec . Alec sighed . His warlock was clearly angry.But he still loves his shadowhunter. The serving  of Alec's favourite pancakes was telling that.

Max was sitting on his high chair beside Magnus and silently eating his bowl of fruits with his own hands. The juice were all over Max's mouth ,chin and  jumper.

Alec smiled a little . He went to Max first and took the napkin to wipe Max's little mouth and chin.

Max smiled at his Dada " Gudhh Moning , Dadda "

" Good Morning , my little Angel...." said Alec kissing Max's head and smelling his baby's  head. Alec relaxed at his baby's familiar scent.

Magnus was  deliberately not looking at Alec . But occassionally peeking at his shadowhunter.

Alec went to Magnus and kissed him on his head . Magnus did not finch yet he did not respond either

Alec went to sit on his chair.

" favourite..." said Alec taking a bite of the pancake from the plate.

Magnus did not respond again.

Alec slid his hand on Magnus' and asked " Magnus ??? I love you , you know that right ??? "

Magnus did not say a word.

Alec left the pancake and faced Magnus .

Magnus kept the newsletter beside him . He did not look at Alec though. He was looking at his hands.

Alec said " Magnus ,you are everything to me ....I love you more than anything in this world. Your wishes are my orders. If you are not comfortable with it , then we will not bring another child ...Max will be our one and only....I cannot see my warlock sad and angry ...Magnus. Angel Ithuriel will find another womb for his manifestation.  "

Alec did not finish his breakfast . He stood up from his chair and took his belongings to go to the Clave office.

Magnus came from his chair . He held Alec's wrist and kissed him on his cheeks but did not say a word and went away to tend Max.

Alec looked at his still angry warlock and sighed. Alec entered into the portal saying " Bye Magnus...."

Magnus heard it but did not respond.

Magnus was making Max to have his cereals .

It was afternoon. Magnus was strolling with Max on his shoulder to make Max sleep and take a short afternoon nap. Max was lying on Magnus' shoulders with his head near to Magnus' neck and slowly drifting of to sleep in his Papa's warmth.

When Max was almost out ,Magnus sat on the couch and relaxed a little laying Max on his chest  on top of him . He kept his legs on the table . Without him knowing , Magnus himself drifted off to sleep with Max.

"Holy warlock Magnus Bane ....wake your soul up ...Magnus ...wake up...." said a heavenly voice.

Magnus woke up with the sound . He looked around and found himself in an undying emptyness.

"Where am I ?" asked Magnus.

"You are a consciousness , Magnus , right now. You are nowhere . You are in the cosmic pause. There is no past , no present , no future in your state. " said the heavenly voice.

"Who are you ?" asked Magnus.

"I am Angel Ithuriel , Magnus. I want you  to manifest me through the blessed womb of  your loving husband, Alexander. I have chosen you as my parents  and I want venerated Great Demon to be my loving big brother. " said Angel Ithuriel.

"I am honoured Angel that you have chosen me and my husband as your parents. But Angel , I cannot let my love, my husband die. He has the blessed womb but he does not have the endurance for bringing a child on this earth. I love my husband too much to let him die....not even for manifesting respected Angel Ithuriel " said Magnus bowing his head.

"What makes you believe that I , Angel Ithuriel , will kill my own birth giver to manifest myself on this earth? " asked the heavenly voice.

"Even venerated Great Demon , being the Great demon himself could not kill his birth giver. He saved him . I , am an angel , I will not let my birth giver die holy warlock Magnus Bane.Your love for your husband is heavenly and you would be rewarded for it. I promise you that the process of bringing me on this earth would be blessed and painless for your shadowhunter. I will help him through all the pains of pregnancy . Don't be skeptic , Magnus Bane and help us Angels in our divine plan. With Asmodeus manifested , it becomes necessary for me to manifest ,to maintain the power balance in this world . I am required to stay near by the holy soul Alexander and little Max to save them from the demonic revengeful plans of Asmodeus.

Magnus Bane , I request you to have faith in the words of the Angel and help your shadowhunter to manifest me  . Bring me as your son Father. Bring me as your son......"

Magnus woke up with a startle. He looked around him . He found himself on the couch . Max was sleeping on him peacefully. Magnus caressed Max's head and kissed his baby .

He looked at a sleeping Max lovingly and said " I must apologize to your Dada , Maxie...We both love the same person, your Dada and my Alexander. We both will not let him go. I understand that to tame the demon of Asmodeus we need Angel Ithuriel on this earth .And Angel Ithuriel needs a blessed womb like the one of your Dada. The womb that is honoured by the birth of you , Great Demon . Soon you will get a little brother who would help you in your endevours. He would love you and protect you . In turn you would love him too. The holy Angel Ithuriel assured me that he will make your Dada safe . I have faith in his divine words, Maxie.  Moreover , I have faith in you my little love, you will not let your Dada go anywhere, don't you ? "

Max smiled in his sleep at his Papa's words.


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