Chapter 52 : Litle Brthr on way !!

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Jace left with a sleeping Alisa in his arms from the Lightwood-Bane Mansion  at early hours saying good-bye to Magnus . Alec being pregnant , both his parabati and husband decided not to disturb him and allow him to complete his sleep.

Jace requested Magnus not to tell anything to Clary about the manifestation of Asmodeus and about baby Lucifer.

Magnus promised Jace that he would not and also would tell Alec to do the same.

Jace said a thank you to Magnus and left for the Herondale house.

Magnus looked at Jace 's back and sighed.

In that moment, Magnus saw a father who was determined to change the future and bring his child up into an angel suppressing his negativity.

Magnus smiled a little in his mind. He was proud of his shadowhunter for giving such a beautiful advice to his parabati. The advice that might change the course of future.

Magnus  closed the door and went upstairs  to his bedroom . Entering the bedroom he saw Alec was sleeping deeply . He thought not to disturb his shadowhunter and stealthily slipped inside the covers.

Alec squirmed a little in his sleep. Magnus caressed Alec's head . Alec smiled and went into deep sleep again.

Magnus cuddled his shadowhunter and went into sleep.


Alec's eyes opened with the feel of two lips on his own. Alec smiled a little still keeping his eyes closed.

"Wake up , Love ...see Rafe woke up before you ...." said Magnus amusingly.

"Really ????" asked Alec opening his eyes.

"Yes , we both were talking for the last half an hour. Rafe told me to wake you up because he is hungry...." said Magnus placing a tray of bacon and toast and a glass full of fresh orange juice in front of  Alec.

"Oh my god , you prepared all these ..." said Alec in a little surprise.

"Yes, for my two loves , I have to..." said Magnus touching Alec's stomach. Magnus kissed his shadowhunter's cheeks .

"Now eat little angel is hungry..." said Magnus.

Alec smiled taking a sip from his orange juice.

He asked " Where is Jace ???"

"Oh , he had left early in the morning with a sleeping Alisa on his shoulders.  He did not want to disturb your sleep . He also made me to promise not to tell Clary anything about Asmodeus or Lucifer. He told you to not open your mouth before Clary either." said Magnus.

"Of course , I will not tell anyone about young Lucifer..." said Alec.

Alec went silent as he started feeling sad for Jace.

Magnus kissed Alec on his lips to cheer him up.

"Mmm" moaned Alec from  his warlock's  kisses.

"Finish your breakfast ....Dadda ...Rafe is hungry..." said Magnus shoving the plate to Alec.

Alec smiled and started eating his toast and bacon and said " You seem to have learned some special language to understand Rafe . "

"Yes , its called Pappa's language...." said Magnus.

"Hmmm" responded Alec.

"What were you two talking ??" asked Alec .

"Nothing special , I was just telling him , how beautiful his Dadda is..." said Magnus looking straight at Alec.

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