Chapter 23: Honoured

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"Magnus , I am back..." said Alec closing the door of his house behind him .

He sighed . He was being nervous for some reason.

He kept his belongings on their respective places and started removing his shoes to get into sleepers.

He looked around the house to find his warlock . But so far he could not see his Magnus.

Alec started collecting the scattered toys one after the other from the floor as he moved inside the house.

"I am in the kitchen ..." shouted Magnus from the kitchen.

"Yah...I heard you..." said Alec taking a deep breath and entering into the kitchen.

Alec saw his warlock standing bare bodied on the kitchen counter working on some dish .

Alec came to his warlock and held him lovingly from his back.

"I missed you a lot...." said Alec.

Magnus turned his neck and said " I missed you too my shadowhunter " and he kissed Alec's forehead.

"What are you making...?" asked Alec.

"Your favourite Italian Pasta..." said Magnus putting a  slice of cucumber in Alec's mouth.

Alec grinded it with his teeth and  placed his chin on Magnus' shoulder.

"How was your day ...?" asked Magnus starting the coffee machine.

Alec exhaled a trembling breath .

Alec snuggled more into Magnus and said " Nothing ...nothing...special...just the usual..."

"Where is Max..?" asked Alec.

Magnus felt Alec was trying to hide something . Otherwise he would say even the slightest of things that had happened in the Clave office to his warlock that included even Jace ruffling his hairs.

But , Magnus thought  that he might be thinking too much , his shadowhunter must be tired.

"Izzy and Clary took Max, they went to shopping , talking of some sale in the market.." said Magnus.

"Oh....Max is going to get spoilt ..." said Alec .

Magnus chuckled a littel.

" shadowhunter. Max is loved by his family , he is not going to get spoilt , rather he will be  a lovely person with so much of love around him..." said Magnus turning a little and caressing Alec's cheeks.

Alec moved his eyes down .

Magnus observed that.

Alec nodded and placed his forehead on Magnus' forehead and said " You are right."

Magnus tried to read Alec's mind doubtfully.

"Go freshen up , I will serve the dinner." said Magnus .


"Oh...Magnus , you have done a magic today , I hope you have enough for you because I am going to eat the whole bowl...." said Alec to Magnus putting the first morsel of pasta in his mouth.

"I knew , you would like it. I made it with all the love which have for you ..." said Magnus.

Alec looked into Magnus' eyes and smiled and immediately moved his eyes down.

Magnus observed that his Alexander was stealing eye contact with him.

Magnus was getting tense.

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