It's Not Malec

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Hey Guys .

Recently a very not-so-happy experience took place with me. I just wanted to share that with my readers. Specially , if you are  young yet-to-be - married woman , please read it  . And if you are Indian and yet-to-be-married woman , I would definitely want you to read it  . It will help you in the future , I am sure.

So before I start , I want to give a brief introduction of my background.

I have done a Masters in Mathematics from Lady Shriram College  which is considered to be one of the most reputed colleges of India. To enter into the college , one has to have a great academic background . With all the humility , I was bestowed with the opportunity to study there.

Apart from a good academic background , I did graduation in Indian Classical Dance - Odissi , and have represented India  in various International platforms and  festivals. 

After I completed my studies , I sat for the coveted Civil Services Exam of India. It is one of the toughest competitive exams of Asia . It has three stages. I cleared the first two but  unfortunately missed the final one by a few marks.

After that ,though I was a little heartbroken , I changed my line and took up a job with a multinational  company and side by side I continue with my dance. So now I am okay with whatever meagre I am and I have. As you all know I am a freelance writer as well.

So you see , from the very childhood , I was raised up in the same way as a  boy would be raised up . I was no different than any boy in terms of academic credentials.

Now , since I am 28 , my parents have recently become really worried about my marriage . Since I was a student , I studied in an all-girl school and Lady Shriram college is an All-girl college too. So you see my exposure to  opposite sex is very less. In my workplace too , I did not find any one suitable either.

So ,my  parents have recently gone over the online-matrimony app where suitable matches could be found for prospective brides, for an arrange marriage for their daughter. I also did not stop them either. Every woman wants to get settled in life , aren't we ? So did I.

Long story cut short , recently I got an interest from a prospective groom. Let's just call him John ( not want to reveal the poor guy's identity).

First he showed his interest on my profile on the matrimony app. Though John was an MBA , he did  not have  a bright academic background as I have , with all the humility. Okay , I am not boasting at all on my career. Don't take me other way . This is just important for the readers to know to understand my story better, and that's why I am telling about my academic background.

John was good looking and he also has a Masters degree . So my parents were glad that there will be equality in the relation as both the prospective bride and groom have equal academic qualifications . Our families are compatible too .

Now John lives with his parents in a three BHK apartment . John has a 25 year old brother , who lives with him too. So he is having a joint family of four. When there will be his wife , the family would become five and all of them would live together in a 3BHK  falt.

I am from a totally nuclear family where there is only me  and my parents. I don't have any siblings. So we live in a 3Bhk apartment too . But I always lived in spacious place from my childhood.

When my parents accepted the interest on Matrimony app. John took permission from my parents to talk to me. My parents said " Ofcourse , perhaps you both are going to start a new life , you should know each other well. "

So John called me that evening and after that we started to chat on whatsapp.  On the first day conversation ,he complemented that I was very talented as I have good academic background and also a good extracurricular activity. He complemented my eyes and said that he was really smitten by them . As a woman , I would not say that these compliments were not having any effect on me. I was enjoying the conversation too. 

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