Chapter 2 : Furious Jace

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"Alexander...Love ....get the door...I am in the middle of something ....can't come..." said Magnus shouting from his workplace.

"Okay...don't worry , I am taking the door...." said Alec .

Max was peacefully sleeping in his nursery which was warded and also Alec activated a silencing rune to not disturb his baby's sleep.

Alec was in the kitchen preparing the lunch for the day . The door knocked and Alec sprinted towards the door . He wisely turned the gas off this time ....didn't want to prepare the lunch from the scratch again.

"Coming....." shouted Alec before wiping his hands and coming to the door.

He opened the door and met two golden coloured eye balls staring at him like a Mama Cat stares at her unruly kittens.

" are are here......." stuttered Alec.

"Can I come in ...." asked Jace.

"Yah...yah...sure ...please come in....."said Alec trying to gain back his composure.

Jace came inside. He sat on the couch and inhaled a deep breathe and started.....

"Yesterday....the whole day till the middle of the night , my parabati rune was throbbing like one moment I thought that you were dying then I checked that my rune was not vanishing yet ...rather it was just a lingering pain.

I tried your phone many times but you were not picking up. I tried Magnus' phone but he was not picking up either. Then I could not resist myself, I came here but there was no-one at this place. It was already midnight and the pain through my rune vanished just like that. I felt relieved , so thought of asking you in the morning.

But ,today in the morning when I went to the Clave office ...I got to know that the Inquisitor accepted his plush accomodation for one night . He stayed there with his baby boy for one whole day till the middle of night , when  Magnus Bane came at an ungodly hour to seek the Inquisitor's visit. Then Catarina Loss came to tend to someone in the Inquisitor's house. After that the Inquisitor vacated the question to the Inquisitor standing right in front of a big bold  WHY ?"
finished Jace.

"It was nothing Jace ..Just a little problem here are thinking too much ...see I am all good and Max is sleeping peacefully at his nursery , Magnus is working on a potion....everything  and all are good...Jace ...just don't worry...buddy...." said Alec trying to calm Jace.

"Alec I have known you since childhood , we grew up together, we are cannot hide yourself from are nervous as hell right now...and desperately trying to hide something from me....I want to know that from you....." asked  Jace .

"Nothing serious ....Jace, its that Magnus inhaled some evil fumes of a memory potion and he just forgot about me and Max for a little time. So I moved to the Inquisitor's accomodation and waited there till he regained his memories ...when he had his memories back he came to the Inquisitor's house to take us back with him....that's it...nothing serious...." said Alec smiling .

"Then why Molly saw you crying all the time in the Inquisitor's house holding Max and telling again and again that how could his Papa call him "that"....." asked Jace now getting closer to hitting the bull's eye.

"Damn Molly...."said Alec gritting his teeth.

" What is this "that" which Magnus called his kid that made you so sad that you were crying continuously and my rune was throbbing like hell......????" asked Jace.

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