Chapter 55 : The Swings

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Alec was two months pregnant. Alec did not start to show , so he was comfortable with continuing with his office.

Magnus was looking at Alec who was crying for the past ten minutes. The reason being that when Alec changed Max into fresh clothes , and kissed him , Max had kissed Alec's forehead in turn. Alec found it so overwhelming and cute that he could not stop his tears to flow.

"Alexander , love , its okay....Max loves you a lot ....." tried Magnus very gently to make his shadowhunter stop crying.

"Oh ...Magnus , you are so insensitive , you could not see how cute Max was. He kissed me on my forehead. He cares for me . He is an angel...." said Alec and cried a little more .

Magnus put two more tissues on Alec's hands , the bucket on the side of Alec already had fifteen soiled tissues in it.

Magnus sighed. He knew Alec was going through a mood swing. He was too gentle to point that out.

The mood swings had taken a toll on the fierce shadowhunter. He tends to cry more often , which in the normal time , he would not.

Magnus took his shadowhunter in his arms and said " Alexander , I know , Max loves you . He is an angel ...but you should stop crying because its not good for the baby. "

Alec looked at Magnus for some time stopping his tears and then he said

"You don't care for me any more...ain't it Magnus ???All you care is for Rafe..???" asked Alec in a breaking voice.

Alec stood up from the couch and stomped towards the stairs.

"Alexander....Alexander.....stop...Love ..I did not mean it that way...." said Magnus in a raised voice so that his shadowhunter could hear that.

Alec did not listen to his warlock and rather went to their bedroom.

Magnus sighed a little . The mood swings are taking a toll on Magnus as well .

Magnus thought of what to do.
Because now -a -days if Alec got angry then it took many hours to bring Alec back to normal. He would normally cry his eyes out and then would himself come to Magnus and apologise him by hugging him tight and kissing.

Magnus did not want his shadowhunter to feel guilty for something on which he did not have control . So this time he thought of doing something else.

Magnus went to Max's nursery .

Max was using his magic to flip the pages of his picture book and see the beautiful pictures of Idris landscapes.
The book was given by Jace as Max's birthday present . Jace wanted his beloved Angel nephew to know about Idris more through pictures as Jace loved Idris too.

Magnus went silently and sat beside Max on the carpeted floor.

Magnus bent and kissed Max's little head.

Max looked up at Magnus and said " Pappa...???" in his sweet baby voice.

"Yes, Baby ....Papa needs you...Dada is mad at Papa...." said Magnus.

Max looked at Magnus and said " Dadda mad ???"

"Yes , baby....Papa needs help...Sweetie...." said Magnus pulling Max on his lap.

"Max help Papa..." declared Max.

Magnus chuckled a little and said " Oh are my little saviour..."

Magnus stood up with Max on tow and then headed towards Alec's bedroom.

Alec was laying on his plush bed in his bedroom. He was looking up at the ceiling. Now he was started to feel guilty of himself. He snapped at his beloved husband, which he should not. But he did not have control on himself , damn hormones....

Soon Alec felt a flapping of a pair of little wings in the bedroom.

Alec saw Max was hovering on top of him .

Max landed beside Alec .

Alec smiled at his baby .

Max gave his world winning smile and he held Alec from his middle and said " Dadda ....Pappa lub Dadda ...Pappa...say sorry...."

Alec sat upright on bed and saw Magnus was standing at the foot of the bed .

Alec looked at Magnus and said " Tell Papa , that Dadda is sorry too. "

Tears started to roll down Alec's cheeks again .

Alec stood up from the bed and pulled Max up in his arms . He moved near to Magnus and drooped his head down and said " Magnus , I am sorry to snap at you , please forgive me..."

Magnus held Alec's hands and pulled him towards himself. He hugged his shadowhunter tight and said " Its not your fault , Love . You should not be sorry. Its because of the hormones that you are so sensitive and feeling irritated or sad. Stop feeling guilty and apologise to me again and again...I don't want you to stress yourself."

Alec tried to smile at his warlock.

Max clapped his hands from Alec's waist and said " Yeh..Dadda lub Pappa...Dadda lub Papa..."

Both Alec and Magnus chuckled at their toddler.

"Dadda , Max play..." said Max.

"Yah ...sure sweetie..." said Alec putting Max down .

Max ran towards the nursery.

Magnus smiled at Max and uttered a thank you to him in his mind.

Alec looked at his hands and then at Magnus and said "
...can you ...can you...."

Magnus looked at Alec trying to find out what his shadowhunter was hesitating to speak out.

"What is it, Alexander...tell me..." said Magnus a little worried with the anticipation.

"Magnus , I have never asked for anything big from ...can you...give me something...." said Alec hesitating.

Magnus was getting worried with every passing minute and said " Alexander , you are actually giving me a heart attack ...just tell me what you want. I can give my life for you ..."

"Can you bring me a tub of vanilla and strawberry ice cream with a packet of Nachos , also some Indonesian pickle to go with it....." said Alec in one go.

Magnus sighed a relief . Magnus was about to laugh but he stopped himself from laughing .

'Sure , Love , anything else.....???' Asked Magnus .

"Yah , can you put some chocolate chips on the strawberry ice cream and some kiwi pieces on the vanila ice cream ...please...." said Alec pleading.

Magnus snapped his fingers and soon everything which Alec said appeared in sequence on a bed tray on the bed .

Alec smiled at Magnus and said " Thank you , Magnus."

He kissed his warlock dearly on his cheeks .

Alec went to the bed .

Alec was happy like a child.

He took the bucket of the strawberry ice cream in his hand and scooped the ice cream from it.

He savoured the ice cream like he had not eaten it ever in his life.

Alec took a nacho chip scooped the ice cream from the tub , took some of the Indonesian pickle from the jar and put the whole thing in his mouth.

Magnus grimaced his face a little.

Magnus sighed and thought pregnancy is wierd. Alec was crying like a child a few minutes back and now he is smiling and enjoying his crazy food .

Magnus smiled. He loved his shadowhunter and their unborn child and would do anything for them.


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