Chapter 19 : Now and Present.

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//////Alec is immortal in this book. He has Immortality rune , he is the father of Great Demon who is immortal too, he is bonded to his son, so again he is immortal ...but this chapter I wanted to write a little different. Just for this chapter assume Alec is not immortal.//////

"Oh God!!...what a day....!!" said Alec coming out of the Institute with Magnus.

They had a good talk with Thomas and his father. Thomas' father understood that what he did with his son was wrong . He loved his son . He promised Alec that he would not let his son's sexual orientation to come in between them.

"Hella yes!! was a hell of a stressful day....Alexander..." said Magnus sighing.

Magnus was about to make a portal back to Idris but was stopped by a hand.

Magnus looked up and saw his shadowhunter was standing in front of him.

Magnus raised his brows up in question.

"Its ...its...such a beautiful night , Magnus . See its a full moon. What do you say , if we take some walk on the New York's streets!!" said Alec.

Magnus smiled and nodded.

"I would cherish a walk with you , my love..." said Magnus.

Alec smiled.

Alec cupped his elbow. Magnus chuckled and put his hand on Alec's elbow  . They started to  walk slowly on the dim lit streets of the New York at late hours of night.

It was a peaceful stroll , of which both couples were enjoying every bit.

Magnus put his head on Alec's shoulder, but within few seconds he had to move away hearing a sneezing sound.


Magnus looked at Alec .

"You are feeling cold ?" asked Magnus caring.

He snapped his fingers and soon a thick woolen scarf appeared in his hands.

He stopped Alec and started wrapping the scarf around Alec's neck.

Alec smiled at his warlock.

"What ??" asked Magnus.

"I am not Max " said Alec amuzingly.

"I know, Love are not my son but you are  my son's father whatever I am doing  , it is very much required and you must appreciate it ..." said Magnus finishing setting the scarf at place and kissing Alec's cheeks.

Alec smiled a little.

They resumed their walk again. Magnus intertwined his fingers with Alec.

"Magnus, Can we sit on that bench over there ?" asked Alec.

The bench was overlooking a cliff and one could see a full moon sitting on the bench.

Magnus looked in the direction where Alec was pointing and found the bench.

"Someone is getting romantic ...huh? "said Magnus looking at Alec.

Alec grinned from ear to ear.

"Yes , I would love to watch the moon with the moon of my life...." said Magnus holding Alec's wrist.

Alec moved involuntarily behind his warlock.

They both sat on the bench .

Both of them looked at the full moon. It was a beauty to watch . The moon was standing as a painting on the canvas of the nightsky. The stars in the background were like someone had sprinkled glitters all over the black canvas.

"It is beautiful ...Magnus..."exclaimed Alec.

Magnus looked at Alec .

Alec was glowing in the moon light . His pale complexion was making him to shine under the shower of the moon light.

"Not as beautiful as the one sitting beside me..." said Magnus.

Alec moved his eyes away from the moon  and looked at Magnus.

Magnus was shining like copper statue . With his wheatish Asian complexion , the moonlight had brought out  the poetic beauty in him . He fell in love with Magnus once again.

Alec moved a little closure to Magnus on the bench . He cupped Magnus' cheeks in his two hands and said,

"Magnus , you are are beautiful...."

Magnus was so overwhelmed with Alec's compliment that his glamour dropped and his warlock marks got visible.

Magnus was looking at Alec with his Cat's eyes .

Alec kept on looking at Magnus with the same affection , same love. The change in Magnus did not bother him . He accepted everything in the man who was sitting beside him.

"Alexander , are you real??" asked Magnus to Alec.

"Hmm??" asked Alec.

"I always feel that you are a dream day I will wake up and you will be gone..Alexander. I will not find you anywhere  ever again..." said Magnus with a single tear rolling down his cheek.

Alec wiped the tear with his thumb.

"Magnus , you are immortal. I am one of your many lovers . In your long life , I might be just a small memory. The memory will fade one day ...but try to see this from my eyes...Magnus. I have got one life , a limited time to stay on this earth . But you are my life Magnus . You have given me all the happiness which anyone can wish for. Remember always Magnus , Alexander Lightwood might be just a foot note on the long life book of Magnus but Magnus Bane would always be Alexander Lightwood's heart and soul. " said Alec.

"No...Love , you are not just a footnote on Magnus Bane's lifebook , but Magnus Bane's Lifebook would be dedicated to you . You will be the prelude and the epilogue , the acknowledgement and the are many more to my Lifebook ...Alexander." said Magnus.

Magnus leaned on Alec.

"Never think of leaving me , okay ....shadowhunter." said Magnus.

Alec was about to open his mouth but Magnus placed a finger on Alec's lips.

"No discussion on this. I will not let you go......never..."said Magnus.

Alec sighed and placed a kiss on his warlock's head.

He pulled Magnus' chin up with his first finger and crashed his lips on him .

Magnus savoured the moment.

Magnus wanted to forget the thought that one day Alexander might not be by his side.  He wanted to live in the now and the present forgetting everything else.

After few seconds , they both pulled apart for the obvious need of air.

Magnus placed his head on Alec's shoulder. Alec put his head on Magnus' head. The couple enjoyed the picturesque fullmoon sitting there, enjoying their now and present.


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