Chapter 70 :Shulpige Pt 3 ( end)

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The guests departed . Some of them hugged Jace and Clary and consoled them and told them to forget the dreadful incident. They should be thankful to the Universe and of course to Alec and Magnus that both of them used their reflexes and saved little Lucifer from the clutches of death.

Jace and Clary nodded their heads and thanked the guests for their soothing words.

Maryse hugged Jace and said in his ears " Try to forget this incident ...okay...don't think about what could have happened rather think about what has happened actually...Our Luci is all hearty and healthy..."

Jace clutched Maryse and hugged her tightly .

Jace basked in Maryse's motherly affection for some time.

He pulled out. Robert hugged Jace too.
He patted his back and said " Mary is should be strong and forget about today's incident ..okay..."

Jace nodded his head.

Maryse hugged Clary and told her to be strong.

Clary hugged Maryse back  .

Soon the Lightwood-Bane Mansion was left by all the guests leaving behind only the Herondales.

Alec sat tiredly on the couch with his feet on the table. Magnus sat by Alec's side . Alec kept his head on Magnus' shoulders.

Magnus wrapped his arm around Alec's shoulders and caressed his back gently .

Max was made to sleep in his nursery with Ali.

Luci was kept in a separte room . He was sleeping in a new crib .

Jace and Clary came and sat tiredly on the couch too .

There was a meaningful silence for some minutes  .

"Alec , you should go and sleep..." said Clary.

"Thanks Clary , though I am tired but I am not feeling sleepy. " said Alec from his warlock's embrace with a little appreciative smile at Clary.

Jace looked at Magnus and said " Can you use your magic and see how exactly the book shelf broke and the  books fell on Luci...?"

Magnus looked at Jace .

Jace understood that he needed to elaborate himself a little.

"See , this mansion is new ...its not hundreds of years old. So how suddenly the new book shelf broke ..." said Jace lingering on his doubt.

Alec too got alert with Jace's doubt and he sat upright on the couch.

Magnus said " Are you doubting something ???"

Jace nodded his head.

Clary looked at her husband.

Magnus said " Okay , give me some time..I will check the memory signature of one of the broken pieces of the shelf and find out if it was an accident or something else."

Jace nodded .

Magnus went to the scraps and pulled a broken piece of the shelf.

Magnus brought that with him  and sat beside Alec on the couch . Alec looked at his husband with curious eyes.

Magnus closed his eyes .

He drifted off to deep concentration.

Soon ,Magnus could see Baby Lucifer was playing on his crib . He was normal , happy and giggly ..looking here and there with his baby eyes .  Then Magnus noticed that Luci's eyes got fixed on something . Magnus looked in that direction. He saw baby Lucifer was looking at Alec without blinking his eyes.  Soon there were changes in  Luci's behavour. His smile went away from his lips. His eyes started to glow red . No iris , no pupil , only two red blobs.

Luci's red eyes looked around him. He could see chained iron rope was hanging in front of him . Luci grabbed the chained iron rope.

It was the rope of the chandelier that was hanging on top of the couch on which Alec was sitting. Magnus now could see himself sitting with his shadowhunter too.

Luci pulled the chain . The chain was joined with the book shelf. The tremendous force of little Luci's hands ...rather Asmodeus' hands, made the book shelf to pull out with the chain. The rope was broken from middle, thus the chandelier did not break...saving Alec this time .

Rather the book shelf  fell on Luci , crushing Luci's crib and burying him under a pile of books...where he might have got asphyxiated and stopped breathing.

Magnus opened his eyes with a snap.

He looked around him.

All Jace ,Clary and  Alec were looking at Magnus with curious eyes to know if Jace 's doubt was right.

Magnus looked at Jace , Clary and Alec . He sighed a little.

Then he started to describe what he just saw in the memory signature.

Jace, Clary and Alec listened to Magnus .

Jace shook his head and said " I guessed it right ...."

Magnus looked at his brother-in-law and said " How did you guess..??"

Jace looked at Magnus and said " I saw chain marks on Luci's hands.The tremendous force by which he pulled a chain was evident . So I insisted you to check..."

Clary covered her mouth in shock.

"Asmodeus tried to harm Alec again..." said Clary holding her head.

Jace pulled Clary close to him .

Magnus looked at Alec and pulled him close to him.

Alec understood what his warlock was thinking .

Alec told almost in a whisper in Magnus' ears "Magnus , nothing will happen to me....your love is my lucky will always protect me..."

Magnus smiled a little and kissed his shadowhunter on his forehead.

Alec kissed his warlock back on his shoulders.

Soon Magnus and Alec could hear sounds of sobbing. They looked and saw Clary broke down . Jace was clutching her tight.

Alec and Magnus looked at each other. Magnus said " Clary ...we are all here. You don't have to be sad. You are not alone in this. We are all equally affected ...Asmodeus has targetted our family .....we will stand against him united and save our Luci from that evil..."

Clary looked at Magnus and Alec with tears on her cheeks and said " I cannot bear the thought that my son is always thinking to kill his own Uncle. He is so illusioned that he is thinking evil of his own little unborn cousin brother...."

Clary cried again with hands on her face. Magnus snapped his fingers and the tissue box appeared on the table. Jace looked at Magnus thankfull and pulled some tissues for Clary . He pulled Clary's hands from her face and wiped her eyes , saying "Magnus is right , Clary...stop being sad . Be a soldier . We will fight this battle together . We will save our Luci from the Asmodeus inside him. We can do it. We shall do it. "

Clary looked at Magnus  , Jace and Alec who were looking confident at her. She felt a contagious confidence in herself . She wiped her own tears and said " You are right ...we will fight through this and will not let Asmodeus win this battle. "

Alec , Magnus and Jace nodded their heads at Clary appreciatively.

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