Chapter 47 : The Divine Love

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Alec and Magnus were sitting in the balcony of their bedroom. Alec was leaning on Magnus. His head was resting on the crook of Magnus' neck. Magnus took Alec's hand in his and kissed it once  .

Alec closed his eyes in his warlock's embrace. The soothing scent of Indian sandalwood from his warlock's body was too relaxing for him.

"Alexander ...." called Magnus in a low deep voice.

"Mmmm???" asked Alec.

"What do you want to name our future son ?" asked Magnus to his shadowhunter.

Alec smiled a little.

"Since morning  , you were the one who was reluctant about the baby you seem to be too excited for someone who has not yet been manifested ..." said Alec.

Magnus smiled....

"The whole night is there to bring the angel on earth ,Alexander " said Magnus with raspy sexy voice.

Alec smiled at his warlock.

"I have heard in the vision that we named him Rafe ...." said Alec.

"Rafe??? Such a short name ....were we high or something while naming our baby or what ....???" asked Magnus.

Alec smacked Magnus on his hands.

"Ouchh ..." said Magnus .

"I think its a short of something.." said Alec.

"Short of some name ...???" asked Magnus thoughtfully.

There was a meaningful pause for some time .

"Magnus???" asked Alec from Magnus' neck.

"Hmmm??" asked Magnus.

"How about if we named our future child Rafael ....Rafael Lightwood Bane , our youngest member of the family ...?" asked Alec .

Magnus' eyes went wide. He did not see this coming . Alec remembered that Rafael was like a child to Magnus. With him gone ,there had created a void somewhere in Magnus' heart.  Alec just wanted to fill that gap.

Alec felt a drop of water on his cheeks. He looked up and saw his warlock's face.

"Magnus , you are crying...did I say something wrong...?" asked Alec .

Magnus pulled his shadowhunter's chin up and kissed him dearly.

"You said the most right thing that anyone can say to me..." said Magnus.

Alec smiled a little.

"Thank you for naming him Rafael." said Magnus to his shadowhunter.

" thank you  ..I love you know that ..." said Alec.

"Rafael Lightwood Bane it is ...and for us he will be our little lovely Rafe..." said Magnus.

Magnus cupped Alec's face and first kissed his forhead. Then he kissed his two eyes gently one after the other. Alec closed his eyes and savoured the touch of  soft plum lips of his warlock.

Magnus came  to Alec's lips now....he took Alec's lips gently....and started to give his shadowhunter soft kisses .

Alec moaned a little.

"Magnus " said Alec amidst the kisses.

"Hmmm" responded Magnus.

" I don't want this to be forceful ...I want this to be as pleasureful as any other time...our baby should come out of our love , not just to fulfill some divine order." said Alec to his warlock.

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