Chapter 71 : The Kick.

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Jace and Clary left the Lightwood-Bane Mansion at late hours when they saw Alec was trying hard to keep his head straight as he was dozing on his warlock's shoulders.

Before leaving Jace and Clary hugged Alec together and said " Thank you ...Alec ...thank you ..once again. "

Alec smiled a little sleepily.

Jace patted Alec's cheeks.

Jace looked at Magnus and nodded his head appreciatively .

Clary hugged Magnus and uttered a thank you in his ears.

Magnus smiled and patted Clary's head. 

"Take care of Alec ..." said Clary to Magnus .

Magnus smiled and nodded his head.

"That's my job.." said Magnus.

Clary chuckled a little.

Jace took a sleeping Ali on his shoulders and Clary took little Lucifer on her arms  and left the Lightwood-Bane Mansion.

Magnus closed the door and sighed  .

Magnus and Alec went to their bedroom.


"What are you thinking...???" asked Alec to Magnus who was leaning on Alec's shoulders and gently caressing Alec's bump silently.

" such..." said Magnus.

Alec sighed and said " You are thinking of the incident of today's evening...Forget it..Magnus...Lucifer is healthy and we did not lose him..."

Alec  bent and kissed Magnus' head .

"I was not actually thinking of that , Alexander ...." said Magnus lifting his head up and looking at his shadowhunter.

"Then ???" asked Alec curious.

"I was thinking of that memory signature which I read..." said Magnus.

"Baby Lucifer ...rather Asmodeus was planning to crash that chandelier on you..." said Magnus looking worried at Alec.

Alec went silent for some time.

"Magnus ....I have got you after one whole life....the whole universe has helped me to get are the High Warlock of Alicante first son is the manifestation of the venerated Great Demon ...the greatest power of Hell , I am carrying Rafe , who is the manifestation of Angel Ithuriel...I was promised by Angel Raziel ...that I would be protected by the Angels while I carry little Rafe ....Nothing will happen to me ...Magnus...don't worry. " said Alec cupping Magnus' cheeks with his one hand.

Tears came out of Magnus' eyes.

Alec wiped them and said " I didn't know that my pregnancy hormones are affecting you as well and making you sad ..."

Magnus chuckled a little amidst tears .

" might as it's not you alone who is pregnant...we are pregnant ...aren't we ??"  said Magnus amuzingly.

Alec chuckled a little and kissed Magnus on his lips.

Magnus welcomed his shadowhunter's lips  and savoured them as if they were all new .

"I love you " said Alec .

Magnus smiled and said " As I love you..."

Suddenly Alec's eyes widened .

Magnus looked confused at his shadowhunter and asked " What is it , Love...are you alright ..???"

Alec looked at Magnus in shock and tried to utter " I ...I...felt something..."

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