Chapter 72 : ALEXANDER!!!!

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"Mag...nus....Mag..nus.... " said Alec in a painstricken voice.

Magnus came running to the bedroom .  Alec was laying on the bed clutching his stomach.

"What is it...Love ...??" asked Magnus worried.

"I ...I ...can't breath....Mag..Nus.." said Alec asphyxiating.

Magnus ran closer  to Alec . Alec was clutching his full grown pregnant belly and was struggling to breath....

Magnus held his shadowhunter . Alec's face was red . He was gasping constantly for a waft of air. His lungs could not help him .

Magnus touched Alec's belly . It was hard as rock .

" are in labour...." said Magnus.

"Try to breathe...Alexander ....breathe through the pain....." said Magnus in stress.

Alec looked at Magnus weakly and said " I can't ....Magnus....I can't ....I can't breathe....I can't take the pain...."

Magnus was stressing. Asmodeus didn't give his shadowhunter the endurance to bring a life on this earth.

Magnus raked through his hair. He dialed Catarina's number and called her to the mansion .

" the mansion's Alec ...he is in labour.....he says he has difficulty in breathing...." said Magnus on phone.

"Coming...will be there in seconds.." said Catarina from the opposite side of the phone, hurrying already.

Magnus looked at Alec who was writhing in pain on the bed and struggling to breathe.

He held Alec's hand .

"Love...just fight through this a little...Cat is on her way..." said Magnus in a breaking voice. It was too much for him to see his shadowhunter this way.

"Mag...nus...Mag..nus....I ....*gasp*....I might not survive this...*gasp* ....promise will take *gasp* care of...of..Max and Rafe....*gasp*....promise me..please..." said Alec struggling for air.

Magnus looked at his shadowhunter with wide eyes...

"Shut up...Alexander...nothing will happen to you ...the Angels promised me....Angel Ithuriel promised me....Nothing will happen to you" said Magnus.

Alec's eyes were threatening to close...." Please...please...promise me....please...."

Catarina came in the room . 

Both Magnus and Alec looked at Catarina . Their words rested for the time being . Magnus saw hope.

Catarina looked at Alec's condition.

She got a little worried herself.

Without saying anything , she immediately applied her magic to check the position of the baby in Alec's womb.

"It's time Magnus's time..." said Catarina..

Magnus nodded his head worried.

Catarina looked at Alec and said " Sweetie you feel the urge to push....??"

Alec nodded his head in an yes weakly.

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