Chapter14:Alec's Quest Pt 2

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"Pappa....pappa....." started crying Max  loudly.

"Oh Sweetie..what happened ....why are you crying? You are missing your Papa....???" asked Cat who came running to Madzie' s room where she made Max to take a quick afternoon nap.

Max was sleeping deeply . He woke up crying loudly which startled Catarina and she came running to Max's room.

"Oh ....Sweetie....shhhh....shhhh....Papa will come soon....don't cry...." said Catarina trying to sooth Max.

Catarina being a nurse herself checked Max once , she understood Max was physically okay . Yet she found Max's sudden cry to be a little wierd as she had never seen Max cry so loudly before . Max was an exceptionally  calm child.

Cat pulled Max to her chest and tried to rock him slowly. Max kept on crying saying Pappa...Pappa....again and again.

Catarina felt helpless . Madzie was at school and she was all alone in her house . She decided to call Magnus.

She took her phone and  dialled Magnus' number. Max clutched Cat's dress and started chanting ...." Pappa...sleep....Pappa ...sleep..." and crying along that.

Catarina looked at Max worried.

Magnus' phone did not ring rather there was a sound of the phone    being switched off  . She dialled Magnus' number more times but there was the same sound of being switched off.

Now Catarina was feeling little nervous . Max's cry and Magnus not picking up the phone all were making her doubtful and utterly anxious. There was a fear which Max's cry and continuous chanting about his Papa generating in her otherwise strong heart.

Catarina had heard from Magnus that Max had visions . He could see or feel if something bad about  to happen.

Catarina looked at Max on her chest . She pulled Max's chin up and asked " Sweetie..don't cry are a brave boy , remember you killed Asmodeus , you saved Dadda so many tell me what happened to Papa...??"

Max's cheeks were wet with tears , his eyes were red and puffy . He looked at his aunt Cat and said " Badd menn . Pappa sleep...."

"Bad men ...Papa sleep...." repeated Catarina.

"Oh God...." said Catarina.

She picked her phone and dialled her neighbour up to pick Madzie  from school and requested the neighbour to take care of Madzie till she was back.

Catarina put Max into his baby carrier and made a portal .

"Okay ...Sweetie ...lets get to your Papa..." said Catarina . She stepped into the portal with Max on tow.


"Alec I called you for a reason ....I am suspecting that there is something fishy going on in this institute and it has to have grave effect on the student's well-being " said Isabelle Lightwood , the head of the New York Institute.

Alec was sitting on a chair in Izzy's office.

"Izzy , Calm down...if there is something bad going on then we would put an end to it....don't be so fidgety...." said Alec trying to calm his sister down .

"I have seen the whole of the Institute and also found some of the students' behaviour a little wierd. They were being fidgety and nervous....But why....??" said Alec thoughtfully.

Izzy sat on the other chair beside Alec.

"Alec , you remembered my behaviour when I got addicted to Yen-Fen.....don't you think that the students whom you found out to be fidgety and nervous , having the same behaviour as if they were under the action of Yen-Fen...." asked Isabelle suggestively to Alec.

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