Chapter 86 : Hypnotise 2

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"Magnus , please talk to me...please..." said Alec.

Magnus was swaying in the embrace of Alec.

"Jace , can you please bring that glass of water ??" asked Alec to Jace.

Jace nodded his head . He stood up from the couch and brought the glass of water to Alec.

Alec took the water and made Magnus to drink some and also sprinkled some water on Magnus' face.

"Mmm..." said Magnus.

Magnus gradually opened his eyes gaining back his consciousness.

He looked around him .

His eyes fell on Alec.

"Are you alright ??" asked Alec.

Magnus looked at Alec and then after few seconds hugged Alec tight.

Alec was a little surprised , so was Jace.

Alec clutched his warlock back.

Alec started caressing Magnus' head and back.

" Magnus , dear, what is it ??" asked Alec lovingly.

"I saw him..I saw him again. Love ...he is back...he is back...the most dreadful face , I have ever seen...Asmodeus ...Asmodeus is back...he was scary...demonic ...
Dark...just like the time when he was about to kill us , kill you " said Magnus amidst his trauma.

Max went flying to Magnus and he hugged his Papa in his little embrace.

Magnus opened his arms to accomodate his baby.

Max said " Pappa..."

Magnus clutched Max along with Alec.

Max's body glowed. Max's soothing magic helped Magnus to rejuvenate.

Magnus was gaining back power.

He was  getting composed all over again.

After some time, Magnus was all back to his normal self.

He sighed deeply . He looked at Alec and said " I saw Asmodeus' demonic eyes and his dark self in Luci's subconscious mind. Asmodeus is not just part of Luci....his whole subconscious mind  is Asmodeus. "

Jace's eyes went wide.

Magnus came out of Alec's embrace . Max was sitting on Magnus' lap. 

Jace looked at Magnus and said " So your plan for hypnotising Luci and drill into his subconscious that Alec liked him would not work? "

Magnus looked at Jace and said " Apparently ,no , it might not work. Because Asmodeus , has occupied Luci's subconscious and made it dark as hell's very difficult for me to overcome his dark power and drill into Luci's mind that he is loved by Alec and Max. We need the most powerful magic in this world for that ...."

Alec listened to his warlock carefully.

Max squirmed in Magnus' lap and went into Alec's lap which was shrinking with passing months because of his ever growing bump .Max sat in whatever space was available there for him. He loves to bask in his Dada's warmth.

Alec looked at Max .

After a few minutes of thoughtful pause ....Alec said " It seems , we have the most powerful magic in this world in our arms . "

Magnus looked at Alec .

Alec was looking suggestively at Magnus.

Magnus looked at Alec's arms which were snaking around little Max.

Magnus understood what Alec was suggesting.

Magnus smiled and said " Yes , you are right , we have the most powerful form of magic in this world in our arms ....but he is very small now...he has to learn to control his own magic to tame someone's mind as powerful as Asmodeus ..."

Alec smiled and nodded.

Alec cuddled Max and  said " Eventually , he will Magnus ...he will very soon. "

Magnus smiled at his husband and said " I know...he will..."

Jace said " Then , we have to wait for Maxie to grow up and then we can do anything with Luci's subconscious mind. "

Magnus looked at Luci in Jace's arms and said " Yes , you are right. Max would have to grow up first and then only anything can happen. "

Jace nodded his head thoughtfully.

Magnus looked at Jace and understood that Jace had the hope of having a completely cured Luci ..but his inability to change Luci was not taken well by Jace.

Magnus looked at Alec.

Alec nodded his head reassuringly at Magnus.

Magnus smiled at his loving husband.

Magnus moved a little forward and put a hand on Jace's shoulder.

"Jace, I understand that I raised up your hope ....but you see , I tried hard to get it done ..Asmodeus is too powerful this time ...and we need the tremendous magic of the Venerated Great Demon we need Max to grow up for that. In the meanwhile we could go with Alec's strategy of using love to overcome Asmodeus' dark magic. " said Magnus.

Jace listened to Magnus . There was a pause of few seconds and after some time he looked at Magnus. 

"Thank you , Magnus ....I understand. I started to think that I will get a cure for Luci...and our Luci will be normal like any other child..But it's okay ..we will wait for the right time." said Jace.

Jace went to Alec and sat beside him . Max was on Alec's lap. Jace caressed Max's head . Jace was carrying Luci on his arms .

Jace placed a hand on Alec's shoulders and said " had to go through a lot because of our you forgive us for that ...."

"What are you saying Jace are not responsible anyhow for this ...not at all " said Alec.

" see's Luci ..all the time about to take your and litte Rafe's life ..I can't stop blaming myself . I am the father after all...." said Jace.

Alec looked at Jace . Magnus looked at Jace too.

Alec hugged Jace along with Luci and said " You are not at all responsible for all this...okay...never think in that way...No one is responsible for this. The only person responsible for all these is don't blame your ...yourself..."

Jace quickly moved away from Alec and said " Are you alright ...??"

Alec nodded his head. Little droplets of sweat appeared on his head and he was breathing heavily.

Magnus came near Alec and sat beside  him .. " Are you alright , Love ?"

Alec nodded his head smiling at Magnus.

"I should not have hugged you with Luci...see , a little contact with Luci makes you  umcomfortable ..." said Jace feeling guilty.

"It's okay ..Jace , it's part of the strategy as much love as possible to Luci..." said Alec smiling.

Jace smiled at Alec and said " Buddy , you are a true are really exceptional "

Alec looked at Magnus and said to Jace " No ..Jace , I am not exceptional , it's only I am loved by an exceptional man who brings the best out of me."

Magnus smiled at his shadowhunter lovingly.


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