Chapter 87 : Possessed

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"Here Jace make Luci to have his feed " said Magnus handing over the bottle of milk to Jace to feed his son.

Jace smiled and took the bottle from Magnus , thanking him.

Alec was sitting  on the couch feeding Max with his regular dosage of protein which happened to be Max's favourite drink that is fresh goat's blood.

Max was enjoying his drink as well his Dada's lap. 

Magnus came and sat beside Alec.

"Love, you can give Max to me..I can feed him..." said Magnus.

Alec smiled at Magnus and said " want to feed him , Dear"

Magnus lifted his hands up for Max.

Max looked at Magnus and smiled .

Magnus smiled at his first born.

Max made grabby hands towards Magnus and the bottle fell from his hands ...

Magnus caught the bottle on time .

"Oops...Sweetie , I saved your bottle..." said Magnus.

Max looked at Magnus and said " Thak u , Pappa..."

Alec chuckled.

Magnus smiled and took Max from Alec and made him comfortable on his lap. Magnus started his most favourite work of feeding Max .Max was playing with Magnus' silver chains hanging from his neck.

Alec looked lovingly at his husband and son.

"You are my Prince , aren't you ?" said Magnus and squished Max's cheeks.

Max  giggled.

Alec chuckled at the duo.

Alec's concentration was broke by a sudden loud cry.

Alec startled and looked at the source of the sound.

It was little Luci who all of a sudden started to cry on Jace's lap.

"What is it, Jace ?" asked Alec to Jace concerned.

"I don't know..all of a sudden he started crying ..otherwise he was drinking peacefully. " said Jace worried to Alec.

Jace patted and craddled Luci to pacify him . But nothing to be done. Luci kept on crying and crying.

Alec looked at Magnus.

Magnus looked at Alec.

Alec asked for permission from his warlock.

Magnus looked at Alec concerned.

"Please , Magnus ...." said Alec.

Magnus sighed and said " Okay , only for some time.."

Alec nodded.

He looked at Jace and said " Okay , give little Luci to me , I will try to calm him down"

Jace looked at Alec and said " Noway , Alec...not in the name of Raziel".

Alec looked at Jace and said " He is crying and needs to be calmed ."

Magnus permitted me.

Jace looked at Magnus .

"Only for some time ..." said Magnus.

Jace looked at Alec and said " Okay , only for some time ."

Alec nodded and lifted his hands up for Luci.

Jace gave Luci to Alec and he took Luci in his arms.

Alec craddled Luci carefully in his arms and looked at his sad eyes which were full of tears. Alec pulled Luci close to his chest, embracing Luci in his fatherly warmth.

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