Chapter 80 : Alert -4

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🎵🎵* Happy Birthday to you ...Happy birthday to you dear Max ...Happy Birthday to you 🎵🎵

And clapped everyone with the end of the birthday song. Max clapped from his Papa's arms . He was as happy and giggly as ever.

Magnus and Alec held Max's little hand and cut the cake which was in the shape of a toy car. Max giggled and said " Carr"

The guests laughed at Max's antics. Alec and Magnus chuckled too. Simon was busy taking photographs of the celebration.

After the cake was cut and there was a toast for Max ...Izzy snatched Max from Magnus and Alec and said " Leave him, now...and let him play with his lovely Aun Ijj...I know he misses me so much...."

Magnus smiled at Izzy and said " Take him , he is all yours..."

Alec looked at Isabelle and said" You want to play with your nephew that's very good...but Izzy...just remember Max is not a toy ...he is a baby ....bring him back in one-piece please..."

Izzy glowered at Alec and stuck her tongue out....saying " I am not that irresponsible..."

Magnus stifled a laughter.

Izzy turned with a jerk and stomped with Max on her waist.

"Hee...hee...hee..." giggled Max from his Aun's arms.

Magnus looked at Alec " That was gentle on your baby sister...shadowhunter...."

Alec chuckled and said " Izzy did not mind ...she knows me well..."

Magnus smiled at his shadowhunter snaking his arms around his waist.

Alec looked at the guests who were talking among themselves and enjoying the expensive cake which Magnus summoned for his son's birthday.

"Where is Jace ...???" asked Alec looking around the party.

"Jace is outside with Luci...he said ...he did not want Luci to come in contact you...he is very protective about know that..." said Magnus holding his shadowhunter tight.

Alec said " But ...he could not enjoy the party...."

Magnus said " It was his decision ...I told him to stay but he did not listen to me..."

Alec said " I am going to call him inside..."

Magnus held his shadowhunter and said " Love ...think of Rafe...Jace thought of him and so went outside "

Alec stopped and sighed .

He looked at Magnus and said " You are is not just me's Rafe too..... "

Magnus nodded his head and kissed his shadowhunter's cheeks.

"Love are standing for long...let's sit somewhere..." said Magnus .

Alec smiled and nodded his head .

Magnus took Alec's hands and gently pulled him to sit on the nearby couch . Alec did not protest and followed his husband to the couch .

Magnus made Alec to sit on the couch.

Magnus snapped his fingers and a glass of orange juice appeared before Alec.

Alec looked at the glass of juice and then at his warlock.

Magnus said " What is it , love ???"

Alec said " I don't want to have orange juice...."

Magnus smiled and said " Hmmm....what do you want to have ...???"

"I want a mocktail of lemon , pomegranate and  guava juice..." said  Alec.

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