Chapter16 :Alec's Quest Pt 4

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'There is a cure for the sleep potion . But that is for the shadowhunters. The sleep potion does not work so well on shadowhunters. A bottle of the potion in the warlock's blood is equal to two bottles of the potion for shadowhunters.  Thats why, Malcom Fade and that man ordered for two vials of sleep potion to handle you ....which of course Magnus did not know and when he knew...he had to pay with his well-being. " said Catarina looking at Magnus .

"So you are saying that one vial of sleep potion in my body will have negligible effect ?" asked Alec.

"Not exactly neglible , with one bottle of sleep potion , a shadowhunter may sleep for one or two days...." said Cat.

"If you were given more than that you would have slipped into Coma but you will not die... These people , they wanted you to go into deep sleep or coma for some days for some reason. " said Cat.

"I know the reason, don't tell this to anyone . This is a case of illegal selling of Yen Fen to the students of New York Institute. These warlocks including Malcom , they were involved in this viscious racket . They knew, I was going to investigate in the New York Institute  today. So they were planning to give me that sleep potion taking that from Magnus , so that I fall into deep sleep for days or go into coma sort of state and could not complete the investigation.  But Magnus just saved me, sacrificing himself..." said Alec wiping a fresh tear from his eyes and now caressing his warlock's hairs with his hands.

"But I could annihilate ths action of the sleep potion in a shadowhunter's body with my magic....." said Cat to Alec.

"So , if somehow , the potion comes into my body from Magnus', you could use your magic to cure me ....and Magnus would be saved " said Alec.

Cat nodded her head.

"Can you do that , like tranfer the potion from Magnus' blood stream to my blood stream....?" asked Alec .

"Yes , I can, but there is a danger .Any silly mistake and Alec  you may  slip into coma  too , have you thought about that? " asked Cat worried.

"The chances are less Cat . Magnus had only one vial of sleep potion in his blood. If that came into my blood stream , then the effect would not be as grave as on Magnus because I am a shadowhunter. Nothing will happen to me . Everything will be alright, Cat. Just transfer the whole of the sleep potion into my veins." said Alec determined.

Cat looked into Alec's eyes.

"Magnus is really lucky to have you in his life ..." said Cat trying to smile.

"No , Cat, I am lucky to have him in my life. " said Alec kissing Magnus' limp hand.

Cat came near to Alec . She sat beside Alec and said " Are you sure about this?"

"Cat , the love of my life is lying like a lifeless corpse on the floor in front of my eyes , I could not be more sure to save him " said Alec.

Catarina nodded her head and kissed Alec's cheeks.

Alec took a deep breath . He looked at Max .

He kissed Max's forehead and said in a whisper " Sweetie , if I did not come back again , just know that Dada loved you a lot. Always be a good boy , Max ."  Alec moved a loving hand on Max's head full of raven black hair. Max squirmed a little under his Dadda's warm touches.

Alec looked at Magnus . He bent and kissed him on his lips . He said " This whole thing was meant for me , Magnus. So I will take this up....just know that I love you ...always ....forever."

Alec looked at Cat and said " I am ready...!!"

Cat kissed Alec on forehead and started the process.

"Don't worry ....I will bring you back..." said Cat.

She applied her magic and soon the potion from Magnus' veins started to move into Alec's bloodstream.

The process took about half an hour. When it was over both Cat and Alec were panting heavily and sweating profusely. Cat and Alec both opened their eyes .

Cat looked at Alec doubtfully .

Alec's eyes were droopy . Catarina understood that he was feeling sleepy . Magnus squirmed a little.

"Alec....Alexander...Alexander..." mumbled Magnus.

Alec looked sleepily at Magnus and said " Magnus , I am .... here...I am here ....Magnus , wake up..."

Magnus slowly opened his eyes and saw the very face which he wanted to see the most at the moment . Alec smiled drowsily and said " Oh are gave.... all of us quite.... a scare...."

Magnus smiled and pulled himself up to sit.

He looked at Alec carefully and asked " Why are you so sleepy...?"

Alec's eyes were drooping close . Cat was ready to hold Alec if he fell. She knew it would be a long night for her . She had to cure Alec as the sleep potion had started acting on Alec  , though in a mild way but she had to be vigilant.

Soon Alec fell on Magnus and his breathing got rhythmic.

"Alec !!!!!" gasped Magnus.

Magnus looked worriedly at Cat holding his shadowhunter's body.

Cat explained everything that Alec did to cure Magnus from the poisonous effect of sleep potion.

Magnus looked at Alec who was sleeping on him and said " You will always find a way to overcome all problems .... don't you?" He caressed Alec's cheeks.

Catarina propped up her magic up to annihilate the effect of Sleep Potion in Alec's shadowhunter body as quickly as possible.

After about two to three hours, Alec opened his eyes and looked around . He saw that Magnus was holding him and was caressing his cheeks. He looked up to see his husband's face.

"Oh are alright ...??" said Alec in a relief.

"Love , I must say that , because you are the one who just came out of the effect of that evil Sleep Potion..." said Magnus .

"Do you know , how scared you made me today...?" asked Alec to Magnus leaning on his warlock's chest  and holding him from his middle. Magnus was holding Alec in his arms and both them were swaying a little.

"I always thought that I never have to be scared for your health as you are immortal ....but today you made me petrified to death..." said Alec to Magnus.

"Now you understand , how I feel when somebody attacks you or tried to kill you ??" asked Magnus a little teasing.

Alec nodded like a child.

"But promise me that you will never , ever leave me...." said Alec.

"I promise....Alexander....I will try my best not to leave you ..." said Magnus now moving his hands through Alec's mop of raven black hair.

Magnus kissed his husband's head.

They went silent .

They just wanted to bask in each other's arms.

Cat was taking care of Max in the meanwhile in the other room .

//to be continued......//

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