Chapter 9: Thank You, Maxie

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//Okay guys...I just sleepily pressed the publish it came out on Wednesday.....but from next week onwards it will be Thursday and Sunday...//

Though there was the unseen danger that befell on Alec's and Magnus' seventh anniversary party, yet that was taken care of with the combined posivity of all the party members and their love and respect for the couple and also the Great Demon himself.

The party was not over . Magnus requested everyone to atleast finish their dinner . Being a warlock , Shinyun's body got disintegrated automatically after half an hour leaving no trace of her in this world.

Max was smiling and his eyes were no more puffy or red as his Dada got healed with his magic and right now he was drowned in his Dada's undying and unconditional love for him.

Max was on Alec's lap . Alec was holding him close to his heart, rocking him slowly . Max was  surprisingly not rolling or squirming naughtily rather he was basking in his Dada's warmth silently clutching tight his Dada's new clean shirt.

Magnus was sitting by Alec's side  holding his free hand as the other hand was holding Max tightly to his chest. 

When Max drifted off to sleep in his Dada's arms which was his safe haven ,Alec tried to place him gently on the makeshift bed beside him . But Max was not loosening his tight grip on Alec's shirt .  Both Magnus and Alec saw this .Magnus smiled and said "He would not let you go...let him sleep on you . " Alec smiled and put Max back on his lap . Max snuggled into Alec a little more.

Alec and Magnus were sitting outside their house near the pool with the artificial waterfall.

"You okay ??" asked Alec looking at Magnus who was clearly  not in his jovial mood.

"No , I am not.... long do you have to suffer for my sake....." blurted out Magnus.

"What are you talking about ..." asked Alec a little confused .

"This time its Shinyun again....she almost killed you were about to leave me all alone in this world. What would have I done....?what would have happened to our little Max. ....?" Magnus kept on blurting out.

"Magnus .....Magnus.....Magnus....Calm down...." said Alec but Magnus did not calm down , he was visibly panicking .

Alec crashed his lips on Magnus to calm him down. Magnus clutched Alec's arms and held him tight while kissing him dearly as if his life was dependent on that kiss.

Alec pulled out from the kiss and asked "Better....???"

Magnus wrapped his arms around Alec being careful about Max on Alec's lap and leaned on Alec's body.

"Now better." said Magnus.

There was a meaning full silence between Magnus and Alec.

"I know you three need each other and nothing else right now , but your poor bodies need here the food is..." said Clary putting down two plates of dinner on a stone seater  beside Magnus .

"And here are your glasses of wine  " said Simon putting  two wine glasses beside the plates.

"It really feels bad when the hosts are not eating and you being the guest  eating shamelessly." said Simon explaining.

Both Magnus and Alec chuckled together.

"Thank you Clary and is really thoughful of you two....." said Alec to the duo.

Clary and Simon shrugged their shoulders and said

"Enjoy yourselves and don't stress out thinking too much...."

and they went inside the house where the party was still going on and  every one was having their dinner.

Magnus passed one plate to Alec and took the next plate himself.

Alec helped himself with some food and asked to Magnus " Magnus....???"

"Hmm....??" asked Magnus.

Alec: " Are you not sad and guilty on Shinyun's death ?"

Magnus: " Sad ..yes ......but guilty no...Sad because I could have  stopped  her from being such a  pervert . She was thinking of making  a one night stand with her brother-in-law. Goodness....such a nasty way to think . Not guilty because if you thought so nasty , you would be punished.
Also , no-one stays on this earth after hurting my are my world Alexander....I love you more than any one in this world. If someone tried to hurt you, I would not think twice before killing him or her."

Alec smiled at Magnus and said....
"I am sorry for your sister....."

"Don't be....she got what she deserved." said Magnus.

"Alec.....come here for a moment...." shouted Izzy coming out from the house.

Alec gestured Izzy to wait .

"Will you please hold onto Max ..." asked Alec to his husband.

"Yah ....sure...." said Magnus.

Magnus carefully took a sleepy Mac from Alec's hands.

Alec stood up and went to Isabelle to hear what she had to say .

Magnus and Max were alone . Magnus held Max tight to his chest. Tears started rolling his cheeks.

He held Max's little hands in his hands and said "Sweetie ....thank you so much . You know what your Dada means to me saved him again ....thank you so much . "

Though Max drifted of to sleep , his Papa's words made him to wake up.

"Pappa...." said Max.

"Yes baby...did just wake you up?" asked Magnus looking at Max.

Max looked at Magnus and said " cwy (cry) cwy(cry)....Max lub Pappa"

Magnus smiled amidst tears and kissed little chubby hands of Max.

"Oh baby...I love  you too ....." said Magnus and hugged Max tight .

Max snuggled more into his Papa.

"Dadda?? " asked Max.

"Oh ...don't worry sweetheart...your Dada is with your Aun Izzy ...they are talking on something...he will come back to you .." said Magnus caressing Max's little chubby cheeks.

"You know Max...I love you and your Dada more than anything in this world. Today by saving your Dada , you saved me as well sweetheart .....Thank you ....Maxie, my little piece of heart." said Magnus.

Soon Magnus heard rhythmic breathing from the bundle of joy that he was holding close to his heart.

He looked down and saw Max went into deep sleep , this time cluthing his Papa's suit.

Magnus smiled and kissed Max's little forehead.


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