Chapter 97 : Catarina's visit

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"Hey , Cat ...." said Alec , receiving his doctor friend Catarina.

"Hey , Sweetie ..." said Cat and hugged Alec carefully.

Alec embraced his friend back.

"How are you ?" asked Cat.

"I am fine , I mean , we both are fine.." said Alec smiling.

"Are you sure , Sweetie ..?" asked Catarina again.

"Of course , Cat , don't worry so much..." said Alec.

"Come inside and have a seat..." said Alec.

Cat nodded . She entered the house and asked " Where is Magnus ?"

"Oh , Magnus  is bathing Max know how naughty Max gets during the time of bathing ..." said Alec .

Catarina chuckled .

"Yah , I know . But very soon you have to bath two naughties together " said Catarina.

Alec chuckled with Catarina .

Alec gestured Cat to sit on the couch.

Cat sat on the couch and said " Alec , sweetie , I need to tell you this. Magnus is really worried . He is getting sleepless nights . "

Alec listened to Cat . He looked at his hands for some time.

"I know , Cat , Magnus is sending the details of each and every moment of my activities so that you can keep a track of my body .." said Alec .

Cat looked at Alec and said " And we were thinking that you did not know...and we were doing it secretly. "

Alec smiled at Cat.

"Of course , Sweetie, you are the inquisitor.." said Catarina smiling back at Alec.

"I understand that Magnus is worried. Because during the time of Max , I was losing it." said Alec.

"Hey Cat, you came.." said Magnus with Max on his waist. Max was licking a lolli. He screamed excited " Aun Cat.."

"Yes , my little cupcake , come to me.." said Cat lifting her arms for Max.

Max was ecstatic and flew from Magnus' waist to Cat's lap.

"Here , you are , my apple pie.." said Catarina and cuddled Max tight.

Max giggled in his Aun's loving embrace.

Magnus sat beside Alec and kissed him on his cheeks. Alec smiled at his warlock.

"What happened ? Was anything serious going between you two ?" asked Magnus to Cat and Alec.

"Actually Magnus , Cat told me how worried you are.." said Alec.

"And Alec knows our little secret that you are telling me every single detail of Alec's daily routine. I did not say it. He knows that by himself..he is after all the Inquisitor of the Clave . We should not have forgotten that Magnus .." said Catarina.

Magnus listened to Catarina and looked at his shadowhunter guilty.

Alec looked at Magnus and said " Oh , dear , you don't have to be guilty. You are worrying about me and  not doing any crime ."

Magnus smiled at his shadowhunter .

There was a silence of few seconds  .

"Well , I never wanted to reveal this to you but I think , I have to now." said Catarina to Alec and Magnus .

Catarina snapped her fingers and a slice of vanila-strawberry cake appeared in front of the table. Cat took a little of the cake on a spoon and held it in front of little Max.

"Yeh...Cakee..." said Max.

Cat chuckled at Max's excitement.

"Have you ever seen the future king of Edom getting so excited over a slice of vanila-strawberry cake.." said Cat.

Both Magnus and Alec chuckled.

Max took the morsel from Cat's  hands and " Yummm".

Cat smiled and placed a kiss on Max's chubby cheeks.

Magnus smiled at his friend Cat.

"What were you about to say ?" asked Alec.

"Yes , actually I wanted to say that ...during the time of Max's birth , Alec went through placental abruption for some other reason and not because of Asmodeus' curse . Max  is Great demon  himself. So he has tremendous magic. When Alec used Max's magic to kill Asmodeus , Max used his raw real magic, which was too much for Alec's body to bear. There happened the placental abruption. Alec never went into real labour. It was an emergency situation. Max was without any placenta. To save Max , and Alec both , I had to operate Max out of Alec's body.

This time that same situation might not occur . This time Alec should have  a normal delivery , if we took proper care. "

Magnus looked at Cat and said " Are you sure that what Alec went through last time was a special case and will not repeat this time ?"

Catarina nodded and said " Yes , it was special case. There is guarantee that if precautions are taken properly , this would not happen again. "

"But that does not solve the problem as Asmodeus has not given the endurance to Alec." Said Magnus.

"Yes , I know that . It will not solve our problem but atleast we have an assurance that this time there would not be any placental abruption and unnecesssary blood loss and consequently less risk to Alec's life. Rest of the things could be taken care of by using my medicinal magic." Said Catarina ,feeding Max his favourite cake.

"Yummm" enjoyed Max.

Magnus sighed a little and said " You actually helped me a little . I am relieved to some respect because that way it would be less risky this time "

"Yes , Magnus. Also the angels are there to protect me. They are all protecting Rafe. Also Rafe himself is there to protect me. " said Alec reassuring his warlock.

Magnus smiled and kissed Alec's hands.

"I am also there to protect you , always, Love..." said  Magnus .

Alec smiled and nodded.

"You have another warlock that is me at your service to bring Rafe to this world. Not only that , also to save you and give you all healthy and hearty back to Magnus after the delivery. " said Catarina now cleaning Max's little lips with a tissue.

Alec and Magnus smiled at Catarina and was appreciating her motherly affection towards little Max.

"I know that Cat , you will not let anything happen to the love of my life.." said Magnus.

Cat smiled and  said " Oh , now you realiseď that ...?"

Magnus smiled and said " No , I knew that always . Today I just said it "

Cat chuckled. Alec chuckled along.

Cat said "Have faith in me , I will not let anything happen to your family ..."

Magnus nodded his head .

He looked lovingly at Alec and said " I will not let anything happen to you either."

Alec glowed with Rafe's magic  .

Alec smiled and said " Probably , our Rafe is saying the same thing "

Magnus completed the sentence " That he would also not let anything happen to you either.."

Alec smiled and nodded.

Catarina looked at the couple and smiled. She silently prayed for the wellbeing of the family.

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