Chapter 37 : Jace and Memory.

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//based on a suggestion by one of my lovely reader ❤❤❤//

*knock * ....*knock*

"Coming ...." said Alec .

Magnus and Max had gone for a shower and  Alec was busy with some paperwork of the Clave.

Alec sprinted to the door and opened it . He saw Jace standing in front of the door.

Jace's eyes were puffy and a little red as if he was crying. 

"Jace , are you alright ???" asked Alec in doubt.

Jace grimaced a little . Without any word he hugged Alec tight . Alec could hear sniffings from his shoulders.

"Jace , what happened everything alright...???" asked Alec , now getting worried.

Yet Jace did not say anything...

He just hugged Alec tight and now was crying as Alec could feel his shirt wet .

"Jace , you are scaring me , everything alright? Clary okay? Ali okay ? " asked Alec getting too scared as his parabati was crying and not saying anything.

It was really puzzling for Alec as Jace normally did not cry .He was too proud to show his emotions. Alec caressed Jace's head and said " Jace , whatever it is ....everything will be alright , Jace ...just tell me, we try to fix things up..." said Alec.

"I ...I ...It was three in yesterday night....and I felt ...I felt what you felt Alec. The horrible experience of someone molesting you...forcefully ....may be in your dream...." said Jace.

Alec understood why Jace was crying .  He smiled a little and  said "Yes Jace , I had a nightmare yesterday night . My past life memories came haunting me. But Magnus wiped away all my bad memories. Now though my brain knows that Joseph did very bad to me but I don't remember the graphic details. So I am not feeling my horrible past anymore."

"But , I can't forget the feeling and I could not sleep well after that ..." said Jace clutching Alec's shirt as if he was a child.

Alec rubbed Jace's back and said " I never meant to cause you pain , Parabati...its that I cannot help past life was  so horrible..."

Jace looked at Alec coming out of their bear hug and said " It's not because of what you felt that I could not's because after I felt your pain of getting assaulted by that ass Joseph....I started feeling so guilty that I was not thre to save you from that monster . I could not sleep because of that."

Alec was a little surprised. "Were you crying for the past fifteen minutes because you could not save me in my past life ...."

"Yes , I felt guilty that I could not save you in your past life..." said Jace sitting beside Alec.

Alec smiled a little .

"It was not your job to save me ...Jace ...also you were not there in my previous life...." said Alec.

A realisation hit Jace suddenly.

"Yah...I was not there with Alec. " said Jace realizing.

Alec looked at Jace.

Then Alec looked up at the ceiling as if questioning the universe why he was chosen to have a moron brother like Jace. Then he looked at Jace and thought that he was lucky that the moron beside him  loved him a lot.

Alec ruffled Jace's hairs chuckling.

"Stop crying .....You need a memory wipe Jace , because the trauma of my past life has tainted your mind and heart too." said Alec.

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