Chapter 39 :Lucifer Stephen Herondale

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Alec was strolling across their garden looking at the flowers. He was holding Max's arms and Max was toddling slowly with his Dada , occassionally asking his Dadda this and that.

Alec was enjoying the company of his one and a half years old baby boy , Max. Magnus had gone to his workplace . He was having an appointment with one of his clients.

"Dadda....what ijj thijjj?'asked Max to his Dada pointing to a full blown flower on a rose plant in a tub. Alec smiled a little and said "Oh...little angle ...that is a rose , a beautiful rose."

"A rojjjj" repeated little Maxie.

"And what is thijj ?" asked Max pointing at a jasmine plant.

"These are jasmines....dear..." said Alec.

"Jajjmine.." repeated Max after Alec.

Alec chuckled a little.

"When Aun Clawyy come...?" asked Max to his Dada out of nowhere .

"Aun Clawy will come soon , Maxie....she is waiting for the new baby to come" said Alec to his little Max. Clary was due anyday with her second child.

"New bby....??" asked Max to his Dada.

"Yes, Maxie...." said Alec smiling.

"You will get a little cousin brother soon ...." said Alec to Max crouching in front of him and ruffling his hair.

"A brther....?" asked Max.

Alec chuckled a little .

Alec pulled Max up on his arms standing up and said " Yes Max ,Ali will get a brother and you will get a lovely cousin brother."

Alec tickled Max's little tummy.

Max squirmed a little and giggled his lungs out.

"Why ...Ali get brther and I get coujjin...???" asked Max snaking his little arms round his Dada's neck.

Alec got a little confused to answer the baby brains...their queries are so innovative.

"Um.....its because ....Aun Clary will be Ali's and new baby's mother ...they both will be her children so they will be siblings, but Dada and Papa will be the new baby's uncles so new baby will be Max's cousin" tried Alec to explain Max.

Max looked at his Dada's face with his brown orbes and asked " Dada, what ijj jiblingj(sibling)....?

Alec was bracing himself to face this question.

"Angel...siblings will call your Dada , Dada and your Papa , papa . They are whom you love and protect . Even if you feel like hating them still you will not be able to hate them . They will love you , play with you and when there will be problem they will stand by your side . They can turn the world upside down for you like your Aun Ijj or Unci Ja do for me. Or you can lay your lives for them Dada can give his life for Aun Ijj and Unci Ja..." said Alec to his baby boy.

Max cuddled Alec and said "Dada....I want a jibling....."

Alec chuckled . He did not see this coming .

" are too small to be a biggy brother...first you get big yourself....but soon you will be a big cousin brother....okay..." said Alec planting a kiss on Max's head.

Max said " Ali ijj getting a brther...I want a brther too...."

Alec chuckled hard this time.

" little angel is jealous of Ali...?'asked Alec.

Max hid his face on his Dada's chest.

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