Chapter 35 : Magnus!!! Part 11(END)

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"So , that day in the Branwell mansion Adams too liked me , didn't you...?" asked Magnus to Alec.

"Yes ....didn't you see that in my eyes...?" asked Alec.

"Mine was the love at first sight...." said Alec .

"Hmm...really , Shadowhunter?" asked Magnus.

"Yes, darling warlock..." said Alec kissing Magnus.

Magnus and Alec both were lying on bed . Magnus kept his head on Alec's chest . Alec was caressing Magnus' head . He was running his fingers through Magnus' neck length hairs which were not spiked up and left down .

"How do you know that what feelings you had for me that was true love ...?" asked Magnus to Alec like a child.

"When you feel the presence of someone without even looking at his face , what else could it be ? There was the same click which I  felt in this birth  too ,looking at you for the first time..." said Alec.

Alec felt something wet on his chest .

Alec looked down .

"Magnus???" asked Alec in doubt.

But there was no sound from his warlock .

Alec lifted Magnus' chin up deliberately . He saw tears in Magnus' eyes.

"Magnus!! ...why are you crying ?" asked Alec.

"It's because , I could not save you from the horrible life you had in your previous birth. " said Magnus clutching his shadowhunter tight.

"Magnus , it was not your job to save me . You did not even know, what I was going through. That ass Joseph did not allow me to stay alone with you...don't blame yourself ..." said Alec wiping his warlock's eyes .

" sleep...." said Alec.

"That ass had tortured you enough..." said Alec.

"I had never seen you so ferocious and angry I got a little scared from you ..." said Magnus to Alec lying on Alec's body.

"I was angry for you one has the right to stay happy after causing pain to my warlock. When I was tracking you through my Parabati bond , I saw , how that swine hit your head , I vowed then Magnus that I would make the life of that man a living hell. " said Alec.

"You took your revenge ...Love" said Magnus sleepily.

"Magnus , what I did to that Joseph was not just my revenge , rather it was because he had the audacity of causing you pain .I forgot Joseph . I never had visions of my horrific past life ever.But what Joseph did to you was enough for me to make him castrated...let alone the reason that he raped me ..." said Alec kissing Magnus' forehead.

Magnus snuggled more into Alec .

There was silence for a  few minutes between the couple .

Suddenly , Magnus snapped open his eyes and asked in a little raised voice " Where is Max ???"

Alec smiled a little and did not reply .

"Where is Max , Alexander..???" asked Magnus hysterically.

"He was last in my arms in the Branwell Mansion...after that Isabelle took him from my hands...and then we came here....." ranted Magnus panicking.

Alec laughed .

"Did you really think that we forgot to bring Max back with us..?" asked Alec chuckling.

Magnus smacked Alec's shoulders.

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