Chapter 73 : Relieved

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"Magnus are getting worried unnecessarily ....believe me ...there's nothing to get worried . I can feel  a tremendous positivity in me...this positivity is telling me that this time the Angels will help me with Rafe ...they will not betray you...I myself will fight with Angel Raziel if he did not keep his promise...I will set the whole heaven on fire if they take me away from you..." said Alec trying to calm his fidgety husband who was pacing up and down in front of him like a pendulum . Max was sitting on Alec's lap ,leaning his back on Alec's bump and looking at his Papa moving right and left with his baby eyes.

Magnus looked at Alec and said " It is easy for you to say that ...Alexander. I am stressed and you will never understand my will never understand how much I love you ...and how devastating it would be to lose you ...??"

Alec looked at Magnus with his brows raised.

"I can't believe that you just said those words...." said Alec a little hurt.

Magnus looked at Alec and realised that he just told something really wrong to his loving husband. He ran to the couch where Alec was sitting and sat close beside Alec .

Alec held Max tight  and moved his face on the other side.

Max looked at his Dada and then at his Papa.

Magnus leaned on Alec and held his hands and said " Forgive's that I was so stressed that I did not see what came out from my mouth. "

Alec did not respond.

"Love ???" pleaded Magnus.

Alec did not say anything. He looked outside the window.

Magnus pulled Alec's face towards him with his hands and said " I am sorry..."

He came close and gently held Alec's lips with his lips. Alec gave in and took his warlock's apologizing kiss.  Magnus smiled a little knowing Alec had forgiven him for his insensitive words. 

The couple broke out with Max's giggle. Max was giggling at his kissing parents.

Alec and Magnus both chuckled at Max. 

"He is getting naughtier...." remarked Magnus.

Alec chuckled appreciatively. 

Soon Max's laugh stopped and he held his little bum and said " Oppshhhh"

Alec's eyes widened and Magnus looked in confusion.

"What happened....??" asked Magnus .

Alec started laughing .

Magnus looked at his family and asked again " What happened??"

Alec said amidst laughing " Rafe kicked Max on his bum ...and it was really a hard one ..."

It took few seconds for Magnus to understand and then he started laughing too.

"Oh...God..the little one kicked Max , as he was giggling at our kiss...." said Magnus now amidst laughing.

Max looked at his parents shyly and getting red on his cheeks.

Alec looked at Max and his red cheeks and he chuckled ....

" are so cute...." said Alec and held Max tight and kissed him on his red chubby cheeks .

Alec asked " Was the kick bad ??"

Max rubbed his bum with his chubby little  hands ...and nodded his head in an yes.

Magnus smiled and kissed Max on Alec's lap and said " Oh you are too adorable like your Dada...."

This time Alec and Max both blushed  ...

Magnus looked at his family and chuckled lovingly.


"Thanks for coming ...Cat...It means a lot to me..." said Magnus hugging Catarina tight. 

"You called me can I not come ?" asked Catarina jovially.

Catarina then hugged Alec and said " Oh...Rafe is growing fast..."

Alec smiled a little and hugged Catarina back.

Magnus gestured Catarina to sit and placed a glass of wine in front of her.
Magnus placed a glass of fresh lemon juice in front of Alec and himself took the same.

Catarina asked "What's the matter ...I remember you had your check-up with me few days later why called me up ??"

Alec looked at Magnus giving a sip on his glass of juice.

Magnus looked at his shadowhunter and then started ...

"'s...that ...I don't want Alec to go into labour...." said Magnus .

Catarina looked confused at Magnus and said " What ...?? You want him to carry the baby forever...."

Alec choked on his juice and stifled a laughter.

Magnus glowered at Alec .

Magnus looked at Catarina and elaboarted himself .

"Cat ....Asmodeus did not give endurance to Alec to bring a life on this he ...he...might not survive the process of I want some alternative to bring the baby without him going into labour. " said Magnus explaining himself to his old warlock friend.

Catarina looked at Magnus without any expression.

After some meaningful pause ...

"I see...." said Catarina.

"I can understand your concern, Magnus . It's natural for you to get scared because ...during the time of Max we all know what had happened..." said Catarina.

"So to allay your fears ...I think we all must be vigilant. Alec , you should be the most vigilant among us. Because it's your body and you could feel the baby's littlest movements.

Now listen carefully ....

I have told you the tentative due date. Alec you  have to feel each and every movement inside your body and make a note of it. The moment you feel that your body is heading towards early labour you will tell me...I will come immediately ...and if needed I will operate Rafe in the same way I operated Max out.

And , Magnus ....don't stress out so much . I am here and giving you assurance that Alec is in good hands  and I will not let anything bad happen to your loving shadowhunter...and of course to my little Rafe. " said Catarina smiling assuringly.

Magnus and Alec listened carefully to each and every word of Catarina .

Magnus smiled a little and said " I would be by his side always ....I will not let him endure the pain for which his body is not prepared   "

Alec smiled at his warlock lovingly .

He understood that his husband's dedication for him knew no bounds. How could he possibly let death do  them part . He thought in his mind that if Angel Raziel thought of betraying his warlock then Alec would really set the whole heaven on fire. He could not leave his husband to suffer.  He loved him and his family more than anything.

Alec shifted a little closer to his warlock and held his hand tight.

" Are you feeling relieved now...??" asked Alec to his husband.

Magnus smiled at his shadowhunter . He kissed his cheeks and said " Yes...much..."

Catarina smiled dreamily at the couple sipping wine from her glass.


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