Chapter 90 : Bollus 1

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Max and Sinus were playing in the garden of the Lightwood-Bane mansion. Alec and Magnus were alone in the living room looking at Max and Sinus through the glass wall.

Magnus was clutching Alec's hands. He was thinking some deep thoughts. Alec was looking at his warlock.

"Magnus , what is it ?" asked Alec.

"It's that , I know Bollus. He is a special demon. With his ability to change body , he becomes all the more dangerous." Said Magnus worried.

Alec looked at his warlock husband.

Alec asked " Magnus , our place is warded , still how could he enter?"

"Actually , Bollus is a special demon..he can break wards in the form of animals..." said Magnus holding his head on his hands.

Alec placed his hands on Magnus' shoulders and said " Dear , don't worry , I could feel the presence of the  demon in any form, I am a shadowhunter. " said Alec.

Magnus looked at Alec and said " Love , I cannot take chances. I don't want Bollus to be  near you ."

"Are you hiding something from me ?" asked Alec. 

Magnus looked at Alec . There was a pause. Magnus was twidling his thumbs.  He was tense , it was clearly evident on his face.

"Actually , Bollus was created by Lilith with her blood . And Lilith always wanted Bollus to be in her shadows both physically and mentally.

So Bollus was trained to hate me. In fact you can say that Bollus was created to hate me . Whenever he smells me and my blood  , he would try to kill me..." said Magnus.

"Oh..God , you mean he is after you more than Rafe ??" asked Alec.

Magnus looked Alec and said "Yes and also no. "

Alec looked at Magnus and raised a brow in confusion.

Magnus looked at his shadowhunter and said " Well , yes because , his very creation was done to hate me at all steps so he is after me ...but I am Asmodeus' son , so he could not harm me. But he can smell my blood. Now Rafe has my blood too. He is in his formative stage. So as a demon Bollus would get the smell of my blood from Rafe Bollus would be ferocious on ...on...Rafe and consequently , on you , my love..." said Magnus and he sat helplessly on the couch.

Alec took few seconds to process about the info which Magnus provided just now to him.

Alec sat beside Magnus and placed a hand on Magnus' shoulder. 

"Everything will be fine , Magnus , I told you that your love is my lucky charm and I will always  be protected through it . Don't worry ...Magnus." said Alec.

Magnus looked at his shadowhunter .

"Magnus what is it ?" asked Alec.

"Once again , it is me, who is the reason for risk to your life ..." said Magnus.

"Oh, Magnus , stop thinking that way .." said Alec.

Alec hugged Magnus and said " Magnus , you are my everything..I love you . Probably you are the  reason why I am surviving on this earth. My life was so miserable before meeting you are my oxygen Magnus can't be the reason for the risk to my life..." said Alec to his loving husband.

Magnus clutched Alec back.

Alec caressed Magnus' back.

"Magnus , never think that way..If Bollus is a problem, we will fight that creature as well. He anyways have to face me if he tried to harm you..." said Alec.

"He would not be able to harm me ...I am Asmodeus' son.." said Magnus.

"But , I am worried about you and my little Rafe.." said Magnus.

Alec came out of the hug and kissed Magnus on his cheeks and said " Don't worry , my possessive husband ...I will be fine because you love are my everything. "

Magnus smiled at his loving shadowhunter and said " We have to be extra careful..."

Alec nodded his head.

Sinus and Max came inside .

Max  ran to Magnus and said " Papa , water , Max thirshty..."

Max smiled and snapped his fingers and gave the bottle of water to his little piece of heart. Max held the bottle and drank the water fast to quench his thirst .

Magnas snapped and a glass of water appeared for Sinus too.

"Have it , buddy , it seems Max has squeezed all the energy out of you.." said Magnus  smiling at Sinus.

Sinus smiled back at Magnus and took the glass . He took a sip from the glass.

"Yes, you are right get to know how old you have become when you play with a kid as energetic as our little Majesty here..." said Sinus.

Magnus and Alec chuckled.

"Have a seat Sinus , you look so tired." said Alec.

Sinus smiled and sat on the couch.

Sinus took another sip from his glass.

"Sinus , how Bollus can be killed ? "asked Alec breaking the silence.

Sinus looked at Alec and said " Your Highness...Bollus has a special way to be killed. He was created by Lilith . He shows the dark thought of Lilith.  So any weapon with power of the Divine Light can kill that demon..."

Alec listened to Sinus carefully.

He nodded his head thoughtfully.

Magnus looked at Alec and said "Sinus is right , Love. He could be killed with the weapon dipped in Divine Light.."

"What is Divine Light ?" asked Alec.

"The light from Heaven..." said Sinus elaborating.

Alec nodded his head thoughtfully again.

"So , in a way , he is immortal , your Highness...because the Divine light cannot be found on this earth , so Bollus is practically immortal." said Sinus.

Alec nodded his head again.

Magnus was looking at the ground.

Alec looked at his warlock husband and said " Magnus, don't worry , everything would be fine..."

Magnus looked at Alec and said " You are the light in my dark , my Love. Stay by my side always okay .."

Alec smiled and kissed Magnus' head and said " Always , with all the devotion and loyalty, promise."

Magnus smiled.

Sinus looked at his king and king and he smiled.

Sinus was admiring the love between the two of his most favourite people in this world.

//to be continued //

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