Chapter 24 : Doppelganger

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"Magnus, I want a favour from you ..." said Alec with a file full of papers in his hands.

"Alexander , how many years are we married...?" asked Magnus to his Alexander.

Alec looked confused at his warlock.

"Um ..for last seven years...." said Alec like a good boy.

"How many times did I tell you that I don't do favours on you , I love you and I like to do things for you ? " asked Magnus now wrapping his arms around his chest.

"Um....sorry....Magnus...." said Alec now scratching his head .

"If you want something from me , you will just ask , okay...." said Magnus smiling and now coming close to his shadowhunter and wrapping his arms around Alec's neck.

Alec nodded and smiled.

"What is it that you wanted.. ?" asked Magnus lovingly.

"Yah...actually these are very important documents about a deal regarding a bridge from the Seelie world to the shadow world. The Seelie queen had given her consent but there is a group of seelies who are opposing this bridge thinking that shadowhunters would take unnecessary advantage of the seelies if they got access to the seelie world. I have an information that they have appointed someone who is after these documents. Can you please keep these documents in your custody ....safely warded..." said Alec propping the files.

"Anything for you , my love..." said Magnus smiling and taking the files from Alec's hands.

"Pappa, what ijj thijj" asked Max from his chair on the dinning table and pointing at the files..

"Sweetie, they are very important files , Dada has given me to keep safe..." said Magnus to Max .

Max went silent.

"Here , come...let me help you with your breakfast , because you are eating less and spreading your food everywhere, more..." said Alec taking the spoon in his hands . Max giggled. Max was happy , he wanted his Dada to feed him.

Magnus went straight into the bedroom and kept the documents in the most secret part of his closet where he used to keep his spellbooks and some important potions that may bring the world upside down.

He came out of the bedroom closing the door.

Alec was busy making Max to eat his breakfast.

Magnus said smiling" Its done and its safe .. you should not worry about the documents anymore."

"Thank you , Magnus" said Alec.

"Here , give the spoon to me, I will make him to eat the rest of the breakfast ....go get ready for your office" said Magnus.

Alec kissed Max and gave the spoon to Magnus and sprinted off to the bedroom to get ready . He needed to go to the Clave's office and attend an important meeting.

As Magnus had finished with Max's breakfast , Alec came out of the bedroom , fully dressed .

Alec moved near to Magnus and said "Magnus you know , there is the meeting today, so my phone will be switched off the whole day...take care of yourself and Max .
I may be late too...."

Magnus nodded and kissed his shadowhunter." Don't worry , we will be right here , when you come back..."

Magnus made a portal for Alec to the Clave . Alec quickly kissed Max's head and said " Bye Sweetheart , Dada will be back soon . Be a good boy and don't be naughty naughty with Papa, you promised , remember...."

Max nodded and kissed his Dada's cheeks with his little pink soft lips.

Alec smiled a little.

He waved a bye to both of his two worlds and soon went into the portal.Magnus pulled Max in his arms and they waved Alec a good bye.

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