Chapter 93 : Bollus Pt 4

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Magnus came near Alec.

Max wanted to go to his Dada.

Alec smiled and took Max in his arms and placed him on his waist.

Alec kissed Max on his head and cheeks and said " It's okay , Sweetie ...I am good and we are all good..."

Max clutched his Dada in his little embrace. Alec smiled at his little piece of heart and poured ample amount of love for him .

'Are you alright , Love ?" asked Magnus.

Alec nodded his head and said " Yes, Magnus , don't worry , I am all good."

Magnus kissed his shadowhunter on his lips. Alec took the lips of his worried husband . The loving kiss from Alec annihilated all sorts of tension and worry away from Magnus. Magnus smiled a little and got relaxed.

Magnus came out of Alec's embrace.

"What about that demon , Bollus ?" asked Alec.

" has changed it's shape. And it has to be somewhere here..we have to be very careful..." said Magnus.

Alec nodded his head in understanding and alert.

Magnus was looking around him alert.

He propped magic in his hands.

Alec was holding Max tight close to himself and looking around the kitchen.

There was no movement and complete pin drop silence everywhere. Magnus was looking around the kitchen with alert eyes too in the anticipation of what Bollus would do ?

But Bollus was clever . He was not doing any movement . He was waiting for the right time. Alec looked questioningly at Magnus. Magnus blinked his eyes in assurance .

"I think Bollus is not here. He might have gone back to Edom . He is always this chicken. He could never stand ground before me. I am after all Asmodeus' son. He can't stay in front of me. He always gets his ass kicked in front of me " said Magnus.

"Oh , really Magnus. It has to be that way , darling . You are the most powerful warlock. Also you are Asmodeus' son. Bollus stands no ground in front of you. He will always be a chicken . " said Alec.

Alec looked around once.

Magnus looked at Alec and winked.

Alec smiled and winked too.

Magnus gave a quick kiss to his shadowhunter as he found a winking Alec very cute for the moment.

Alec smiled at his husband.

"So you see this Bollus is really a chicken..." said Alec to his husband loudly . They were doing that to entice Bollus to come out.

Magnus clutched his shadowhunter and said " You are right ,Love. He doesn't stand ground before me. He has never stood in front of me even before today. "

Soon Magnus could sense some sort of foreign movements in the kichen. Magnus looked at his shadowhunter and talked with his eyes and informed about the presence of Bollus to him.

Alec nodded and gestured to Magnus that he was ready.

But before Alec could think anything else, Bollus took the shape of Magnus and held the real Magnus from back. Alec could see that the two Magnuses rolled over one another. And Alec lost the track which was the real Magnus.

Alec looked at Max on his arms .

Max was looking at two Magnuses with equal concern and confusion . He could not find his real Papa either .

Alec looked at the two Magnuses.

"Max , can you stop these two men from fighting ?" asked Alec to his little piece of heart on his waist.

Max nodded his head.

He used his magic and pulled the men away from each other.

Alec looked at the two men .

"Love , I am Magnus. He is Bollus " said one of the Magnuses. The other one repeated the same.

Alec got really confused .

Alec looked at the two Magnuses with confused eyes.

"Love , look at me , I am your Love , your everything . I had married you.." said one of the Magnus.

The other Magnus defended and said " No, Love , you are my everything and I love you more than anything in this world..."

Alec looked at both the Magnuses and smiled.

Alec asked " What did you say , can you please repeat ?"

The first Magnus nodded his head and said " Yes, Love ,I said that don't listen to this idiot Bollus . He is as treacherous as possible. I am your everything...your love of life ...the one who married you and showed you a new world. I am the one who gave you a new life."

Alec smiled and said , " Indeed , dear you did many things to me , you really gave me a new life. You changed my life..."

The first Magnus smiled.

Then Alec looked at the second Magnus and asked " And what did you do for me?"

The second Magnus looked at Alec and said " I don't know what I did for you ...but I just know that you are my everything and I can't live without you...that's it. Love I would die without you and our Max and Rafe."

Alec smiled.

"Huh ..always thinking of himself.You did this to him , you did that to him.." said Magnus one.

Alec said " Rafe , dear , Can you use your magic to lit my blade...?"

Alec felt Rafe's exceptional magic inside his body and soon Rafe's light reflected out. Alec held his sword in that divine light. The sword glowed with divine light. Rafe was manifestation of Angel Inthuriel. Alec planned to use his divine light to kill Bollus.

Alec went near to Magnus two .

Magnus one smiled and said " I knew you would take the right decision.. kill him , he is Bollus..."

Alec nodded and said " Yes , you are right darling..."

He propped the sword with his one hand. Max was looking at his parents confused.

Magnus two looked at his shadowhunter and said " I will always love you , in my life and in my death. You are my everything. "

Magnus one scoffed and said ' See , always thinking of his own..."

Alec propped his blade and at one go slashed the chest deep of Magnus one himself.

"Ahhhhhhhh....what ? Why..?...why me ??? He said about himself...always and I was telling about you , how I made your life beautiful and you killed me...instead?" said Magnus One.

"Yes, Bollus are Bollus ...there is no second choice of that..." said Alec.

"You said how you made my life good...and Magnus said how I made his life beautiful. He is my husband , Bollus...not a fool like you ..." said Alec.

Soon Bollus started to disintegrate.

" you know?" asked Bollus.

Alec smiled and held his husband who was Magnus two by his waist and said " It's because , you said how you made my life beautiful . By that , you are actually talking about yourself. You are not talking about me. Rather my Magnus said that how I made his life beautiful. By this he actually talked of me , not of himself. He is my true Love ..however you pretend you cannot become my husband....also Magnus is a father.. When he talked ,he talked about his family whereas you did not mention it in your conversation. ..."

With these words from Alec Bollus completely disintegrated .

Magnus took Alec's lips saying " Another feather on your head , my Inquisitor."

Max laughed and giggled.

Rafe made Alec to glow with his magic.

Alec smiled lovingly and in satisfaction amidst the loving kiss from his husband.

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