Chapter 28 : Magnus!!!Pt4

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"Where is Alec...?" asked a worried Isabelle entering the Clave's office .

"I just made him to sleep for some time. You know how stubborn he is  . He was not listening to me . Then, I looked at Max. Max is such a smart angel kid . He cuddled Alec and slept. Now Alec had no way to move, if he moved he would wake Max up, which he would never want . So he had to sleep with Max , cuddling him .  So both are now sleeping in the Clave's rest room Thanks to our smarty, cutie angel Maxie." said Jace to Izzy .

Izzy smiled a little listening to Max's cute and lovely antics.

"Have you found any clue of Magnus? " asked Izzy worried.

"No....not yet. There is something related to this Adams Scot Trueblood. And it is something deep and dark. " said Jace.

"Deep and dark?? What do you mean??" asked Isabelle worried .

"Whenever, we try to track Magnus through our Parabati bond  , we see an old dilapidated Mansion, a graveyard, The grave of Adams Scot Trueblood, a man sitting by the graveyard . But what is more worrisome is Alec's behaviour." said Jace.

"Alec's behaviour???" asked Izzy .

"Yes...the first time , we tracked Magnus , Alec was breathing heavily and he said that he felt someone strangling him . The second time when we tracked Magnus , Alec was trembling , completely drenched in his own sweat and shivering . He went unconscious . I had to bring him back . He told that he had known that mansion . But he could not remember , when did he exactly go there or how is he connected with that mansion .Also he was scared to his soul of that mansion for some reason." said Jace to Izzy filling her up with the information.

"What did you find about this Adams Scot Trueblood ?" asked Izzy .

"Nothing. Because there was no one with that name anywhere in the database. "said Jace.

"Trueblood  .....Trueblood is Mum's maiden name.." said Izzy thoughtfully . 

"Can we ask Mum ...she might help us in this..." said Isabelle suggestively.

Jace looked down thoughtfully .

Alec might kill us for dragging Mum into all this .

"No problem ...we will hold Max as a shield infront of us. Max's cuteness will be enough to handle Alec...
don't worry. " said Izzy smiling.

Jace chuckled.

Izzy pulled out her phone and dialled Maryse's number .

Maryse picked her phone up and said " Hey , my princess , how are you ?"

"Mum, we need you ...I am opening a portal at your shop , just take your phone , wallet and a warm coat and get inside the portal. Its urgent." said Izzy.

"Okay....I will be there " said Maryse Lightwood from the other side of the phone.

Maryse did as was told and entered the portal which Izzy opened leaving behind a note for Robert that she has gone to visit her Little Angel Max as she was missing her Grandchild beyond words.


"Oh God...Magnus is missing. Where is Alec , I need to see him ...he must be worried sick ...and Max...he is so sensitive and possessive about his Papa..he must be a crying mess. " blurted out Maryse to Jace and Isabelle.

"Mum ,Alec and Max have gone to sleep after a lot of coaxing . They are resting in the Clave's rest room . " said Izzy to Maryse.

Maryse nodded her head in understanding.

"Mum, have you heard anyone of the name Adams Scot Trueblood " asked Izzy .

" do you know about him...who told you about him..." asked Maryse a little tensed.

Jace's eyes went wide and he said " You know about Adams Scot ..and we were finding about him in the database yet could not find him...was he a shadowhunter ..???"

Maryse nodded his head .

"Who called Mum...????" asked Alec entering in his office where all the Lightwoods gathered. Alec was surprised seeing Maryse  . Though it was reassuring for him to see his loving Mum at the time of distress yet he thought that his old Mum should have been spared from the tension .

Max flew straight into his Grandma's arms and clung tight to his Gramma's body.

" ...angel...don't worry....everything will be alright , Papa would be right back ...and will play with you...angel..." said Maryse caressing Max's little head  .

Watching the scene , Alec could not remain angry anymore and soon he melted and forgot to ask who exactly called Maryse.

Jace looked at Alec and said "Maryse knows about that Adams Scot Trueblood. "

Alec went wide eyed and asked "Mum, do you know about Adams Scot  Trueblood. ?"

Maryse nodded her head and said "Actually he was a member of the extended family of Truebloods .
I met him few times. Also  I had a crush on him when I was a teenager. "

All Jace , Alec and Izzy smiled a little hearing about their mother's crush.

Alec , Izzy both sat on the couch and Jace sat on the chair as Maryse was about to begin the story of Adams Scot Trueblood.


A plate was slid in front of Magnus. Magnus' hands were capped in shackles . He was panting heavily. He was not been given food or water for the last seventeen hours.  Magnus was not feeling his magic im his body . His body was too weak to apply any magic. Also his hands were capped so it was impossible for him conjure up even a small bit of his magic .

Magnus looked at the man in front of him who was pacing to and fro.

"Who are you and what do you want from me ?" asked Magnus to the man . The man was hunched forward and was covered in a robe with a hood  . With the wrinkles on his exposed hands , Magnus could guess that the man was very old.

"I just wanted your powerful magic to draw someone towards me , whom I have lost many years ago.." said the old man.

"Why me?" asked Magnus.

"Its too early for you to know everything...warlock the food " hissed the Man.

Magnus was too weak . His body needed energy to conjure up magic.

"Loosen the shackles , I cannot eat without my hands...." said Magnus.

The old man smiled slyly and came near to Magnus . He loosened the shackles a little so Magnus could eat . Magnus immediately used the opportunity and snapped his fingers but there were no magic coming out of his hands.

The man laughed like a demon .

"Warlock, you think , I am that stupid. I have given you a potion already , when I kidnapped cannot use your magic till I want...." hissed the man  .

He slapped Magnus and said " Eat the food and drink this if you wanted to stay alive..."  and the man puta glass of water in front of Magnus.

Magnus closed his eyes with the initial burning sensation on his cheeks and  asked " Do you have any idea, whom you just slapped ??"

The man looked at Magnus.

"I am not just a warlock . Slapping me , you have actually started an enmity with the present most powerful man of  the shadowworld. I hope you have the energy to bear the enmity with him..." finished Magnus and this time smiling demonically at the man  himself.

The man shoved the plate towards Magnus and said " Eat warlock, I want  you alive...."

"Don't worry , even I want myself to stay alive too , to see what exactly happens to you at the end of all these..." said Magnus shoving a dry bun in his mouth.

//to be continued......//

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