Chapter 40 :Its his birthday

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Magnus had balanced himself on his elbow and  he was looking at his shadowhunter.It had been around twenty minutes that Magnus was admiring his shadowhunter's beauty.

The plum pink lips , the big eyes which were closed now as his shadowhunter was in deep sleep , the long eyelashes, all these are complemented by a mop of thick raven black hair on the head of his shadowhunter. A lone lock of hair was dangling over one eye of his shadowhunter , blocking Magnus' vision ...very carefully Magnus moved that lock of hair from Alec's closed sleeping eyes....not to disturb his shadowhunter.

Alec smacked his lips in his sleep .
Magnus looked at Alec's now wet lips..which were glowing  like a dew drop on the rose petal.

Magnus smiled in his mind. For Magnus , Alec was epitome of beauty. God had used all His artistry in making Alec.

Magnus could not resist himself . He moved a little closer and kissed his shadowhunter on his plum lips.

"Mmmmm" moaned Alec and cuddled Magnus in his arms.

"Oopps..." exclaimed Magnus and fell on his shadowhunter. Alec interlocked his arms around Magnus and cuddled him more.

Magnus chuckled....

He did not see this coming.

"Happy Birthday Love..." said Magnus a little above whisper .

"Mmmm" responded Alec in his sleep. Magnus was laying on top of Alec and Alec was cuddling Magnus in his sleep.

"Thank you, dear Husband..." said Alec in his raspy voice . Alec kissed Magnus' head and again drifted of to sleep.

Magnus kissed Alec's chest and said " Will you not wake up...?"

"Hmmm" said Alec .

Alec opened one of his eyes and looked at Magnus.

"Gooď Morning ...birthday boy..." said Magnus to Alec.

"Good morning..." responded Alec.

Magnus slipped on the side of Alec. Alec let his warlock go with much reluctance.

Magnus scooted up and kissed his shadowhunter on his cheeks.

"Happy Thirty one years birth anniversary love" wished Magnus to his shadowhunter once again.

"Thank you , I love you ....Magnus ...a lot.." said Alec batting his sleepy lashes.

Magnus smiled . "As I love you love. A many thousands happy returns of this day , Alexander.Also I want myself to be the first to wish you on all those many days." said Magnus.

Alec smiled and said " I want that to happen too...."

Magnus cupped his shadowhunter's face and kissed his lips dearly  .

Alec took the lips of his warlock and started savouring them .

Alec and Magnus heard thumping of little feet. The sound of the feet came very close to the bed.

Alec and Magnus pulled out on time .

Magnus looked at Alec and said " He is coming...."

Alec smiled and nodded his head.

Max used his wings to get into his parents' bed.

Max landed on his rightful place that was in  between his parents .

Alec and Magnus shifted a little making space for Max's little body in  between them.

"Good morning , little Angel." said Alec and kissed Max's cheeks.

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