Chapter 56: Craving

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Alec was sitting on the floor and Max was roaming around him pulling his toy car behind him. Alec was busy with some paperwork of Clave and occassionally keeping an eye on his first born .

Max was running and occassionally coming near to Alec and kissing him on his cheeks . Alec smiled a little. It was a play for Max ....running around and kissing his Dada.

"Dinner is ready ....come asap " said Magnus from the dining table.

Max flew first with his wings.

Alec said " Coming!! "

He kept all his papers on the counter and went to have his dinner.

Alec said " Mmm...the food is looking tasty..."

"Yes , it has to , I made it with all my love..." said Magnus.

Alec sat on the chair and made Max to sit on his high chair.

Magnus gave Max's pasta in a small plate to him .Max started eating with his hands.

"No , baby , you should eat with your spoon  " said Alec to Max.

Max took up the spoon and started eating the food with great difficulty.

Alec observed and said " Its okay ...Sweetie , you can eat with your hands "

Max giggled and threw the spoons away . He started enjoying the food with his hands.

Magnus smiled proudly at his shadowhunter who gave his baby's happiness  prime importance over the stupid ettiquets.

Alec smiled at his little one , who is now enjoying his food.

"Love , finish your food too ..." said Magnus smiling to Alec.

Alec smiled and said " Yes...sure"

Alec pulled a morsel of his favourite pasta but the smell was disgusting today. He tried to suppress his nausea .

But it was in vein.

He pushed his chair back and ran to the bathroom .....

Magnus ran behind Alec  .

Max just looked at his running parents. He did not exactly understand why his parents were running .

Alec entered the bathroom and puked his entrails out on the toilet bowl.

Magnus held Alec's shoulder to support him . Alec was dry heaving .

Magnus asked " Is it over...??"

Alec nodded a little.

"Dadda???" asked Max from the door of the bathroom .

He was at the verge of crying . A little more and the dam would burst.

"Magnus , hold him , he is about to cry..." said Alec panting .

"Love ..." hesitated Magnus to leave Alec.

"Its okay...I can manage...Go to Maxie" said Alec to his warlock.

Magnus held Max in his arms and said " Dadda is good, Dada just have a tummy trouble...Dadda is good , Max..."

Max's tears did not stop at the consolation and he started crying.

Magnus held Max close to his chest and said " Oh , baby ...stop crying ...Dadda is good "

Alec quickly cleaned himself. Though he was feeling nauseous and dizzy , yet ,Max was much more important for him .

He went close to Max and said "Dada is good...Dada is good....Maxie , I am good."

Max looked at his Dada from his Papa's arms and gradually stopped crying.

Max said " Dadda good ???"

"Yes , baby , Dadda is all good...." said Alec smiling at his angelic-warlock.

Soon Max's smile returned to his lips  .

Magnus sighed a relief. So was Alec.


Alec did not eat anything that night. Magnus did not force him to either. Magnus tucked Alec under the covers and kissed him good night.

It was around two'o'clock , when Alec woke up . He was sweating profusely.
A craving for chocolate ice cream engulfed him . He woke up and sat on the bed .  He looked at Magnus . Magnus was sleeping peacefully .

Alec did not feel like to wake Magnus up.

He went outside the bedroom stealthily.

Alec went straight to the refrigerator in the kitchen. He opened the fridge and found no trace of  chocolate ice cream . Since Max and Magnus both had allergy from chocolate , so Alec ensured that there was no chocolate in the house. Now he was craving for the same thing.

He cursed himself.

Alec could not feel relief. He wanted chocolate . He did not want to disturb his warlock at the middle of the night too.

Alec went to the bedroom . He tried to sleep but could not.

Alec sighed and sat up on the bed.

Alec was suffering in silence when there was loud knock on the door.

Alec was alerted and Magnus woke up.

"Who is knocking at this ungodly hours....???" asked Magnus.

Alec pulled a seraph from a small hidden crevice on the head board of the bed.

Magnus looked at the bed and then at his shadowhunter in amazement.

"You could be a good will hide treasure and nobody will find that ever in his life..." said Magnus.

Alec smiled a little.

Magnus and Alec sprinted to the main door. Alec was ready with the blade and Magnus had propped up the magic in his hand.

Magnus opened the door and saw a Jace was standing in his pyajamas . His hairs were dishevelled.

Magnus quickly asked Jace to come in . Both Alec and Magnus were worried seeing Jace at this late hours .

Jace came in . He was looking sleepy. As if he woke up from sleep and came straight to Lightwood-Bane Mansion.

"Is everything alright , Jace ????" asked Alec.

"You will tell me that... " said Jace a little cranky.

Jace put a big tumbler of chocolate ice cream on the table in front and said " Have this and let me sleep in peace,Alec."

Saying this much , Jace made an about turn and moved out of the door.

Alec looked at the tumbler and licked his lips .

He quickly opened it and started eating  the very desired chocolate ice cream.

Magnus looked at Alec surprised.

"Love , you were craving for the  chocolate ice cream??? and you did not tell me...???" asked  Magnus.

"You were sleeping I thought not to disturb you..." said Alec while savouring his ice cream.

Magnus came near Alec and said " Love , you would have not disturbed me , rather it was my duty to help you out in your hormonal ups and downs  "

Alec smiled at his warlock and kissed his cheeks .

Magnus smiled a little.

"But , poor Jace...." said Magnus .

Alec chuckled and said " Yes , poor Parabati , could not sleep because of my cravings....but its okay...he should understand , what I am going through while being pregnant."  said Alec giving a lopsided smile.

Magnus chuckled a little at his saddist pregnant Alexander.


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