Chapter 99 : He is coming Pt1

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"Oh god , Alexander..." said Magnus standing in front of the calender.

"What ??" said Alec looking deeply into a Clave's paper in his hands, half lying on the bed, taking a sip of the juice from a glass in his hands. Max was playing with Chairman on the carpeted floor of the bedroom.

When Alec did not find any reply from Magnus , he pulled his neck up from the papers and saw at his husband.

Magnus was looking at the calender , very seriously.

Magnus looked at his shadowhunter  and asked " Do you remember , what day is it ?"

Alec looked at Magnus and said " Well , it's not your birthday , it's not Max's birthday either. It's not Izzy's birthday too. What is it ?"

Magnus widened his eyes and said " Well , today is the due date . If everything goes normally then today might be our Rafael's birthday..."

"Oh...I see...but I don't think , he is coming today..." said Alec putting his nose again in the papers.

Magnus went and sat beside his shadowhunter .

"Well , if there is any movement from Rafe , you will first tell it to me okay..." said Magnus.

Alec looked up at Magnus. He smiled and took his husbands lips and said " Oh ,Papa , don't be so worried.  This time everything would be perfect .."

Magnus smiled at his shadowhunter and nodded his head.

Magnus stood up from the bed .

"Love , I am in the study , if you needed anything , I mean anything , then you will call me over tha calling bell okay ...or call me..or shout at the top of your voice , loud and clear." said Magnus.

Alec looked at Magnus and smiled. He said " Of course , Magnus. You just don't worry."

Magnus smiled and nodded and said " That I can't do...because I love you and care for you.."

Alec said " I understand. Probably i would have done the same thing if I were you .."

Magnus kissed Alec on his cheeks and said " Come Max , let your Dada work.."

The little feet of Max ran towards  Magnus . Magnus took his son and went to the study.

In the study .......

"Catarina , you remember the day , today ?" said Magnus to Catarina over phone.

"Yes , yes, how can I forget . Today is Alec's due date. Any movement from Rafe ?" asked Catarina.

"No , not yet. Alec says , he could not feel anything today. Probably Rafe is not in the mood to come today." said Magnus.

"Okay , but Magnus , tell Alec that if Rafe is conspicuously calm and not making any movement at all then , probably he might come soon..." said Catarina.

Magnus said " Okay , I will tell that to Alec. Meanwhile , you please keep your schedule a little loose , may be needed here soon.."

Catarina said  " I have already done that Magnus , don't worry..."

Magnus smiled and said " I am grateful that I have a friend like you.."

Catarina said " Hmm...I am grateful that I have friends like you and Alec..."

Magnus smiled and said " Okay , bye, I have to call the Lightwoods to be at the house..."

Catarina said " Okay , carry on..." and disconnected the phone.

Magnus smiled at his friend's dedication. He found himself to be very luckky to get a friend like Catarina.

Magnus dialled Jace's number .

"Hey , Magnus , what is it ? Is it time ? But I could not feel anything. Should we come? Clary has fixed a governess for the kids already. But I think Max needed to be kept near Alec only .  Alec loves him so much. He would have wanted to be kept near Max always. Also we may require the tremendous magic of the venerated Great Demon . But why am I not feeling anything ?" said Jace almost in one go.

"Because , it's not time yet. " said Magnus calmly.

"Oh...I thought that Alec has gone into labour.." said Jace a little embarassed.

"It's okay , Jace . I just called you to remind you that you need to  remain prepared. You  can be called anytime on emergency." Said Magnus to his brother-in-law.

'Yes , yes , Magnus , I know that.I am just waiting for just one call from you.." said Jace.

"Okay, will Maryse be able to come ?" asked Magnus.

"Okay , I will talk to her. Izzy is also waiting for my call. So you just have to call me and all Lightwoods would be there within seconds okay ..
Don't worry okay , you are not alone in this. " said Jace.

Magnus said " Thank you , Jace .You had been really supportive ..."

"Well , he is my Parabati , Magnus. " said Jace.

Magnus smiled and said  " Yes , ofcourse..."

"Okay , bye.." said Jace.

Magnus wished good bye and disconnected the phone.

Magnus looked down and Max was looking keenly at Magnus. He was not smiling .

"What is it , honey ?" asked Magnus to his baby boy.

"Whath wil happeen to Daddda..." asked Max.

Magnus sighed and pulled Max up in his arms.

"Nothing will happen to your Dada , Sweetheart. It's nothing. But you will soon get to meet Rafe..." said Magnus .

"Rafe come..." asked Max.

"Yes , Sweetie...Rafe will come really soon..." said Magnus .

Max snaked his plum arms around Magnus' neck and said " Dadda will good."

" Yes , Sweetie , Dada will be all good." Said Magnus.

He clutched his baby boy and hugged him tight.

Max hugged his Papa back.

"Magnus , where are you ?" asked Alec  .

Magnus quickly looked up .

He ran with Max on tow to his shadowhunter.

"What is it , Love , is it time , should I call Catarina...?" asked Magnus.

"No , Magnus , calm down ...there is nothing like that..." said Alec holding his pregnant belly.

"Then what are you doing here, out of bed  all by yourself..." asked Magnus.

"I was calling Max.  When he did not respond , I got really worried . So I came out  to tell you about Max. But Max is actually with you..." said Alec.

"Don't be so worried , Alexander . See Max is all good. He was talking with me...that's why he did not hear your call.." said Magnus.

Alec lifted his hands up to take Max.

Magnus said " I am sorry to say this , Alexander.But no lifting Max now. " said Alec.

Alec sighed and  said " So , I cannot take my son in my arms..."

"Not for next few days..." said Magnus.

Alec smiled and said " I think Rafe is not coming today..."

Magnus asked " How do you know ??"

"Because he is all active and he has not shifted down yet. Catarina said to call her if I felt him shifting down.." said Alec.

Magnus smiled and said " But the day is still left and he shall come soon.."

Alec nodded his head.

Alec squished Max's cheeks and said " You gave a little scare to me , little demon. "

Max giggled clapping his hands.

//to be continued //

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