Chapter 30 : Magnus !!! Pt 6

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Adams' story continues......

"It was already almost one month that Adams was living in our house with his Mum . My dad arranged a work for Adams' Mum as a librarian in the Alicante Central Library. It was a job of good pay . So , his Mum was settled and was finding a small house to stay with his son.  But his Mum was not happy with Adams. I have seen frequent squabbles between them . Adams used to say everytime to his mother that his liking for a man  was not a disease. It would never go away.

One day I caught Adams talking to a young Man in my backyard. The man must be in his early twenties . He was good looking and very royal in his attire. I instantly understood that he must be Adam's Joseph. I thought of meeting him .

"Am I interrupting ..." said I from behind.

Scot looked at me and said "Maryse, come here...let me introduce you to a very special person...." said Adams looking lovingly at Joseph.

But , I swear , I saw something in Joseph's eyes. Those eyes were not ....were not normal...They were not betraying happiness of meeting one's lover, which he should be after meeting Adams . Those eyes were showing something negative , something ominous.

But I thought of suppressing my thoughts thinking that I was brooding too much about something. I went to Adams . He held me from my back , like a brother and said " Maryse , meet the love of my life , Joseph Branwell , and Jos , this is Maryse , I told you about...she had a crush on me. " said Adams chuckling.

I slapped on Adams shoulder and pouted. "It was just a feeling , which passed away , now we are good friends ....may be like brother and sister."

Adams laughed jovially.

"Oh, I see...the  young lady , who dared to love my love ....I don't like someone loving my love ...Adams is mine , only mine one's else....." said Joseph.

Adams looked at Joseph and said " Come on , Joseph , she did not know that I was into we are good friends. She is so sweet and kind to me..."

Joseph looked at Adams and said " I know my love...but you know , how possessive I am for you ...."

Adams kissed Joseph on his cheeks and said " I understand."

"Get your hands off her back .." said Joseph in a whisper. I was standing close so I could hear what he said .

Scot looked in a surprise at Joseph and said " She is like my sister , Joseph , nothing to get so worried...and I am a gay know that right...."

Joseph gave a nasty look to Scot  . And I could feel , Scot's brotherly hold on me was loosening from my back .

Then , Joseph smiled as Scot loosened his hold on me and freed his hand.

Joseph kissed Scot on his lips in front of me and looked at me while kissing Adams as if telling me that Adams was his prey and I must keep my hands off of him . The look which Joseph gave me was so scary that I feel goosebumps even today when I remember about it.

I could not help myself to stop worrying about Scot. For some reasons I did not like Joseph. My instincts were telling me , Scot was not in right hands  . Joseph was not the right person for Adams.  I felt very protective about Adams.

That night when Adams was sitting all alone in the lawn with his book , I went to him to talk.

Adams immediately kept his book aside and scooted a little to give me space on the bench. Over the days we grew into good friends. 

I sat beside him and asked " Scot , do you really love Joseph ? "

"Why , are you still hitting on me..?" asked Adams chuckling.

I chuckled a little and said "No, seriously , do you really love Joseph ?"

Adams nodded his head and said " He loves me a lot , Maryse. He is madly in love with me. He wants to spend his life with me.."

"And what about you ?" I asked Adams.

"I am happy that he loves me a lot ..." said Adams.

" You are saying that you are having Joseph in your life because Joseph loves you , you are just reflecting his love back thinking that he had done a favour on you by loving  you ..." I said  .

Adams looked at me and said "Yes ,You can say that ..." 

I sighed and said " Do you think , it would be a right thing to do . You actually don't love that person from the bottom of your heart . Yet you are taking up a relationship with him ..."

Adams sighed and said " He loves me so much , I think that would be enough for me and I will keep on reflecting his love back ."

I felt very protective of the poor boy . His position was making him so vulnerable that he could not make his own choice. I caressed his temples and said " Promise me Adams, If you ever needed any kind of help , you will come to me . My doors will always be open for you ...anytime any state.  "

He smiled at me and said " You can be a good mother. See , we have not known each other for even a month and you have become so protective over me. God knows what will you do for your children ".

I smacked his shoulder. He hissed in pain and said " Okay..okay...I promise, any problem I will look forward to you ...okay would be my safe haven..."

I smiled at him . He smiled back at me  .

After few days , Adams and his Mum found an affordable house. He moved out with his Mum and I never met him after that .

After about five years , I heard from his Mum that Adams was with Joseph in the Branwell's old Mansion at the outskirts of Alicante more to his Mum's dislike.

Many days later , I heard that Adams was dead . He died farely young , before even completing his  thirty. How he died , what happened I don't know..." finished Maryse sighing .

Alec , Izzy , Jace listened to Maryse's story in silence.

They were in a trance like state.

Then suddenly Alec said"Mum ,we saw in the vision that Adams Scot Trueblood died on December 13 , 1988."

Maryse gasped a little on the mention of the date.

"It's Dad's birthday..." said Izzy.

"Yes,  December 13 is Robert's birthday....and somehow Dec 13 , 1988 is very special to me..." said Maryse blushing a little.

Alec observed that.

"Mum , Have you seen this Branwell Mansion...can you describe that a little  ..." asked Alec to Maryse.

"I have never been there ...but have heard about that place..." said Maryse.

//to be continued......//

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