Chapter 54 : Nasty Part !!

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"Are you sure that , little Luci did not do it on purpose...??? " asked Jace pacing up and down in front of Alec .

Magnus was sitting with his head on his hands on his high back chair.

Alec looked at Jace while he was oscillating like a pendulum. All of them came to the Lightwood-Bane Mansion after having dinner at the Herondales.

Jace was scared to hell hearing from Clary about the accident , which he sensed from his Parabati bond . He was glad to find  that it  was averted on time by Magnus' reflexes.

Soon Alec and Magnus came back to the Lightwood-Bane Mansion with Jace . Clary understood that Jace wanted to stay with Alec for some time . He needed to calm his nerves. She did not protest when Jace declared to escort Alec to his house .

It was late at night and Max was sleeping peacefully in his own nursery.

"I think , it was an accident..." said Alec looking at Jace.

"You really think that Love ???" asked Magnus a little irritated.

"You were about to fall , I was about to lose my unborn child , and you are still saying that it was an accident ??? How could you , Alexander ???" asked Magnus, a little angry  at his beloved shadowhunter beacause he cares.

"Luci held the toy car in his hands from the very beginning , he did not drop that then , why he dropped that only when you stood up and that too right in front of your feet? " asked Magnus.

"Luci being Asmodeus , there is a clear chance that he did not want Angel Ithuriel to manifest in this world. " said Jace.

"Its the very reason why Asmodeus chose us to manifest himself , just to not allow Angel Ithuriel to manifest on this earth, as you said that Angel Ithuriel wanted to manifest himself from us at first....Alec however good you may want to see the situation , it's pointing to the fact that Asmodeus did it on purpose. The purpose is to kill Ithuriel and maintain a power imbalance , so that he could be strong.  Also he wanted to take  a revenge on you were the one who killed him ...." said Jace to Alec .

Alec listened to everything . He closed his eyes as he was feeling dizzy.

"Love,are you alright ???" asked Magnus worried forgetting all the anger.

He quickly came near Alec and took him in his arms .

Alec rested his head on Magnus' shoulder.

"I am good ....just a little dizzy ...." said  Alec .

Magnus caressed his shadowhunter's head.

Jace sighed a little and sat on the couch.

Jace held his head and closed his eyes.

Magnus snapped his fingers and a glass of water appeared in front of him .

"Drink this .." said Magnus.

Alec smiled and drank from Magnus' hands.

After some time when Alec felt a little good ,he said " Why don't we forget , what happened today ....??? I will not go close to Luci ....purposely or not purposely , he would not be able to harm me or Rafe ...."

Magnus said " I think that is better . I cannot take chances,Alexander , you are my everything and Rafe is my little piece of heart . "

Alec nodded his head. He looked at his warlock lovingly.

Jace said " I think that's better. Alec , don't take it other way but you will stay away from Herondale house for the rest of your  term with Rafe , okay ...."

Alec smiled and nodded.

"Okay , I must leave , Clary must be waiting for me..." said Jace and sprinted to the door closing it behind him.


Alec kept his head on Magnus' shoulder.

Magnus kept a hand on Alec's belly and said " We were  about to lose our Rafe...."

Alec nodded his head a little.

" I am so clumsy , Magnus..." said Alec .

" are not clumsy....I don't know , whether , it was on purpose or not but you should not be blaming yourself for today's incident. " said Magnus .

"Magnus ..." said Alec in a low voice.

"Yes, Love..." said Magnus.

"Thank you ...." said Alec .

"For what ...???" asked Magnus .

"For saving him..." said Alec placing a hand on top of Magnus on his belly.

Magnus felt his shoulders wet.

He looked a little doubtful at Alec. There were tear drops on Alec's cheeks.

Magnus pulled Alec's chin up and said " Shh..Love ....don't should not be sad should be cheerful always not good for the baby.."

Magnus wiped Alec's eyes.

Alec tried to smile a little.

Magnus took Alec's lips and kissed him dearly..

Alec welcomed his warlock's lips with all he had.

"We love you , Magnus..." said Alec in between the kisses .

"I love you both..." said Magnus to his pregnant shadowhunter.

The  kiss was starting to become a little heated. The kiss from his warlock was relaxing to Alec and he wanted more and more of it.

All of a sudden Alec moved Magnus from him  with a jerk .

Magnus looked confused at his shadowhunter...

"What is it , Love....? " asked Magnus.

Alec sat upright on the couch . He was trying to suppress the nausea that was gradually building in his body .

Alec's stomach started to churn.

He was trying to keep his dinner inside desperately . But.....

Magnus was looking worriedly at Alec's red face . He was trying to guess , what was exactly wrong with his shadowhunter.

*Retch* Alec covered his mouth .

"Oh...god...Alexander..." said Magnus understanding ...what was wrong with him .

Magnus quickly snapped his fingers and a bucket appeared in front of him .

Magnus held the bucket in front of Alec's face.

Alec moved his hands and emptied everything that was inside him .

"Here goes the dinner....." said Alec panting in between retches....

After filling bucket with his dinner , Alec did not stop. He now started retching out what he had in the evening.

Magnus rubbed Alec's back and  said ...

"Easy" said Magnus.

"*retch*....the nasty....*retch* ....part of ....*retch*...pregnancy..." said Alec in between puking.

Magnus chuckled a little and said ,

" Angel or Demon , you always have to go through this ,Alexander  , when you are pregnant ....."

Alec tried to chuckle but had to concentrate on heavings to puke out everything from his body , which Rafe did not want inside his Dada's stomach .


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